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Archive May - June 2005
Quito 28/6 2005
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Recording of 1250.00 HJCA Capital Radio, SF de Bogotá (Colombia)
Capital is,together with 1249.94 HJFV R. Viva, Pasto (Colombia), the dominating station on 1250 kHz. HCHB2 R. Tricolor, Guayaquil (Ecuador) is there
sometimes but not as often as 1-2 years ago and is still not presented on this ID site.
73s Bjorn Malm
Bogotá "Iglesia de Sal - entrance":

1250.00 HJCA Capital Radio, SF de Bogotá (Colombia). 0215 UTC. 06/2005.
Jingel "La emisora de nuestra gente".
Quito 25/6 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 1370.00 Radio El Rocio, Biblián (Ecuador)
Radio El Rocio has in the evenings a music program called "Ecuaméxico". As the name indicate a mix of Ecuadorian and Méxican music. Biblián is a small "Cantón" in the
province of "Cañar" and located not very far from "Cuenca", you can hear ads from that town quite often. Biblián is known for two things: The church (on the photo here below) "Virgen
del Rocio of Biblián" and "Santuario de la Gruta del Rocío" built on the highest part of the Zhalao Rock: "Tambo" with its archeological ruins.
Biblián "Virgen del Rocio of Biblián":

1370.00 Radio El Rocio, Biblián (Ecuador). 0345 UTC. 06/2005
The music program "Ecuaméxico".
1370.00 Radio El Rocio, Biblián (Ecuador). 1000 UTC. 06/2005
Jingel "La Voz del Austro".
Quito 23/6 2005:
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of 5809.82 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras (Colombia)
This must be something for " Guiness Record Book": some days ago I was listening to two radio stations at the same time but it´s not anything interesting for "Guiness" but.......: I was
listening to these two stations on 5 harmonics/spurs at the same time + the two stations fundamental channels.
Fundamental channels:
5909.07 Marfíl Estereo, Puerto Lleras (Colombia)
6010.12 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras (Colombia)
Mixing products (both sttions on each frequency):
5709.26, 5809.82, 6110.29, 6210.43 and 6310.58 kHz.
73s Bjorn Malm
QSL La Voz de tu Conciencia:

"Radio Ways"
(Rudolf Walter Grimm)

5809.82 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras (Colombia)
A mixing product of La Voz de tu Conciencia and Marfíl Estereo.
QTH Info:
Puerto Lleras is one of 29 Municipalities in the department of "Meta". The Meta is located in the centre of the country, at the East of the Andes mountain, in
the plain called the Llanos. Its capital is Villavicencio. The name belongs also to a river that crosses this department".
Quito 22/6 2005:
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of 1489.94 HJZB LV de los Robles, Tuluá (Colombia)
I´m using all the time recordings made with my new Ten-Tec receiver RX 350D but I still have many recordings not published made with my old NRD 535, one of them is of HJZB LV de los Robles
from october 2004.
73s Bjorn Malm.
1489.94 HJZB LV de los Robles, Tuluá (Colombia)
QTH Info:
"Tuluá is the second biggest town located in the core of the Valle del Cauca, Colombia, South America. Founded around 1741 in southwestern
Colombia on the Tuluá River, it has a population of around 200,000. It is in the heart of Valle del Cauca department. iTuluá is a industrial and commercial center. The city is famous
for its attractive women and delicious food. It is well-known throughout Colombia and many parts of South America as a major center of salsa dancing. Located 3° north of the equator, the weather
in Tuluá is very tropical, with hot, sunny days punctuated by intense storms. It lies between the two westernmost cordilleras of Colombia, about 50 miles east of the Pacific Ocean port city of
Quito 17/6 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 4826.39 Radio Sicuani, Sicuani (Perú)
You may think I just turn my radio on and there is the station with strong signal and superhigh sound quality. It is not so, for example I have been trying to make a good recording of Radio Sicuani
for more than one year, if LVS La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos (Perú) is off the signal from Sicuani is too weak, thunderstorm interference, utility interference, a Jumbo-Jet is taking off every 1
minute (the runway is very close to my radioshack) etc etc etc.........., but here is at last my first recording of Radio Sicuani.
