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Archive September - October 2004
Quito 31/10 2004:
*** Sunday Edition:
*** Recording of R. Brasil Central, Goiânia 4985.01 kHz
This station has been around for many years on the same frequency. Sports program with ads and a very nice song ID.
73s Bjorn Malm
4985.01 R. Brasil Central, Goiânia(Brasil). 11/2004.
Quito 28/10 2004:
*** Thursday Edition:
*** Recording of HCUM2 Radio Universal, Guayaquil 1270 kHz
One recording says more than 100 words. Listen, dreaming you are walking around on the streets of Guayaquíl! 73s Bjorn Malm
1270.00 HCUM2 Radio Universal, Guayaquil(Ecuador) 10/2004.
ID and jingle: "Universal grande, grande como su nombre".
Quito 26/10 2004:
unID Peru 2640.04 kHz:
Henrik Klemetz (Sweden):
"Hi Björn: Sounds like Radio Regional, don´t you think?".
Levi P. Iversen (PY):
"Para mi que dice radio "excepcional" o "ex-nacional" ???? 73's".
Henrik Klemetz (Sweden):
"I do not think it´s Regional nor Cristal. Regional is mentioned at the very end, a nivel regional, and the beginning, just as Levi suggests, it´s Radio Excepcional. An exceptional name it is".
José Elias Diaz (Venezuela):
"En esta grabación yo entiendo que dicen: Este es el programa Amanecer Campesino 100% musica folklorica. Radio
Oriental.......la radio que hoy está".
Rubén G. Margenet (Argentina):
"Hola Björn: Yo escucho claramente el nombre del programa: "Amanecer Campesino"". Respecto al nombre de la emisora alcanzo a entender:
Radio Regional la radio que hoy está ....(se corta abruptamente el audio). Luego en el slogan final vuelve a mencionar la palabra Regional. En ninguna publicación aparece
2640 Khz ¿No será segunda armónica de la fundamental 1320 Khz?... Un abrazo".
Alfredo Cañote (Perú):
"Estimados Amigos: Sintonicemos la frecuencia determinada de modo que escuchemos el nombre de la radio. Suerte a todos! 73s".
Quito 25/10 2004:
*** Monday Edition:
*** Recording of unID Peru 2640.04 kHz
This monday morning I heard an unID Peruvian station on 2640.04 kHz with good strength. Music program called "Amanecer Campesino", some of the music from the Cajamarca area. The ID sounds like
"Radio Internacional" - at least the name ends with ".....nal".
73s Bjorn Malm
2640.04 unID Peru. 1030 UTC 10/2004.
Quito 23/10 2004:
*** Saturday Edition;
*** Recording of HJEW Radio Reloj, Cali, Valle de Cauca 1110.00 kHz
I do not remember having an ID for "Caracol" on this ID page. There are many "Radio Reloj" stations in Colombia and often it is very difficult to get a local ID but HJEW is an exception - often
local programs with IDs. On this recording you hear the local "big" Caracol ID and the local news program "¿Cómo amaneció Cali?". Radio Reloj is a part of Caracol.
73s Bjorn Malm
"Miss VALLE":
1110.00 HJEW Radio Reloj, Cali, Valle de Cauca(Colombia). 138kb. 10/2004.
Quito 22/10 2004:
I have received a very nice e-mail from Leoncio Delgado Hermida at R. Ecos de Naranjito, Ecuadorian station transmitting on 1470 kHz. Together with mail he sent me photos taken inside/outside the
station. I will present this, together with some new recordings of Naranjito I mde this friday morning, next weekend. (20/9 2004 you can listen to my first audioclip with R. Ecos de Naranjito).
*** Friday Edition:
*** Recording of CP15 R. El Cóndor, La Paz 6120 kHz (Daniel Camporini)
This time another fantastic recording from Daniel Camporini, Buenos Aires of a LA shortwave station that ended their SW transmissions a long time ago: CP15 R. El Cóndor, La Paz(Bolivia),
Thank you very much Daniel!
73s Bjorn Malm
6120.00 CP15 R. El Cóndor, La Paz(Bolivia). 88kb. 10/2004.
Recording made many years ago by Daniel Camporini.
