

Audioclips from Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador


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Archive March - April 2004

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Quito 30/4 2004:

This morning friday I had Radio Senado, Brasília on 5990.30 kHz with the same ID as my unID here below on 6366.80 kHz at 1000 UTC. What I do not know is if thids is a spur from 5990 kHz or harmonic from mediumwave.

5990.30 Radio Senado, Brasília(Brazil) 88kb 1000 UTC 04/2004.

Quito 29/4 2004:

6366.80 (tent.) Radio Senado, Brasília(Brazil)(??) 158kb 1000 UTC 04/2004.
My unID brasilian station on 6366.80 kHz came in with better signal this thursday morning and with an ID. A station transmitting on 5990 kHz, ID is on the recording, what more could it be than a spur from Radio Senado, Brasília on 5990 kHz? A station with transmitter problems - I heard them the same morning on 5993.21 kHz. 6366.80 faded away so I could not compare the two signals. It is important to say: I do not have any ID 100%.

Quito 28/4 2004:

4890.01 Radio Macedonia, Arequipa(Peru) 63kb 0100/1000 UTC 04/2004.
Radio Macedonia reactivated tuesday night, has been off air a long time. Same type of program as before: transmitting from a church. No ID on this recording and to be honnest, I have never heard this station with an ID.

"Rogildo Aragão: "Hola Malm, Interesante tu observacion sobre R.Macedonia, realmente es casi imposible escuchar su ID desde sus primeras trasmisiones. Esta emisoras escuche hace 2 semanas, un solo dia, ahora nuevamente la misma transmision que escuchaste, saludos".

Quito 27/4 2004:

José Elías Diaz from Venezuela has an unID station on 2390 kHz. He and others are saying it could be Guayana(same as on 3291 kHz). Here in Quito I often have Guayana on 3291 but on 2390 nothing. Listen to his recording: (Thanks/ Mil gracias Jose!)

2390.00 unID 183kb 04/2004.
José Elías Diaz: "Que tal amigo Malm. Espero se encuentre muy bien.Muchas gracias por su información sobre lo escuchado en 2390, ya veo que no escuchaba nada y lo logico sería eso. Gracias a los colegas Glenn y Dario pude salir de la duda y comprobar que lo escuchado en 2390 kHz era lo mismo que estaba en 3290 kHz, o sea: Voice of Guyana. Esta grabación que te anexo la hice en los 2390 Khz y se puede escuchar algo como una conversación entre dos personas y luego musica instrumental de steel band. Espero puedas entender algo de lo que dicen. Recibe un abrazo cordial".

4903.80 Radio San Miguel/"LV del Norte", Riberalta(Bolivia)0000 UTC 04/2004.
"LV del Norte" is a news-program from Radio San Miguel beetween 0000 - 0030 UTC.

720.00 Radio Nacional del Peru, Trujillo(Peru).
Daniel Camporini from Buenos Aires has sent me a recording of Radio Nacional delPeru transmitting on 720 kHz. It is a old recording but the station is still on 720 kHz with prefix OAX2J. I have compressed the file from 675kb down to 64kb. Thanks Daniel!

Quito 26/4 2004:

4950.15 R. Madre de Diós, Puerto Maldonado(Peru) 94kb 0100UTC 04/2004.
This is a regular peruvian but most of thr time weak signal. This time stronger. "Radio Madre de Dios su emisora amiga". Low-sound-quality-station.

4995.57 Radio Andina, Huancayo(Peru) 116kb 0030 UTC 04/2004.
ID with MW 1300 and FM, without their SW frequency. "Potencia de calidad". In the mornings a program "naturista" with María de los Angeles. Low-sound-quality-station.

1220.00 HCAP1 Sistema de Radiodifusoras Marañon, Quito(Ecuador) 129kb 04/2004.

Quito 24/4 2004:

3375-08 R. Educadora, Guajará Mirim(Brazíl) 127kb 0200 UTC 04/2004.
Sometimes QRM from R. San Antonio, Callalli(Peru) on 3375.12 kHz. Radio Municipal, São Gabrielda Cachoeira(Brazil) on 3375.15 kHz has been off air for a while.

5019.94 Radio Horizonte, Chachapoyas(Peru) 111kb 0000 UTC 04/2004.
Always there with good signal but could change their modulation a little bit. 99.9 FM and 5020 onda corta.