73s Bjorn Malm

4826.39 Radio Sicuani, Sicuani (Perú). 06/2004.
Wonderful music!
Quito 16/6 2005:
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 1410.xx Radio La Luz, Trujillo (Perú)
This station is listed on 1390 kHz (WRTH 2004), I have not logged the station there but 2-3 times on 1410.xx kHz. ".xx" because it is imposible to listen in SSB So Radio La Luz has transmitter
problems and I do not know if someone is hearing them on the listed frequency 1390 kHz.
73s Bjorn Malm
Trujillo "The Cathedral":

1410.xx Radio La Luz, Trujillo (Perú)
No QTH on this recording but I have heard before the ID "Radio La Luz, Trujillo" on 1410.xx kHz.
Quito 13/6 2005:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of 1349.90 HJEN Radio Armonia, Cali (Colombia)
I asked more than one year ago (see "Archive" 14/4 and 16/4 2004) i f the name of HJEN really is Radio Fabulosa (listed WRTH 2004 is HJEN R. Fabulosa, Cali). I had
not any proof that the name was "Radio Armonia" but if you listen to my new recording and read information from "Ministerio
de Comunicaciones - Cali" the name of the station, not a slogan, is "Radio Armonia" owned by "Fundación Amor y Fe". If you have some more information about this please let me know. Is also
transmitting on FM "Armonia Estereo 99.xx".
73s Bjorn Malm

1349.90 HJEN Radio Armonia, Cali (Colombia)
"DX" recording means weak signal, interference etc.
Quito 11/6 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 4804.99 Radio Difusoras do Amazonas, Manaus (Brazil)
Good signals from Brazil on the 60- and 49 meter bands the last days but this Manaus station is always there. Ads for "Café Manau" and ID. Good sound-quality-station.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Manaus here!
4804.99 Radio Difusoras do Amazonas, Manaus (Brazil). 0945 UTC. 06/2005.
QTH Info:
"Manaus: This 1.5 million city lies along the north bank of the Negro River, 11 miles (18 km) above its confluence with the Amazon (Solimões). It is located 900 miles (1,450 km) inland from
the Atlantic coast in the heart of the Amazon rain forest. As a major inland port (reached by oceangoing vessels from the Atlantic) it is a collecting and distribution center for the river areas of
the upper Amazon. Principal exports include rubber, Brazil nuts, rosewood oil, jute, and a host of minor forest products; cordage and coffee sacks are made from jute. Manaus' industries include
brewing, shipbuilding, soap manufacturing, the production of chemicals, the manufacture of electronics equipment, and petroleum refining (the oil being brought by barge down the Amazon from
Quito 9/6 2005:
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of 819.91 HCUP1 Radio Unión, Quito
I have not presented this Quito station before, the reason is that Radio Unión is very irregular. I have not noted the station more than 2-3 times the last year. On this recording ID and news
program "Antena Informativa UNP". Not very strong signal and the sound is a little bit distorted.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Quito "Mitad del Mundo" here!
The climate here in Quito is the best possible. Breakfast
every morning 0800 local time outside my rdioshack, with
sunshine and 20-22 degrees Celsius at least 320 days/year.
819.91 HCUP1 Radio Unión, Quito (Ecuador). 2300 UTC. 06/2005.
Quito 7/6 2005:
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Recordings of:
Radio Eco 4409.77 (Dave Valko, Dunlo PA)
Radio Yura 4716.75 (Dave Valko, Dunlo PA)
Radio Mallku 4796.47 (Dave Valko, Dunlo PA)
I have received three very good recordings of Bolivian stations from a QTH in Dunlo, Pennsylvania on the eastern cost of the USA made byDave Walko. Dunlo is located not very far from New York and
the weathr conditions in his QTH is very similar with my own ex-QTH Lysekil on the Swedish west coast. It´s a very special feeling listening to LA stations with 1 meter snow and 15 degrees
below zero outside the radioshack window!