Daniel Camporini:
"CP15 R. El Condor operaba en los 900 Khz. de la onda media y con el prefijo CP20 en la onda corta en los 6120 Khz. desde la ciudad de La Paz".
Quito 20/10 2004:
*** Wednesday Edition:
*** Recording of R. Cultural Coatán, San Sebastián 4779.98 kHz
I can not think of any LA country more "super-religious" than Guatemala, I´m thinking of their radio stations. R. Cultural Coatán is a nice station with religious music and talk 90% but
sometimes with greetings and other types of music. I spent 6 months in Antígua, Guatemala 1993 and one of my strongest memories is their beautiful, colorful clothes.
73s Bjorn Malm
HUEHUETENANGO "Belleza Huehueteca":
4779.98 R. Cultural Coatán, San Sebastián, Huehuetenango(Guatemala).
135kb. 1100 UTC 10/2004.
Happy religious music and a nice ID.
Quito 17/10 2004:
*** Sunday Edition:
*** Recording of La Cariñosa 6-10, SF de Bogotá
This is the first time I have logged a station on 610 kHz, of course I´m hearing our local station here in Quito Radio Caravana but that´s all. Yesterday evening Radio Caravana was off
air and I was able to make a recording of "La Cariñosa 6-10", Bogotá.
73s Bjorn Malm
610.00 HJKL La Cariñosa 6-10, SF de Bogotá(Colombia). 153kb. 0400 UTC
"La Cariñosa 6-10" ID and "big" ID at full hour.
Link to RCN "La Cariñosa":
Quito 14/10 2004:
*** Thursday Edition:
*** Recording of reactivated Radio Táchira 4829.98 kHz
Eadio Táchira was reactivated this thursday evening, probably because of socker game Venezuela -Ecuador. I think they were playing in San Cristóbal.
On this recording you can hear a mix of Radio Táchira and Radio Quito(Ecuador) when Venezuela take the lead with 1 - 0.
73s Bjorn Malm
4829.98 Radio Táchira, San Cristóbal(Venezuela). 145kb. 14/10 2004.
Radio Quito is of course the stronger one. Both stations with the same ad for "Vino Tinto".
San Cristóbal (Venezuela):
"Capital of Tachirá state, western Venezuela, situated 800 m/26,250 ft above sea level in the northern Andes overlooking the River Torbes, 56 km/35 mi from the Colombian border; population
(1990) 220,700. It is the centre of a coffee-growing region, and other products include textiles, cement, leather goods, and tobacco. San Cristóbal was founded by Spanish settlers in 1561 and
stands on the Pan-American Highway".
Quito 13/10 2004:
*** Wednesday Edition:
*** Recording of Radio Barcelona, Barcelona 1080 kHz (José Elías Diaz)
It´s quite diffícult to hear stations from Venezuela on mediumwave here in Quito. I´m hearing, but just sometimes, these 3 Venezuelan stations: 860 YVOL Mundial 8-60, San
Cristóbal, 1190 YVZD R.Dif.Cultural del Táchira, San Cristóbal and YV__ Radio Nacional(Guri or Barcelona).
I´m lucky to have Jose Elias Diaz from Baecelona in Venezuela, he has sent me both a recording of Radio Barcelona and photos from his hometown Barcelona taken by himself. Thank you very much
73s Bjorn Malm
1080.00 YVQJ Radio Barcelona, Barcelona(Venezuela). 126kb.
Listen to this nice ID! Recording made by Jose Elias Diaz.
Jose Elias:
"l presente correo es para saludarte y hacerte llegar la señal que identifica a Radio Barcelona, la emisora que lleva el nombre de la ciudad donde vivo y es la capital de mi querido estado
Anzoátegui. Espero sea de tu agrado."
"Barcelona es Capital del estado Anzoátegui y del municipio Bolívar, constituye su más antigua ciudad con vida permanente. Ubicada en zona llana de la costa oriental venezolana,
en la parte centro-norte del estado, se halla atravesada por el río Neverí; situada a 13 m sobre el nivel del mar, del cual dista apenas unos 3 km, tiene una temperatura media de 27
°C. Separada de la capital de la República por 300 km, y de Cumaná por 92 km, se comunica con el resto del país por excelentes carreteras; posee un aeropuerto internacional y
extensa zona costera; en sus cercanías se halla el puerto de Guanta".