1140.00 HOB49 R. Panamericana, Panamá(Panama) 139kb 0300 UTC 04/2004.
Not a trace of the dominating station on 1140 Radio Paísa(Colombia), instead a strong Panamericána. At the same time I heard this with chinese music on 1180.00 kHz. Could be listed "China Visión Panamá", Panamá City.Also traces from other stations in Panama City.

1490.00 HCSM5 R. Santa María, Azogues(Ecuadpor) 121kb 0215 UTC 04/2004.
High-quality-station with both religious- and profan programs with popular music.

Quito 22/4 2004:

6366.80 unID Brazil 64kb - 1000 UTC 04/2004.
Could be the same unID brasilian station I one year ago had on 6370.00 kHz. Weak signal and so far no ID. I have heard the station the last 2-3 mornings. Low-quality-recording, just want your opinion if it is a brasilian station. It sounds like "brasilian" portugues to me.

Rogildo Aragão: "Estimado Malm, obre la emisora en 6366.80 es realmente Brasil, pero parece ser el harmonico de alguna emisora en estado del Acre, que esta mas cerca al Ecuador. Escuchando su grabacion, pude identificar; la musica es de la cantante brasileña Elis Regina(ya falecida), e algo del locutor: "...aqui nesse programa..." "...no Acre na nova..." Dias pasados parece que escuche algo por esta frecuencia, pero no de mucha importancia ya que la señal era muy mala. Estare nuevamente atento para esta frecuencia. QRV, Um forte abraço Rogildo".

Bjorn Mlm: "I heard the station also this friday morning 1000 UTC but very, very weak signal".

1500.00 HJLJ Sonora 1500 AM, Cali(Colombia)97kb - 0300 UTC 04/2004.
Listed as "La Básica 1500" so it seems that the station has a new name. "La Básica" was member of "Red Sonora" I think. The normal ID/jingel beetween full hours is "La Voz de la Red".

Quito 20/4 2004:

1280.13 HJCM R. Sur, Pitalito(Colombia) 80kb 1100 UTC 04/2004.

4386.54 R. Imperio, Chiclayo (Peru) 84kb 0030 UTC 04/2004.
After around 0100 UTC religious program. One of the most regular peruvians on the tropical bands."Señal diferente - Imperio!" The singer on this recording is one of the most popular female singer on peruvian stations: Sonia Morales, also called "La Internacional".

5047.08 (no audioclip) unID LA, spanish. 0030 UTC 04/2004.
I have had this station the last 2 days with very weak signal. TC perhaps UTC -4 but I´m not sure.

Quito 18/4 2004:

1310. 12 HJWD Micrófono Civico, Palermo(Colombia) 84kb 0200 UTC 04/2004.
All evening with politics. Around 0155 UTC "Tropicalísimo".Jingel: "Emisora del Pueblo". Many times I have logged them on their 2nd harmonic. The same evening I also logged these 2 stations:

1310.00 (no audioclip) HJJZ Colorín ColorRadio, SF de Bogotá(Colombia).
Our local station here in Quito ""Raíz 11-40" had before the same name and the same format: programs for children.
1310.00 (no audioclip) HJAK LV de la Patria, Barranquilla(Colombia).

1350.00 HCVP2 Teleradio AM, Guayaquil(Ecuador) 154kb 0840 UTC 04/2004.
This is a new recording with better quality.

1569.98 HJZT R. Sensación, Manizales(Colombia) 131kb 0300 UTC 04/2004.
Nusic all the time, boleros and mariachi-music. .

Quito 16/4 2004:

David Norrie: "Bjorn, I have had a Mexican colleague at work listen to a tape of the 1350 station. All of what I said was true but later in the tape it it is clear to him " Teleradio Trece cincuenta" and discussion of an ecological magazine on radio. So this is what it is "Teleradio AM HCVP2". I have no idea why the "Radio Conitinente Rueka" is announced. This was at 05.18 UTC. thanks for your help".