I asked if he somtimes is listening to mediumwave stations:
Dave: "I listen to mediumwave occasionally, whenever conditions are interesting. Unfortunately my 2 home-built (passive and active) loop antennas
are upstairs in the attic!! I've been thinking about bringing them down and using them again. Mexican stations are very difficult here. I wouldn't consider myself an active mediumwave DXer, but from
my personal experience, Mexicans are difficult. Living on the eastern seaboard, we have many many stations crowding the bands. QRM is very high!!"
Thank you very much for your recordings Dave! 73s Bjorn Malm
See photo of Dave Walko on one of his "Micro-DXpeditions" here!
Dave: "As for my micro-DXpeditions (called "micro" because the preparation is very quick and they don't last as long as regular DXpeditions); I
drive to several locations nearby to escape the local noise. I'll take along the NRD-535D and operate it from a rechargeable "Power Tank" battery or marine battery. I also use a portable Sony or
Sharp minidisc recorder or Marantz tape recorder".
Dave in his radioshack:

4409.77 Radio Eco, Reyes (Bolivia). 0015 UTC. 18/5 2005.
Made by Dave Walko, USA year 2005.

4716.75 Radio Yura, Ayllu Yura (Bolivia). 2353 UTC. 17/5 2005.
Made by Dave Walko, USA year 2005.

4796.47 Radio Mallku, Uyuni (Bolivia). 2350 UTC 17/5 2005.
Made by Dave Walko, USA year 2005.
Quito 4/6 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 1589.99 XEVOZ Radio Reloj, México City (México)
*** Recording of 1470.00 XEAI Radio Fórmula, México City (México)
For a DXer nothing is impossible, 8 months ago I logged for the first time a Méxican station on mediumwave here in Quito (see "Archive" 7/10 2004): XERF La Poderosa, Cd.Acuña 1569.99 kHz. Now I have logged 2 more and both from México City.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from México City here!
1470.00 XEAI Radio Fórmula, México City (México). 06/2005.
Good signal strength.

1589.99 XEVOZ Radio Reloj, México City (México). 1000 UTC. 06/2005.
First I thought this was a new Méxican station but it is listed "Bonita AM" with new name and new format. I listened almost 2 hours this saturday morning, program with YL/OM talking,
TC´s every minute asking their listeners to make a phone call to buy or sell things. Nothing more. Weak signal and was drifting +- 0.005 kHz. Adress and email they gave on air:
Avenida Revolución 1500
Quito 3/6 2005:
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 6009.996 Radio Mil, México City (México)
Has anyone noted that Radio Mil on 6010 kHz is coming in with good signal and without interference? I have never heard Radio Mil that strong before. The singer on the clip is one of
México´s super-mega stars: Luis Miguel.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from México City "Monumento de la Independencia" here!
6009.996 Radio Mil, México City (México). 1045 UTC. 06/2005.
QTH Info:
"Mexico City (Spanish: Ciudad de México) is the federal capital of, and largest city in, Mexico. It geographically spans the north portion of the Distrito Federal ("D.F."), although the
metropolitan area extends to the state of México to the north of the Federal District, and to the state of Hidalgo. According to government statistics Mexico City is the largest most populous
conurbation in North America, and second in the world, after Tokyo, with approximately 27.1 million people. Though its urban area is the third most populous in the world, what is officially known as
Mexico City (under the limits of the Federal District) is the most populous city in the world; that is, the greatest number of people governed by one mayor".
Quito 30/5 2005:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of 1219.93 Radio Libertad, Chiclayo - Lambayeque region (Perú)
I first noted this "Radio Libertad" with unknown QTH in july 2004 and I have been trying a long time to get the QTH. I have the last week been sure that the station is transmitting from the
"Lambayeque region": starts every morning around 1000 UTC mentioning the department of Lambayeque and the stations female owner. Perhaps some conection beetween this Radio Libertad and R. Libertad
stations in nearby regions "Cajamarca Region" ( 890 OCY2N R. Libertad, Cajamarca) and "La Libertad Region" (1160 OAX2C R. Libertad, Trujillo).
I´m now sure of the stations QTH: Chiclayo. Is not listed in WRTH I think(?).
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Chiclayo here!