Quito 12/10 2004:
LV de la Selva, Iquitos, normally on 4824.40 kHz, has serious transmitter problems. I have heard them with very distorted but strong signal 4835-4860 kHz, I hear the station on all frequencys at the
same time.
*** Tuesday Edition:
*** Recotrding of Radio Naylamp, Lambayeque 3168.29 kHz
Radio Naylamp with better sound quality on new frequency, normally this irregular station has very distorted signal.
I first thought it was Radio Municipal drifting from 3172.69 kHz but after non-stop Huayno-music without any talk 25 minutes their female DJ gave an ID with jingel: "Radio Naylamp - la
Naylamp is drifting around on mediumwave, I have logged them around 1575-1585 kHz.
73s Bjorn Malm
3168.29 Radio Naylamp, Lambayeque(Peru). 128kb. 1015 UTC 10/2004
A very fast ID, difficult to hear. A recording I made this wednesday morning 12th of october.
LAMBAYEQUE esta constituido por las siguientes provincias:
3.- Provincia de Lambayeque, cuya capital es Lambayeque. Sus distritos son: Chochope, Illimo, Jayanca, Lambayeque, Mochumí, Mórrope, Motupe, Olmos, Pacora, Salas, San José,
Túcume; con una población total de 220,105 hab.
Quito 10/10 2004:
*** Sunday Edition:
*** Recording of 1280.13 HJCM Radio Sur, Pitalito, Huila
That´s the way I want my recordings: 45-50 seconds with 15 sec. fine music, 15 sec. ID and 15 sec. ads. All recorded with a bitrate of 20 bps/second. "Miss Huila" makes the pleasure even
73s Bjorn Malm
1280.13 HJCM Radio Sur, Pitalito, Huila(Colombia). 126kb. 10/2004.
A recording I made some days ago. An interesting frecuency with many split-stations and it is easier now after Cadena Democrácio, Quito has moved to 920 kHz.
Quito 8/10 2004:
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 5939.36 Radio Melodia, Arequipa
Melodia has been "on the road" the last 2-3 years. I have logged the station on at least 5 frequencys: 5940.06, 5995.25, 5996.63, 6106.95 and is now on 5939.36 kHz.
On weekdays a "talking" station with news, sports and ads but on saturdays/sundays more music and less news. I made this recording 2-3 days ago.
73s Bjorn Malm
5939.36 Radio Melodia, Arequipa(Peru). 123kb. 10/2004.
El departamento de Arequipa se divide en las siguientes provincias: 1.- Provincia de Arequipa, cuya capital es Arequipa. Sus distritos son: Arequipa, Cayma, Cerro Colorado, Characato, Chiguata, La
Joya, Mariano Melgar, Miraflores, Mollebaya, Pocsi, Paucarpata, Polobaya, Quequena, Sabandía, Sachaca, San Juan de Siguas, San Juan de Tarucani, Santa Isabel de Siguas, Santa Rita de Siguas,
Socabaya, Tiabaya, Uchumayo, Vitor, Yanahuara, Yarabamba, Yura; con una población total de 677,019 hab.
Arequipa is located in the Andes Mountains at an elevation of 2,303 m at the foot of Misti Volcano(5,821 m], it has been subject to earthquakes, usually associated with volcanic activity, and was
largely destroyed by an earthquake in 1868. In the Inca empire, Arequipa was an important point on the route from Cuzco to the seacoast. Modern Arequipa is the commercial centre of southern Peru.
Quito 7/10 2004:
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of XERF La Poderosa, Cd.Acuña
To be honest, I thought I was dreaming. Last night around 0400 UTC I was listening to a station on MW 1570 kHz, I stayed on the frequency listening to my great favorite, the Méxican singer
Marco Antonio Solís and a few moments later ID for my first Méxicn station logged on mediumwave here in Quito: XERF La Poderosa, Cd.Acuña! An ID with everything, call letters,
adress etc.
I have been waiting for this moment here in Quito 7 years. In Sweden I had to wait 30(!) years for my first MW Méxican station.
73s Bjorn Malm
1569.99 XERF La Poderosa, Cd.Acuña(México). 132kb. 0400 UTC 10/2004.
I will never forget this wednesday evening 6th of october 2004!