Henrik Klemetz: "Bjorn, I agree with you on Armonia 1350, it does seem to be a new slogan for Melodia, in Cali, but the ID at the end of your clip is for HJDS "transmitiendo desde la ciudad de Medellin". It must be easy to mix them up,given that you seem to have 4 regulars on this frequency. -1350 in Panama seems to be called Radio Escuela Millonaria, and it is an RRB affiliate. -Re the unid Ecuadorian, I would ask David to send Bjorn his audio clip for him to solve, or for posting on his site. I, too, feel that you may have been hearing part of a Teleradio time check"

Bjorn Malm: "Listed Cali-station is Radio Fabulosa(changed to Melodía?). When I 1000 UTC heard colombias national anthem the ID directly after was HJ__ Radio Armomía........"(I do not have this on tape yet) . This friday morning very weak signal with "Radio Armonía 13-50 con Dios todo el día".

1350.00 HCVP2 Teleradio AM, Guayaquil(Ecuador) 136kb 0215 UTC 04/200.
Dominating ecuadorian station on 1350 and always with deep fading. Sometimes english music. IDs "Teleradio 1350" or "Teleradio 13-50 Digital".

2190.00 HCMG2 R. Guayaquil, Guayaquil(Ecuador) 45kb 0330 UTC 04/2004.
I have never heard this station before, not on MW not on on SW. Bad quality and weak signal but 100% ID. Harmonic from 730 kHz

Quito 15/4 2004:

3300.00 Radio Cultural, Ciudad Guatemala (Guatemala) 91kb 1115 UTC 04/2004.
Reactivated on this frequency, has not been here for a long time. Good signal

David Norrie from Auckland, New Zealand also has a unID "Radio Imperial Viva" on 1460 kHz. I checked the frequency last night but could not hear anything with that ID. Just these 3 stations:

1459.86 (no audioclip) HJZU RCN Antena 2, Pasto(Colombia) Sportsprogram.
1459.87 (no audioclip) HCIC6 R. Nuevos Horizontes, Latacunga(Ecuador) HC music.
1460.00 (no audioclip) HJJW Em. Nuevo Continente, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) Religious program.

Quito 14/4 2004:

David Norrie from Auckland, New Zealand has a unID Ecuador on 1350 kHz and I have checked the frequency last night and this wednesday morning. It is good to know that many ecuadorian stations are giving time/TCs from 2 time-ones: "...Galápagos..." and "...Ecuador Continental...".

David: "Bjorn, I wonder if you would be kind enough to help with an identification On 1350KHz I am hearing a clear ID as Radio Continente Reuka in Ecuador at 05.27 UTC it also says "Radio Ecuador" and in English "very good" and "on line" and "La primera". I am trying to play the tape back and get more details. If you know of thi station and its true identity please let me know THis was heard at Tiwai point south Island of new Zealand on an AOR 7030 and beverage. best regards".

1349.96 unID "Armonía 1350"(probably Colombia) 95kb 0300 UTC 04/2004.
Religious program all evening, "La biblia dice", "La biblia responde" etc with "Radio Trans Mudial". Promotion for a church in Cali(not on audioclip). Listed Cali-station is HJEN Radio Fabulosa but the ID at close down 0300 UTC was "Armonía 1350". At the end of my recording is a prefix: "HJEN"(?) but I´m not sure of letters or if it is the same "Armonía"-station. Radio Fabulosa with new name? Narrow bandwith.
Bjorn Malm: "This morning 15/5 the station started 1000 UTC with colombias national anthem and ID "Armonía 13-50 - con dios todo el día". Next time I will also have the prefix"!

1350.00 HJDS R. Ondas de la Montaña, Medellín(Colombia) 145kb 0230 UTC 04/2004.
Jingel: "La tradicional en Antioquia - sonido sin límite". Religious programs in the evenings. Every hour +27 minutes news, ads and ID with prefix.

1350.00 (no audioclip) HCVP2 Teleradio AM, Guayaquil(Ecuador) 0200 UTC 04/2004.
Not enough strenght to make a recording but is always there with "TeleRadio 13-50"-IDs. A regular catch in the Scandinavian countries.

1350.00 (no audioclip) unID Panamá "R.R.P(?). Panamá". 0230 UTC 04/2004.
Came up a few second with ID "RRP(?) Panamá".