1219.93 R. Libertad, Chiclayo - Lambayeque region (Perú). 1010 UTC.
If our local station Radiodifusoras Marañon, Quito is off I still have problems with QRM from R. María, SF de Bogotá and RCN, San Gil. But this morning a very good signal.
QTH Info:
"Chiclayo is a city on the northern coastal plain in Peru. It is 95 feet above sea level. The population is approximately 250,000. It is the capital of the
Lambayeque region. Chiclayo was founded in 1560 as a rural Indian village by a Spanish priest. Until the 19th century, Chiclayo remained a small town in comparison to the nearby city of
Lambayeque. However, the city of Chiclayo has since grown to become a major modern metropolis.
Lambayeque is a region in northwestern Peru. It is bordered by the Piura Region on the north, the Cajamarca Region on the southeast, the La Libertad Region on the south and the Pacific Ocean on the
Quito 29/5 2005:
*** Sunday edition:
Here is the answer to my question yesterday " What is the real name of HJLT?". Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for helping me solving this "name-problem" (listed name "R. Bohemia" in WRTH is out-of-date.
Thanks also to Ángel José Nicolás Esteve, Valencia (Spain) for mail regarding my recording of HJLT, Cali.
I logged this station, without knowing the name, on it´s 2nd harmonic already year 2001:
DXLD 1-019 February 11 2001: 3100.46H, HJLT, Santiago de Cali (Colombia). Feb 2001 - 1100 UT. HJLT Radio Bohemia is listed. Jingle: "La radio de la gran Comisión". Harmonic from MW 1550 kHz
(2 x 1550.23). (Bjorn Malm DXLD )
73s Bjorn Malm
Henrik Klemetz:
"Björn, the station is "Revivir en Cristo", also name of the church."La gran comisión" is a reference to the biblical passage in Matt. 28,19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations....
Some 20 years ago, this frequency hosted one of the stations of the "Cali cartel". Now, ironically, the frequency is used by a church offering a way out of drug dependency. More on this, in Spanish,
in the "Condiglist message group".
Quito 28/5 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 1549.73 HJLT, Cali (Colombia)
Listed station (WRTH 2004) is HJLT Radio Bohemia, Cali but I have not noted the name "Bohemia" but always this ID: "En el aire HJLT emisora cristiana...... cristo 1550 kHz en amplituda modulada, la
radio de La Gran Comisión".
I have received some very nice mails from Alberto Merino, Cali (Colombia), he is not a DXer but is very interested in lisening to mediumwave stations during his many hours trvelling in Colombia. So
I asked him about HJLT 1550 kHz, he says that the name is not "Bohemia" and that the station is transmirring with low power for the moment with close down 0500 UTC:
Alberto Merino: "De la estacion 1550 Bohemia, te comento que estoy aterrado ya que esa estacion es de baja potencia y no me explico como la
escuchan alla, pero lo que si te puedo decir es que esa esmisora ya no se llama "Bohemia", es decaracter cristiana y tranmite hasta las doce de la noche".
Thank you very much Alberto for mail and information, I´m glad to know that not just "DXers" are interested in my web ID-site! 73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Cali here!
1549.73 HJLT, Cali (Colombia). 1000 UTC. 05/2005.
What is the real name of HJLT? Is the church "La Gran Comisión" buying airtime.
QTH Info:
"Santiago de Cali", the city's complete name, is the capital of the Valle del Cauca, department in Colombia. It is the second largest city in the
country, with an estimated 2003 population of 2.1.million".
Alberto Merino, Cali (Colombia): "Hola, soy un aficionado de la radio, yo cuando voy a otras partes del pais, siempre me llevo un radio y lo que
hago es escuchar las emisoras de donde estoy y tratar de escuchar las de Cali y cuales otras de ciudades entran, me gustó mucho lo de su pagina y lo felicito, estoy fascinado d eescuchar
varias emisoras de Cali, que jamas pense que se recepcionaran en su pais, me entra la curiosidad por saber de que parte del Ecuador es que se grabaron estas recepciones, de aca de cali te podre
decir, que escucho varias estaciones de la red Caravana del Ecuador, Radio Morena y otras que lo que me fascina es las que emiten musica autoctona de alla, a mi me gusta ya que mi padre es de alla y
el siempre escucha esa musica (pasillos). De ustedes quedo agradecido, Cordialmente".