Link to an Acuña web site:
Acuña, with 180.000 inhabitants, is located in the northen part of "Estado de Coahuila" at the U.S.A. border with Del Rio, Texas on the other side.
Quito 4/10 2004:
*** Monday evening edition:
*** Recording of 3449.76 LV de Riobamba
Thunderstorm interference, electrical noise and a DJ microphone with distorted sound, well it´s not easy but this time another DJ, with another microphone, came with the station ID and I was
able to do a decent recording of La Voz de Riobamba. The name of the town is San Pedro de Riobamba but normally they are using just "Riobamba".
Riobamba is the capital of Chimborazo Province, in the Chambo River Valley in the Andes Mountains, near the mountain Chimborazo and was completely destroyed by earthquake in 1797.
Further more Riobamba is my wifes birth town and I have spent many months in this charming town(around 100 000 inhabitants). Not charming in every aspect, they have water in their houses just
beetween 07-0900, 12-1330 and 19-2030.........
73s Bjorn Malm
3449.76 La Voz de Riobamba, Riobamba(Ecuador). 92kb. 1100 UTC 10/ 2004.
Harmonic from 1150 kHz. Is also on their 2nd harmonic 2299.84 kHz but with weaker signal. 3449.76 has recently been logged by Dave Walko(U.S.A.).
I have been trying hard to hear Riobamba on mediumwave but it´s very difficult and the shortwave station, I think they were on 5010 kHz, "Escuelas Radiofónicas Populares" (E.R.P.E.) was
closed a long time ago by the militarys. The only possibility to present a recording seems to be of LV de Riobamba, Radio Central and Radio Calidad - all harmonics from Riobamba mediumwave
Quito 2/10 2004:
*** Saturday Edition:
*** Recording of 1070.00 HCJ5 Radio LV de Tomebamba, Cuenca
The most beautiful city in Ecuador, together with my own home-town Quito, is Cuenca. I have been there just two times, 12 hours with bus from Quito, and it is a great pleasure walking around looking
at all old and beautifull buildings.
1070 kHz is of course dominated by HCVP1 R. Libertad, Quito and if the station sometimes is off air 3 Colombian stations are dominating the frequency 90%: HJAH Em. Atlántico, Barranquilla,
HJCG R. Santa Fé, SF de Bogotá and HJVR R. Super, Popayán.
Yesterday I was lucky and made a recording of the Ecuadorian station HCJ5 Radio LV de Tomebamba, Cuenca. Libertad off 30 minutes and not a trace of the three Colombian stations.
73s Bjorn Malm
1070.00 HCJ5 Radio LV de Tomebamba, Cuenca(Ecuador). 118kb. 0330 UTC 10/2004
.Jingel: "La tradicional de Cuenca".
Link to Radio LV de Tomebamba:
Link to a very good Cuenca web site:
Cuenca (2,650 meters elev.) is located in the southern third of Ecuador, about 2/3 way down from the top of the map. Cuenca is nestled in an Andes hidden valley, just south of the famous Inca ruins
of Ingapirca (the three dot triangle just above Cuenca). It's a parklike city, with four brooks running East and an excellently preserved "Old Town" colonial area in the center of the city. Many
kilometers of greenspace, parks and free recreation facilities are available to the public. The senic overlook at Turi offers a beautiful high view of the city and the valley in general.
Quito 1/10 2004:
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 6819.46 Radio La Voz de Las Huarinjas, Huancabamba
Radio La Voz de Las Huarinjas has had during years a very low sound quality. But I have good news, the station fixed the sound a week ago and you can listen to the result on this recording I made 3
days ago. "Las Huarinjas" = lakes located in "Cordillera de Huama" 3957 meters above sea level.
73s Bjorn Malm
6819.46 R. LV de Las Huarinjas, Huancabamba(Peru). 130kb. 10/2004.
Las Lagunas de las Huarinjas: "Huarinjas" es el nombre con el cual los lugareños identifican al complejo de lagunas que existen en la cordillera. Sin embargo, puede encontrarse también
escrita como Huaringas y significan lo mismo. Se encuentran ubicadas en plena cordillera huancabambina y a 3,957 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Huaringa es una palabra aymara que significa
líquido espeso y también Dios de la fuerza, luego Huari-Inga según los estudiosos significa agua o Laguna del Inga o también Dios de la fuerza del Inga".