Quito 13/4 2004:

4933.00 R. Familiar Cristiana, Vereda La Puerta(Colombia?) 74kb 1100 UTC 03/2004.
This time I have a good recording of the stations QTH but still it is difficult to be 120% sure. On my first recording(see 30/3) the quality is not very good and I received 2 opinions about the QTH: "Aldea La Puerta" and "Vereda La Puerta". I nw agree with the opinion of Henrik Klemetz. QTH is "Vereda La Puerta". This is the ID with QTH I´m hearing on this recording: "Estamos transmitiendo desde aquí de la Vereda La Puerta a través de su Radio Familiar Cristiana......". Probably Colombia. Please listen to the ID/QTH and let me know your opinion.

1469.82 R. La Primerísima "LV de China", Panamá(Panamá) 91kb 0500 UTC 04/2004.
Sounds like a joke but you can every evening listen to LV de China with modern chinese pop-music and ID beetween every 2-3 tunes: "Están escuchando La Voz de China a través de La Primerísima 1560 AM". It seems that the chinese community in Panamá City is bying airtime from La Primrísima. A year ago the Fhiladelfia church bought airtime and the ID was "Radio Filadelfia".

Quito 12/4 2004:

Is "La Cariñosa" a problem?
No it is not! Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia says in a letter in spanish that "La Cariñosa" is a "Cadena" of stations that are transmitting popular music like El Vallenato. La Ranchera and Popular Colombiana ( Carrilera-Corridos. You can read his mail here! You can also visit this adress and read more about "La Cariñosa": http://noticias.rcn.com.co/noticia.php3?nt=148

1230.00 HJKL(lised in WRTH HJLK) R. Calidad "La Cariñosa", Cali(Colombia) 132kb 04/2004.
Is "La Cariñosa" the name of Radio Calidads FM-transmitter? The DJ said they were in // with "La Cariñosa Tuluá"(not on my recording). See my logging here below of "La Cariñosa Tuluhá" on 1560.02 kHz.

1560.02 HJLP RCN "La Cariñosa" Tuluá(Colombia) 84kb 04/2004. Music and "La Cariñosa"-IDs up to close down 0300 UTC with "RCN "La Cariñosa Tuluha"-ID.

Listen also to my recordings of RCN "La Cariñosa" Manizales(see 14/3) and RCN "La Cariñosa" Antioquia(see 7/4). Is there also a connection beetween these stations and Radio Calidad "La Cariñosa"?

6035.02 LV del Guaviare, San José de Guaviare(Colombia) 150kb 04/2004.
Drifting 2-3 Hz but always there.

Quito 8/4 2004:

0929.93 HC__ Canal Tropical, Guayaquil(Ecuador) 113kb 04/2004.
Must be listed HCVI2 Ondas Antillanas, Guayaquil with new name. Before 0000 and after 0100 UTC religious program. 00-01 UTC "música tropical" with ID full/half hour "Canal Tropical (la) auténtica señal de nuestro Diós". "miagencia.net" has very up-to-date information about stations in Ecuador: http://www.miagencia.net/paginas_web/medios/guayas_am.htm

930.00 Canal Tropical, Guayaquil(Ecuador) 42kb 05/1985.
Henrik Klemetz: "Bjorn, Canal Tropical was on 930 kHz around 1980-86. I visited the station and the adress was the same: Edificio Gran Pasaje. This clip is from May 12, 1985". (Thanks Henrik, first I thought it ws a jingel but "Canal Tropical" was he only ID on full/half hour/Bjorn)

Quito 8/4 2004:

0790.00 HJ__ name?, Medellín(Colombia) 171kb 04/2004.
This is a problem! Listed station is "HJDC Caracol Música, Medellín(Antioquia)". I´m sure it is a Medellín-station but last night I did not hear any Caracol-ID. Early in the evening clear "RCN Antioquia"-IDs(is not on the recording). Then music with no IDs, just promotion/ads from Antioquia and Medellín. 0230-0300 UTC sportsprogram together with station "Canal TeleMundo" in Miami, Florida. Also talking about "Emisora Minuto de Dios". Is "¡Viva Antioquia Viva!" a cooperation beetween stations in Antioquia? The audioclip starts with my favorite from México Marco Antonio Solís.
Henrik Klemetz: "790 is Múnera Eastman Radio http://www.radiomunera.com/ Múnera Eastman is one of the foremost sports narrators in Medellín. Canal Telemundo is one out of many cable TV channels you can watch in Colombia. Viva Antioquia Viva is not related to radio".