Quito 26/5 2005:
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of 1000.00 R. Poderosa, Aguadulce, Coclé (Panamá)
Sometimes it´s really difficult to find a good QTH picture, I found some low quality photos from "Aguadulce", so I hope you do not mind a photo from Panamá City instead. Stations from
Panamá are coming in with better signal strength late in the evening here in Quito.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Panamá City here!
1000.00 R. Poderosa, Aguadulce, Coclé (Panamá). 0430 UTC.
QTH Info:
"Aguadulce is located in the province of Coclé in central Panama on the nation's southern coast. The capital is the city of Penonomé. Coclé is primarily an agricultural area,
with sugar and tomatoes as major crops. The province has a number of well known beaches and tourist activity has increased in recent years".
Quito 22/5 2005:
*** Sunday edition:
** Recording of HCHA2 Ondas Quevedeñas, Quevedo (Ecuador)
The Peruvian DXer Cesar Perez Dioses, Chimbote has reported an unID "Radio Ondas....." on 620 kHz. I checked the frequency this sunday evening, very difficult to listen with heavy splash from
Caravana, Quito on 610 kHz and QRM from the dominating station Colmundo, Cali. It turned out to be a new frequency (WRTH 2004 says 630 kHz) for Ondas Quevedeñas, Quevedo (Ecuador). Thanks
Cesar for email and tip!
73s Bjorn Malm
620.00 HCHA2 Ondas Quevedeñas, Quevedo (Ecuador). 0100 UTC. 05/2005.
New frequency - ex 630 kHz (WRTH 2004).
"Quevedo is located some 190 kilometers from Guayaquil and 240 km from Quito. A progressive town set in an agricultural fertile land. It has around 110,000 inhabitants and most of them belong to the
large Ecuadorian Chinese colony that live here".
Quito 21/5 2005:
Saturday morning edition:
1542.42 Radio Bendita Trindad y Espirito Santo, El Alto, Depto.La Paz (Bolivia). 05/2005.
My unID Bolivian station on1542.42 kHz (see 17/5 2005) now identified by Rogildo F. Aragão, La Paz (Bolivia). Thank you VERY much Rogildo for your help. Yesterday I was near an ID
"Somos......Bolivia"" but the signal was too weak. Always female preacher talking and crying, with interruption sometimes by OM with short ID. It´s not easy to identify this station, Rogildo
had to listen 2 hours to get an ID. New station probably.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from El Alto here!
1542.42 Radio Bendita Trindad y Espirito Santo, El Alto, Depto.La Paz
(Bolivia). 05/2005.
This is the recording I made some days ago without knowing the name of the station. I will try to make a new recording with clear ID.
See photo of Rogildo F. Aragão, (Bolivia) here!
Rogildo F. Aragão, La Paz(Bolivia):
"Estimado Bjorn, Sigo en La Paz, y despues de varias tentativas y escuchar por 2 horas, pude identificar la emisora que escuchaste, una de las muchas que proliferan en la ciudad de El Alto con
programacion religiosa protestante.
1542.4 Radio Bendita Trindad y Espirito Santo, El Alto, Depto.La Paz programacion religiosa en aymara y español".
Quito 20/5 2005:
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 690.00 HCJB1 La Voz de los Andes, Quito (Ecuador)
A DXer asked in an e-mail: "Why have you not presented HCJB? Is there a reason?". Answer: I have no good answer so here is Ecuador´s most respected and well known radiostation!
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Quito "President Guards" here!
690.00 HCJB1 La Voz de los Andes, Quito (Ecuador). 0100 UTC. 05/2005
Quito 18/5 2005:
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of 4409.80 Radio Eco, Reyes, Beni (Bolivia)
This is the first time I have identified Radio Eco, Reyes-Beni on 4409.80 kHz - and I have tried doing it for 8 years!. The station is often audiable but always weak signal. Enjoy my recording with
"Mensajes" and a fine ID.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo of "Maria, Miss Bolivia 2004, was born in Reyes-Beni, here!