El departamento de Piura: 2.- Provincia de Huancabamba, cuya capital es Chanchaque. Sus distritos son: El Carmen de la Frontera, Huancabamba, Huarmaca, Lalaquiz, San miguel de El Faique,
Sóndor, Sondorillo; con una población total de 125,458 hab.
Quito 29/9 2004:
*** Wednesday edition
*** Recording of HJZD R. Panzenú, Montería 2020.18 kHz
What is difficult with listening to harmonics here in Quito is problems with thunderstorm interference, locl electrical interference, fading and weak signals. Sometimes all these problems at the
same time and making a recording is impossible.
Radio Panzenú has been auduble the latest 3-4 days with thunderstorm interference and fair signal so here is the first harmonic recording presented on this ID page for a long time made this
wednesday morning.
73s Bjorn Malm
2020.18 HJZD Radio Panzenú, Montería(Colombia). 118kb. 09/2004.
Jingel "Radio con calidad". Harmonic from 1010 kHz.
Quito 26/9 2004:
*** Sunday edition:
*** Recording of Radio Jesús del Gran Poder/Francisco Estéreo, Quito 670 kHz
There are many mediumwave stations that before transmitted also on shortwave. Recently Daniel Camporini presented a recording from 1969 of Radio Chimbote(Peru), Henrik Klemetz presented a recording
from 1984 of Radio Cosmopolita, Ambato(Ecuador) and I presented Radio Cosmopolita, Quito(Ecuador). All now off air on shortwave.
This time I have a recording of another Quito station I have not noted on shortwave for many years: HCFF1 Radio Jesús del Gran Poder on 670 kHz. The station was transmitting on 5050 kHz and
most of the time relay of their FM station "Francisco Estéreo". Both stations you can find in the church "Iglesia San Francisco" on "Plaza de San Francisco".
73s Bjorn Malm
669.97 HCFF1 R. Jesús del Gran Poder/Francisco Estéreo,
Quito(Ecuador). 1130 UTC 09/2004.
A nice recording with ID both for "R. Jesús del Gran Poder" and "Francisco Estéreo".
Quito 24/9 2004:
*** Friday evening edition:
*** Recording of Radio Chimbote 3890 Khz (Daniel Camporini)
This recording made by Daniel Camporini in Buenos Aires is something very special. He made the recording 35 years ago 1969! An "Old Lady" far from high fidelity sound, a station that was
transmitting on shortwave 3890 kHz.
Thank you very much Daniel! 73s Bjorn Malm
Daniel Camporini, Buenos Aires:
"Estimado Bjorn, aqui te envío otro "joyita" de mi colección. OAX4G 3890 Khz. R. Chimbote de Chimbote, Perú. esta captación es de 1969, años en los que se
recepcionaban muy bien las emisoras peruanas. Las limeñas Radio Victoria, Radio Unión, Radio Delcar, etc".
3890.00 OAX4G Khz. Radio Chimbote, Chimbote, Ancash (Perú). .
Recording made by Daniel Camporini 1969.
Departamento de Ancash: 17.- Provincia de Santa, cuya capital es Chimbote y cuenta con los distritos Chimbote, Cáceres del Perú, Macate, Moro, Nepeña, Samanco, Santa; con una
población total de 333,795 hab.
Quito 22/9 2004:
*** Thursday evening edition:
*** Recording of R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta
Cultural Amauta is there almost every day with fair to good signal but the IDs are a little bit difficult to find. This time I was lucky: "Vos escucha Radio Cultural Amauta desde la ciudad de
Huanta, la esmeralda de Los Andes, en FM 99.9 estéreo".
73s Bjorn Malm
4955.00 Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, Ayacucho(Peru). 114kb. 1055 UTC 09/2004.
El departamento de Ayacucho: 5.- Provincia de Huanta, cuya capital es Huanta. Sus distritos son: Ayahuanco, Huamanguilla, Huanta, Iguaín, Lurícocha, Pacaycasa, Santillana, Totora; con
una población de 60,819 hab.