1070.00 LR1 R. El Mundo, Buenos Aires(Argentina) 78kb 04/2004.
Daniel Camporini from Buenos Aires has sent me this recording from some years back, still has their SW frequency in the ID. I have heard El Mundo on 1070 kHz many times in Sweden but it is impossible(so far...) to hear Argentina here in Quito. I have compressed the recording from orig. 824kb down to 78kb. Gracias Daniel!

1249.95 HJFV R. Viva, Pasto(Colombia) 87kb 04/2004.
ID: "Radio Viva Canal 12-50". This is a religious station. Same split as when I heard the station the last time some year ago.

Quito 7/4 2004:

1140.00 HJDL R. Paisa, Medellín(Colombia) 116kb 04/2004.
Always local programs in the evening. Nice song-ID. "La Cariñosa de Antioquia"

1190.00 YVZD R.Dif.Cultural del Táchira, San Cristóbal(Venezuela) 116kb 04/2004.
First time for me hearing this station. "La Emisora de la Paz Vital 11-90".
Henrik Klemetz: "Re-inauguration" for this pro-governmental station called Radiodifusora Cultural VITAL 1.190, Jan 27 last. See article about new studio equipment, "positive programming" etc at http://www.tachira.gov.ve/actualidad/noticias/2002/marzo/n0005.html

1279.99 ZYJ455R adio Tupi, Rio de Janeiro(Brazil) 95kb 04/2004.
7 years here in Quito and I have just logged one(1) brasilian station on mediumwave. Radio Tupi is the 2nd station and the first from Brazil on my audiocclips. The spanish speaking station interfering with Tupi on the recording is Caracol Colombia."Tupi Noticias".

4530.00 HK793 Radio Versalles, Versalles(Colombia) 95kb 04/2004.
Fine catch, the station has just 250 W. Harmonic from 1510 kHz.

Quito 5/4 2004:

0849.94 HCVS2 R. San Francisco, Guayaquil(Ecuador) 103kb 04/2004.
I have heard the listed R. San Francisco, Guayaquil with IDs on weekends but the station seems to relay "Radio Paz" on weekdays. On this recording you hear ID for Radio Paz 830 AM but I can not find any "Radio Paz" on 830 kHz.
Henrik Klemetz: "Radio San Francisco relays programming from WACC Radio Paz, 8-30 AM. This station is in Miami, FL Their programming is also live on RealAudio".

1058.41 Antena 1, Tumbes(Peru) 94kb 04/2004.
"Antena !"-IDs and a lot of talking about "Piura".

1070.00 HJCG R. Santa Fé, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 124kb 04/2004.

1450.00 HJHH R. Católica Metropolitana, Bucaramanga(Colombia) 127kb 04/2004.
First time for me to hear this station. Program from REE España.

1489.98 HJBS Em. Punto Cinco, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 136kb 04/2004.
I have heard this station many times on it´s 2nd harmonic 2979.99 kHz.

4939.66 R. Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho(Venezuela) 125kb 04/2004.
I have been waiting some time to do this recording, the station is normaly low modulated. Nice music and a fine ID.

5055.02 Radio Difusora, QTH probably Cáceres(Brazil) 124 kB 04/2004.
"Difusora"-IDs so I think it is the Cáceres-station.
Rogildo Aragão: "Es realmente R.Difusora de Cáceres, estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Puedes escuchar en tu grabación la palabra PANTANAL, es una región pantanosa que empieza en Cáceres y baja hasta Corumbá. Aqui en las mañanas esta ultimamente entrando com buen señal y exactamente este programa que escuchaste".

R. Santa Rosa, Lima(Peru) 99kb 04/2004.
Has been on this split the last 5 days. Has Radio Santa Rosa been inactive on 6045 kHz for a while?

6956.90 R. LV del Campesino, Huarmaca(Peru) 120kb/2004.
Henrik Klemetz: "Radio La Voz del Campesino says their address is Calle Bolognesi 135, in Huarmaca. So the address in WRTH 2004 must be considered as out of date".

Quito 3/4 2004:

Henrik Klemetz has a comment about my recording 2/4 of Surcolombiana:
"The annct is for HJJW, not HJOV. So I wonder what´s the actual prefix for Nuevo Continente, on 1460? Perhaps you check, and at the same time you find out which is their present-day-split".