4409.80 Radio Eco, Reyes, Beni (Bolivia). 05/2005.
"A population that characterizes for having a culture of hunters. It is constituted by Maropa, Cavineño, Tacana and Chamanes ethnic groups. Ecologically it is a zone of great importance
mainly for the development ecological and adventure tours. Castaña, palmito and timbering woods are the sustain of the economical activity. At the present the project for building of the inter
- oceanic road is under way".
Quito 17/5 2005:
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Recording of unID Bolivia 1542.42 kHz
Just 1-2 weeks ago I for the first time logged Bolivia on mediumwave here in Quito: Radio Sariri, Escoma, Dpto La Paz on 1540.19 kHz. Now I have an unID Bolivian station on 1542.42 kHz and I´m
hearing 1540.19 Radio Sariri at the same time. Both with very weak signals but some days ago my unID came in with very good signal early in the morning. I have several times heard the frase
"....Bolivia manta...." (not on this recording) and I know it´s a cathólic station: "....amigo católico...." at second "34". Female preacher and religious program all the time.
What you are hearing on this recording is what the station is transmitting 100% of their airtime, at least when I am listening.
73s Bjorn Malm

1542.42 unID Bolivia
(.tmp recording, will be removed)
Quito 16/5 2005:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of 1570.25 Radio Julcán, Julcán /La Libertad (Perú)
Earlier I had an unID Peruvian station on 1570.25 kHz (see "Archive" 4/4 2005). Today I´m sure the name is Radio Julcán from the
department of La Libertad. On the recording adress (new?) to the station: "Calle Proreso 218". The town Julcán is located near the bigger city Trujillo - you can hear ads from Trujillo on my
clip. Probably new frequency for listed (WRTH 2004) OCY2P Radio Julcán 1370 kHz.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Trujillo "Main Plaza", (not far from Jlcán) here!:
1570.25 Radio Julcán, Julcán /La Libertad (Perú).
Quito 14/5 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 1299.73 Radio Cenit, Guayaquil (Ecuador)
I hear Radio Cenit, Guayaquil sometimes but always with heavy interferenc from other stations on the channel. This time with good signal and nice ID´s. Has always been on this split and was
some months ago logged in Finland.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Guayaquil here!
1299.73 HCDC2 Radio Cenit, Guayaquil (Ecuador)
"Guayaquil is Ecuador´s largest city with about 3,000,000 inhabitants. Situated at sea level its port “Puerto Maritimo” is the main sea port of the country where about 80% of the
country´s imports and more than 50% of its exports are handled. It is the commercial and industrial center of Ecuador and lies on the west bank of the river Guayas about 60 km from its outflow
in the Gulf of Guayaquil".
Quito 13/5 2005:
*** Friday edition:
*** 4910 kHz Radio Chaskis del Norte logged in Caledonia, NY (John Herkimer)
Thanks John for your very nice mail and recording of Chaskis! I have sent information about your logging to the owner of Chaskis: Luis Enrique Cachiguango Cotacachi.
73s Bjorn Malm
John Herkimer, Caledonia, NY:
"Hello Bjorn, First, I want to thank you for your excellent web site. It is a valuable resource for radio hobbyists and improves our knowledge and appreciation of Latin American broadcasting. I was
fortunate to hear Radio Chaskis on May 10, 2005, on 4909.9 kHz from 0945 to 1020 UTC here in New York. I sent the station a brief mp3 audio clip to their hotmail e-mail address but they may not have
received it. I thought they might like to hear how well they were being heard that morning. I am attaching a copy here for your interest. Thanks again for your excellent work!".
(From Henrik Klemetz):

4909.90 Radio Chaskis, Otavalo (Ecuador). 05/2005.
Recording made by John Herkimer, Caledonia, NY.
Quito 12/5 2005:
*** Thursday edition:
*** New recording of 4909.28 Radio Chaskis, Otavalo
I have received a long, very nice mail from the owner of the new Ecuadorian station Radio Chaskis: Luis Enrique Cachiguango Cotacachi. Thank you very much for your information Señor Luis! You
can read this mail and also listen to a new recording of the station. There is an ID for Chaskis, Otavalo 4910 kHz and also a recorded ID for Chaskis, Ibarra 950 kHz. Both stations has the same
owner. The station is active most days with Ecuadorian and also some Peruvian music.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Otavalo here!