Quito 20/9 2004:
*** Monday evening edition:
*** Recording of HCLD2 R. Ecos de Naranjito
The Italian DXer Walter Comuzzi recently logged the Ecuadorian station HCLD2 Ecos de Naranjito on 1470 kHz, a great catch. During my 7 years here in Quito I have never logged this Naranjito station.
But I was lucky 3 days ago when I heard the station with Ecuadorian "rococolero" music, greetings and a fine ID around 2330 local Quito time and of course I made a recording.
73s Bjorn malm
The small town of Naranjito is located in the Province of "Guayas" beetween Guayaquil and Pallatanga. Other "cantónes" nearby are Simón Bolívar, Lorenzo de Garaicoa, General
Elizalde o Bucal and Milagro.
Ecos de Naranjito y Señor Leoncio Delgado Hermida: (more photos and
recordings of this station in november)
1469.99 HCLD2 Ecos de Naranjito, Naranjito, Guayas(Ecuador). 118kb. 09/2004.
Quito 18/9 2004:
*** Saturday evening edition
*** Recording of Radio Cosmopolita, Ambato (Henrik Klemetz)
*** Comments from Henrik Klemetz
As Henrik writes: this is gret stuff! I have never heard before of this Ecuadorian station on shortwave. The recording is from 1984, today there is a station listed for Ambato on 1550 kHz called
HCEI6 Radio Montalvo. If this is Radio Cosmopolita with new name I do not know.
Thanks Henrik for a very interesting recording! 73s Bjorn Malm.
Henrik Klemetz:
"Arguably the first Radio Cosmopolita on shortwave was a station in Ambato operating on shortwave 6195 kHz and 1550 kHz mediumwave. In 1984, when I was in Ambato, the shortwave operation was already
off the air. The station used to carry uninterrupted son and rumba selections between 6 and 7 am, local time, much needed as the mornings were chilly. Announced temperature at 7 am was 8 degrees
centigrade. Great stuff but muffled audio".
1550 // 6195 Radio Cosmopolita, Ambato(Ecuador). 178kb. 1984. Recording made by Henrik
Klemetz year 1984.
Quito 17/9 2004:
*** Friday edition
*** Recording of HJLI Estación Latína, SF de Bogotá
In their programs HJLI still is using their old name "Ecos del Palmar" in // with "Estación Latína".
Listen to this beautiful ID with prefix and just "Estación Latína".
73s Bjorn Malm
1520.00 HJLI Estación Latina, SF de Bogotá(Colombia). 173kb. 9/2004.
Quito 16/9 2004:
*** Thursday edition
*** Recording of Radio Cosmopolita, Quito
Some years ago I reported a new Ecuadorian station on shortwave: Radio Cosmopolita, Quito. The station was transmitting just some months on 5900/5905 kHz SSB, heard in the Scandinavian
The biggest indian community in Ecuador is in the "Chimborazo" province with the capital Riobamba, my wifes birthtown. The indian community here in Quito had contact with their friends in Riobamba
via a shortwave transmitter on 5900 kHz. The same program on Radio Cosmopolita 960 kHz in Quito, Radio Cosmopolita 5900 kHz in Quito and on a FM transmitter in Riobamba "Chimborazo 98.1". So 5900 kHz
was a link beetween Quito and Riobamba.
Radio Cosmopolita 960 kHz is the only station in Quito with indian, Quichua programs. Most of the time religious program with music and greetings.
73s Bjorn Malm
960.10 HCNC1 Radio Cosmopolita, Quito(Ecuador). 166kb. 1030 UTC 09/2004.
If you hear this type of music on 960 kHz you can be almost sure it is Radio Cosmopolita. Not very good soundquality station.
Quito 14/9 2004:
*** Tuesday evening edition:
*** Recording of Radio Municipal, Caranavi (Dave Walko)
*** Recording of Radio Municipal, Caranavi (Rogildo Aragão)
I have received 2 recordings of the new Bolivian station Radio Municipal. One from North America: Dave Valko, Dunlo PA and one from South America: Rogildo Aragão, Bolivia.
It´s the first time I can present a recording made by a Northamerican DXer and I hope there will be more. Thanks to both of you, Dave and Rogildo, for nice contributions.