1460.00 HJJW Em. Nuevo Continente, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 53kb 04/2004.
This is not a very good recording but you can hear without any problem that Nuevo Continente has the same prefix as Surcolombiana, Neiva on my recording from 2/4 here below.

Quito 2/4 2004:

0804.90 HCFB1 R. Sensación 800, Quito(Ecuador) 147kb 04/2004.
Radio Sensación is sometimes on 804.90 and sometimes on 800.00 kHz. A station a little bit irregular, off now and then. Paulina Tamayo on this recording is one of the best singers, from Quito and I have listened to her live many times.
1060.22 HJJW(listed HJOV) R. Surcolombiana, Neiva(Colombia) 106kb 04/2004.
Nice nusic and a nice ID. Stable on this split.
4460.96 R. Nor Andina, Celendín(Peru) 128kb 04/2004.
Always on air!
4781.34 R. Oriental, Tena(Ecuador) 145kb 04/2004.
A little bit distorted signal.
4845.21 R. Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus(Brazil) 138kb 04/2004.
I do not very often listen to brazilian stations but this one had a fine ID.
5460.30 Radio Bolivar, Bolivar(Peru) 127kb 04/2004.

Quito 1/4 2004:

4916.0v Radio Familiar Cristiana, inknown QTH(Colombia?) 67kb 04/2004.
On this 2nd recording of Radio Familiar Cristiana is the preacher, he was not on the first recording. Perhaps someone knows of him, he is talking all the time in a very special way about driving out the devil of your body. This wednesday morning exactly the same program: OM preachibg nonstop 1 hour up to 1120 UTC without ID, without any country-, city- or streetname. 1120 UTC the same program as the first time "Amanecer con Cristo" with greetings to "hermanos" and "hermanas"(of the church?). Local sunrise here in Quito and the station faded away rapidly so I did not catch any geographical name. .

Quito 31/3 2004:

1470.02 Radio Restauración, Cali(Colombia) 86kb
Rafael Rodriguez explains below in spanish that Armony Records, Cali 1470 kHz now is selling airtime to religious radiostations so probably is Radio Restauración(listed on 1600 kHz) bying airtime for a limited period. Rafael says also that Radio Restauración not is a legal station and on this recording the station is not giving any prefix.

Quito 30/3 2004:

4916.0v Radio Familiar Cristiana, unknown QTH(Could be Colombia) 154kb 03/2004.
This thusday morning religious program, preacher, up to 1125 and then greetings and music in a program called "Amanecer con Cristo". Transmitting from(?) "Centro de Vida Cristiana Asamblea de Dios". I´m not sure but it is my opinion that it is a colombian station. UTC -5. "Radio Familiar Cristiana" has transmitters on FM in some colombian cities:
Tunja, Sogamoso, Duitama, Chiquinquirá and Bucaramanga.
Rogildo F. Aragão has a comment on Radio Familiar Cristiana: "Hola Malm, Que bueno que mi informacion fue util............... ¡Read his comments 1/4 2004 here!
Rogildo F. Aragão: "Estimado Malm, Escuche su grabacion, interesante escucha y raro, dizen transmitir desde Aldea la Puerta, donde será? Alguna parte de la amazonia.....".
Henrik Klemetz has a comment on Radio Familiar Cristiana; "Modulación: Suena como FM. Pienso que la emisión se.................... ¡Read his comments 30/3 2004 here!

Quito 29/3 2004:

This is what I heard last night and this morning on 1470 kHz, an exiting frequency with many splits:

1469.82 (no audioclip) unID LA with weak signal and music. On exactly this split I logged some years ago R. La Primerísima, Panamá with "Radio Filadelfia"-IDs.
1469.88 (no audioclip) unID LA very weak. On exactly this split I have logged HJIM R. Popular, Medellín some years ago.
1469.97 HJTB Ondas de Ibagué, Ibagué(Colombia) 100kb 03/2004.
Has been on this split at lrast one year. 3 years ago I heard the station on its 2nd harmonic 2940.14 kHz.
1469.98 OAU4B CPN Radio, Lima(Peru) 96kb 03/2004.
Always on the same split, in Sweden often the strongest station 1470 together with Radio Vibración(never heard here in Quito.CPN Radio, Andahuaylas is also listed on 1470 so I´m not sure it is Lima.
1470.02 R. Restauración, unknown QTH(Colombia) 109kb 03/2004.
This is a problem! Could it be HJF33 R. Restauración, Cali that has moved from 1600 to 1470 kHz? The station has the frequency 1470 kHz in their ID. But if it is so what has happened with listed HJNT Armony Records, Cali? I loggedArmony Records some years ago on exactly the same split: 1470.02 kHz. LA music with IDs "Radio Restauración" and religious programs without IDs.It is not listed "AM Restauración, Hurlingham" from Argentina.
Henrik Klemetz has a comment on 1470 kHz Radio Resauración: "Si me permites, Björn, te puedo decir que.................... ¡Read his comments 1/4 2004 here!.
Rafael R. has a comment on Radio Restauracion 1470 kHz: "Hola Colega Malm. Acerca de su inquietud sobre los 1470 Khz.................... ¡Read his comments 29/3 2004 here!
1470.06 HCJC1 Ecos de Cayambe, Cayambe(Ecuador) 72kb 03/2004.
This is not a very good day-time recording so I will make a better one later on. The town of Cayambe is near Quito.
1470.35 (no audioclip) unID LA with weak signal.

Quito 28/3 2004:

0899.90 HCVA1 Radio Sucre, Quito(Ecuador) 124kb 02/2004.
Sportsprogram some evenings and others relay of "Cupído FM" in Guayaquil. The recording has ID from both, Cupído and Sucre. It is rare to hear local "Sucre, Quito"-IDs nowadays. The programs comes from the stations matrix in Guayaquil.
1490.00 "RQ 910", unknown QTH(Venezuela)122kB 03/2004.
Relay of YVRQ R.Q 910, Caracas.
Henrik Klemetz: "RQ910 is the flagship of a network carrying baseball matches with the Tiburones (Sharks) team. Among the affiliates is Radio Mérida".
1499.93 OBX4I R. Santa Rosa, Lima(Peru) 134kb 03/2004.
I have heard this station many times in Sweden on the same split.
4774.97 Radio Tarma, Tarma(Peru) 148kb 03/2004.
I like this station!

Quito 27/3 2004:

5930.44 ID "Radio Guaruja AM"?
I heard this station from Brazil the first time thursday evening. This evening saturday with ID "Radio Guaruja AM" but I´m not 100% sure. So please listen to my short recording.
Rogildo Aragão: "Esta tambien es realmente R.Guarujá AM, Santos-SP-Brasil que adiciono esta frecuencia"

Quito 26/3 2004:

6329.10 kHz LV de Faique, Faique, Cajamarca(Perú) 132kb 03/2004.
Some days ago Rafael Rodriguez reported a new peruvian station on 6329.10 kHz. I have not noted anything on this frequency thereafter but this evening 2353 UTC the station was there. I do not think it is former Estación C, Moyobamba from "Departamento de San Martín". The ID is crystal clear: The station is transmitting from "Distrito de Faique, Departamento de Cajamarca". .

Henrik Klemetz has a comment on 6329.10 kHz LV de Faique: "Hello Björn, I think Rafael Rodriguez is referring to the transmitter.................... ¡Read his comments 26/3 2004 here!

Quito 25/3 2004:

0720.00 HCIC1 Radio Municipal, Quito(Ecuador) 133kb 03/2004.
This is the omly station in Quito owned by the city, all the others are private stations.
0820.00 HCVI5 R. LV de Ingapirca, Cañar(Ecuador) 115kb 03/2004.
I was listening to this frequency to get a local ID for Caracol Cali but Ingapirca had better signal. ID in Quichua "Ingapirca Radio".
0860.00 HC... Radio Positiva, Quito(Ecuador) 72kb 03/2004.
Radio Visión has sold their MW frequency 860 kHz but is still on FM.

6819.23 LV de la Huarinjas, Huancabamba(Peru) 106kb 03/2004.
Bad quality with distorted signal. .

Quito 23/3 2004:

1599.80 HJHV Armonías Zipaquireñas, Zipaquirá(Colombia) 144kb03/2004.
Center frequency 1599.80 +- 2hz. Up to 1100 UTC Llanero music and 1100 UTC ID with name and prefix + Caracol-ID.