4909.28 Radio Chaskis, Otavalo /Imbabura (Ecuador). cd 0300 UTC. 05/2005.
Close down ceremony.
Luis Enrique Cachiguango Cotacachi:
"Estimados Amigos Radio Escuchas. La radio Chaskis del Norte de Imbabura- Ecuador, se complace en responder a sus inquietudes, que con mucho agrado hemos recibido sus comunicaciones a traves de
nuestro correo electronico, es placentero saber que muchos amigos escuchan nuestra estacion en los 4910 khz y en diferentes países del mundo,a pesar de que estamos iniciando ya que al momento
estamos a pruebas con nuestra señal, nuestro afan es poder compartir con todos ustedes de las riquezas de informaciones Social, cultural, deportivo, musical de nuestro querido país que
es Ecuador.
Nuestras oficinas está ubicado en la ciudad de Otavalo, en la Calle Bolívar 805 y Juan Montalvo, Otavalo -Ecuador Sud América, telefonos: 00593-62920256 / 00593-62920-922.
Quienes estamos al frente de la radio, somos gente indígena autóctona de Otavalo, ciudad de artesanías, nuestro idioma oficial es Kichwa y también hablamos el idioma
Estimado Amigo(a) solicitamos se siga comunicando con nosotros, sobre todo escríbanos los horarios en la que escuchas nuestra emisora con una señal clara, porque queremos seguir
mejorando nuestro servicios y además espero que nos envíes tu dirección completa y teléfonos con el respectivo código de tu país. Saludos para todos
Luis Enrique Cachiguango Cotacachi
"Otavalo, two hours north of Quito on the Panamerican highway, is a small town of about 50,000 inhabitants and home to the famous Otavalo Indians. It lies at 2,530 meters in a spring-like valley,
situated between the Imbabura volcano (4,609 meters) and the Cotacachi volcano (4,939 meters). The people of Otavalo possess an excellent work ethic and it shows! There is now a handicraft market
everyday. The Saturday market is the largest and most famous market in Ecuador and there you'll find virtually every handicraft being produced in the country. However, many travelers prefer the
somewhat quieter market on Wednesday or the daily market. In the many surrounding Indian villages, including Peguche, Illuman, Agato, San Roque and Carabuela one may visit the workshops of local
weavers working on backstrap and Spanish treadle looms, as well as other artisans at work making felt hats, knitting sweaters or weaving straw mats. One may tour the many lakes in the province: San
Pablo Lake, the largest, which is surrounded by many Indian communities, and offers lovely boat cruises; Cuicocha Lake, a half-hour from Otavalo, with its deep blue waters; the Mojanda Lakes, an
impressive and unspoiled natural setting where condors have been seen; and the famous Yaguarcocha Lake, called the "lake of blood" because of the famous Inca battles fought there, located near the
colonial city of Ibarra. You may also shop for leather crafts in the town of Cotacachi, for woodcarvings".
Quito 9/5 2005:
*** Monday evening edition:
This recording is the "hard-proof". Henrik Klemetz has said, via a friend in Bolivia, that a man called "Yamal" has started a radiostation in Guayaramerín. On one of my recordings there is
ad/prom for "Radiocomunicación Yamal". Perhaps the name of the company thats own Radio Estambul? Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for help. Thanks also to Jan-Erik Osterholm for his comments.
4498.11 Radioemisoras Estambul. 0100 UTC. 05/2005.
Radioemisoras Estambul
Avenida Prinero de Mayo esquina Loreto
Quito 8/5 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 1240.14 Radio Sechura, Sechura (Perú)
I have been working the last week with an unID Peruvian on 1240.14 kHz. Friday evening at close down 2335 UTC I I finally got the ID: "Radio Sechura". Every morning the station has a program called
"La Voz Comunal", often with talk about "pescadores" (fisherman) so I thought it must be a station on the Peruvian coast.