73s Bjorn Malm
Rogildo Aragão:
"Malm, Sobre R. Municipal, Caranavi, Depto. de La Paz, los 4845KHz esta libre en Bolivia, esta frecuencia fue devolvida en 2002 por R.Fides a Sittel, conforme documento que te mando adjunto, nisto
R.Fides nada tiene haber con R.Municipal. Caranavi esta en la region del departamento de La Paz que se llama Yungas o Valle de los Yungas, es una region semi tropical que esta entre el altiplano y la
parte mismo tropical del departamento, es una region muy bonita y que produz buenos frutos y cafe, esta acentada la unica colonia de negros en Bolivia. el unico problema es la carretera para llegar a
esta region, es bastante peligrosa y en algunas partes solo pasa un vehiculo, con precipios de 500mts. . 73".
Recording made by Rogildo Aragão, (Bolivia):
4845.06 Radio Municipal, Caranavi, Caranavi-La Paz, La Paz(Bolivia).54kb.
Recording made by Dave Valko, Dunlo PA(USA):
4845.06 Radio Municipal, Caranavi, Caranavi-La Paz, La Paz(Bolivia).67kb.
Dave Walko:
"Greetings Bjorn!! I thought you might like to hear how Municipal sounds here in PA. Also is a "best-ever" recording of R. Mallku as heard this morning from a micro-DXpedition. Let me know how
Municipal compares to your reception there. Take care. Dave Valko, Dunlo PA 73's".
Bjorn Malm: Thanks, I will use your recording of R. Mallku in a later edition. I have reduced your recording of Municipal down to 24 seconds, hope you do not mind!
Quito 10/9 2004:
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of Radio Municipal, Caranavi, Caranavi-LaPaz(Bolivia)
Yesterday morning I identified the Bolivian station on 4845.04 kHz as: Radio Municipal, La Paz. I also wrote perhaps "Provincia Caranavi-La Paz".
I have received confirmation from the Bolivian DXer Rogildo Aragão. He identified the station the same morning as I did with the same name and QTH: Radio Municipal, Caranavi, Caranavi-LaPaz,
Listen to my recording from thursday with clear IDs. I heard the same IDs also this friday morning. 73s Bjorn Malm.
4845.04 Radio Municipal, Caranavi, Caranavi-La Paz(Bolivia). 132kb. 9/9 2004.
Quito 3/9 2004:
*** Friday evening edition
*** Recording of unID LA on 4845.04 kHz (Bjorn Malm)
Yesterday 2/9 I reported an unID LA spanish speaking on 4845.06 kHz. The station is on air every morning and every evening with nonstop LA music without any "talking".
The station came in this friday evening with much better signal strength and this time I heard the DJ saying at every full hour 0000, 0100 and at close down 0200 UTC just one word. Perhaps the name
of a FM station or the name of a program.
Listen to this ID(?) between the two songs on my recording.
A very special greeting to Arnaldo Slaen, he will be trying to hear thois unID 4845 tomorrow saturday at a DX Camp in the Buenos Aires area, Argentina. ¡Buena suerte Arnaldo, que te vaya bien!
73s Bjorn Malm
4845.04 unID LA spanish speaking. 113kb. 0100 UTC 3/9 2004.
Good signal strength, good sound quality and perhaps(?) an ID beetween the two songs on this recording.
Quito 2/9 2004:
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of unID LA SS on 4845.06 kHz (Bjorn Malm)
*** Recording of Radio Macarena, Villavicencio (Bjorn Malm)
I have not noted Radio Macarena for some years, the last time on 5975.28 kHz 3-4 years ago. Listen to this recording and a recording of unID LA SS I made this thursday morning.
73s Bjorn Malm
Radio Fides reactivated on the 60 meter band?:
4845.06 unID LA spanish speaking. 66kb. 1030 UTC 2/9 2004.
This could be a reactivation of Radio Fides, La Paz(Bolivia) on the 60 meter band. I do not have any ID just the word "Bolivia" in one of the songs and in Mark Mohrmans list Fides is noted on
4845.09 kHz year 2000. Very short recording just music. SSB and Narrow Bandwith.
Radio Macarena reactivated on new frequency:
6090.35 Radio Macarena, Villavicencio(Colombia). 94kb. 2/9 2004.
Recorded with SSB and Narrow Bandwith. News program "Noticiero Macarena".