The real name of my hometown Quito is "San Francisco de Quito" and the DJ on my recording is using the name "San Martín de Sechura", perhaps the real name for the town "Sechura". Sechura is a
town of fisherman located in the southwestern end of the Piura region. Sechura was created as province, the capital of this province has the same name, as late as 23 of December 1993. The main
tourist atraction is the temple "San Martín de Tours". This is not a very good quality recording but it is for me a first-time-logging.
73s Bjorn Malm
See map from Sechura here!
See photo from Playa de Sechura here!
1240.14 Radio Sechura, Sechura/Dpto Piura (Perú). 2335 UTC. 05/2005.
Jingel: "Centinela del Océano Pacífico"
Quito 6/5 2005:
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 920.00 YVQX Radio Nueva Esparta, Porlamar (José Elías Díaz Gómez)
Recording, photos and mail from José Elías Díaz Gómez, Barcelona (Venezuela). That´s the easy way having an ID-site, I do not have to do anything! José has
presented another station from "Isla Margarita" before: 1020.00 YVRS Radio Margarita, La Asunción (see "Archive"
21/11 2004). Radio Nueva Esparta is also transmitting from "Isla Margarita" but from the city Porlamar. Thank you very much José!
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo of José Elías Díaz Gómez here!
José has his own DX program on Union Radio 640, Venezuela 640 kHz called "Sintonia DX" and has also a personal web DX-site:
See photo from Radio Nueva Esparta (photo: José) here!

920.00 YVQX Radio Nueva Esparta, Porlamar (Venezuela). 05/2004).
Recording made by José Elías Díaz Gómez this year 2005.
José Elías:
"Saludos cordiales amigo Malm. Espero te encuentres muy bien. Como te había prometido, aqui te hago llegar la identificación de Radio Nueva Esparta que quería grabar para
tí y tu pagina web, interpretada por galeronistas margariteños. Espero que sea de tu agrado y tambien del agrado de los que visitan tu pagina web. Por cierto, en mi sitio web, hago
mención de tu pagina, porque la considero de las mejores, y porque se nota el cariño con el cual la haces. Recibe un fuerte abrazo".
QTH info:
"Estado Nueva Esparta is one of the 23 states (estados) of Venezuela. It comprises Isla Margarita, an offshore island. The state capital is La Asunción. Nueva Esparta State covers a total
surface area of 1,150 km² and, in 1997, had an estimated population of 349,140. The southeast of Margarita is the most populated part of the island. Porlamar (By the sea, in Spanish) is located
there. The city has grown and now Los Robles and Pampatar, initially different towns can be considered part of Porlamar. Very close is the city of El Valle, where Santiago Mariño, an
independence hero was born and where the Virgin of El Valle appeared. Finaly, and very close you will find La Asuncion, the capital of the state, and its beatiful Santa Rosa castle".
Quito 3/5 2005:
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Recording of 1140.00 Chami Radio, Otuzco
I have been listening for the last week to an unID Peruvian station on 1140 kHz. Many ads from Trujillo and some from Otuzco. Greetings to persons living in both these towns. Is not listed in WRTH
2004 so perhaps a new station. Before I have had nothing from Perú on 1140. The sound is a little bit distorted. Close down 0300 UTC.
Otuzco is located in the department of "La Libertad" 30-40 kms northeast from the city "Trujillo. Jingel "Señal de Libertad".
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Otuzco "Pilgrimage church of Otuzco" here!
1140.00 Chami Radio, Otuzco/La Libertad (Peru). 0230 UTC. 05/2005.
Quito 2/5 2005:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of 5264.06 Radio Chiriaco, Chiriaco
Rwactivated 1st of nay. Is listed as "La Voz de Chiriaco" but the ID I heard was "Radio Chiriaco". Chiriaco is the capital of district Imaza in the province of Bagua (Amazonas).
I could not find any QTH picture this time. Instead a photo from my (ex-) home town in Sweden: "Lysekil" located on the west coast of Sweden with a population of around 15.000. Also (ex-) home town
of a good friend of mine, the well known swedish DXer Christer Brunstrom.
73s Bjorn Malm
5264.06 Radio Chiriaco, Chiriaco, Imaza, Bagua, Amazonas (Peru). 1100 UTC.