This is what I heard on 860 kHz one evening and the next morning. On 859.90 kHz unID with very weak signal(I do not have a recording on this):

0858.0v unID probably Perú. 86kb 03/2004.
Drifting beetween 857 - 859 kHz with weak signal. There is an ID on the recording so if you know what it is please send me the answer!
Renato Bruni has a comment on 858.0v kHz unID Perú: "atencion la hora, atencion la hora (...) Huamachuco transmite para todos.................... ¡Read his comments 23/3 2004 here!
0860.00 YVOL Mundial 8-60, San Cristóbal(Venezuela) 86kb 03/2004.
0860.00 HOL55 R. Reforma, Chitré(Panamá) 151kb 03/2004.
It is for me something "special" with Panamá stations. Good signl and fine music.
0860.00 HJFP Voces de Occidente, Buga(Colombia) 100kb 03/2004..
I have many times heard this station also on it´s 2nd harmonic 1720 kHz. .

Quito 22/3 2004:

0640.00 HC... Radio Morena, Guayaquil(Ecuador)151kb 03/2004.
1110.12 HCJR1 Hoy La Radio, Quito(Ecuador) 110kb 03/2004.
Has been off air for a long time, now again active with just music and IDs. "Hoy" is also a newspapaer here in Quito.
1260.00 HCMO1 LV del Santuario del Quinche , Quito(Ecuador) 111kB 03/2004.
This is a religous station.
3234.87 R. Luz y Sonido, Huánuco(Peru) 129kb 03/2004.
A new recording with better IDs.
4409.80 unID Bolivia 122kb 03/2004.
Does anyone know the correct name of this bolivian station? Listed name is "Radio Eco". Always very weak signal, this time enough for a recording.
Henrik Klemetz: "Gonzalo Espinoza Cortes told me in a chat a fortnight ago that his station in Reyes, on 4409, is alive and kicking. (This is not the case of Radio Eco San Borja)".
5486.74 La Reina de la lva, Chachapoyas(Peru) 112kb 03/2004.

Quito 20/3 2004:

0580.00 OAX2E R. Marañón, Jaén(Peru) 146kb. 03/2004.
I do not hear many peruvians on mediumwave with good signal strenght but Radio Marañon is totally free without interference and with good signal.
0940.00 HJGB R. Calima, Cali(Colombia) 143kb 03/2004.
1109.99 HCJC5 R. Ondas Azuayas, Cuenca(Ecuador) 97kb 03/2004.
Many stations on different splits around this frequency so perhaps I´m going o do a "1110"-special later on.

Quito 18/3 2004:

0840.00 HJKK H J Doble K, Neiva(Colombia) 145kb. 03/2004.
0990.00 HCGH1 R. Tarquí, Quito(Ecuador) 132kb. 03/2004.
National anthem of Ecuador, the greatest ecuadorian singer of all times Julio Jaramillo "JJ" and a nice ID. What more do you need.........

Quito 17/3 2004:

1090.00 HCVI1 R. Irfeyal , Quito(Ecuador) 121kb/57sec. 03/2004.
Instituto Radiofónico Fé y Alegria with education/school programs.
1119.88 HCFV2 Estación Intercontinental, Guayaquil(Ecuador) 133kb/63sec. 03/2004.
Stations from our "puerto ppincipal" Guayaquil normally have very good sound quality.
4420.33 R. Bambamarca, Bambamarca(Peru) 132kb/62sec. 03/2004.
Listen to this nice ID.
6536.11 La Poderosa, Huancabamba(Peru) 157kb/74sec. 03/2004.
Has changed the name many times, now it is "La Poderosa".

Quito 16/3 2004:

0590.01 HJCR R@dionet/ W-FM, Medellín(Colombia) 145kb/69sec. 03/2004.
Please send me a mail if you know something about this station. In the evenings just "Radio Net"-programs. In the mornings 1000 UTC the program and ID changes from "Radio Net" to "W-FM". Is this a FM-station in Miami, Florida? From 1100 UTC the program also is on 1210 kHz "....the old frequency of Radio Única....". QRM sometimes from RPC in Panamá on 589.99 kHz, I will try to get a recording also of that station.
Henrik Klemetz: "W-FM is a program from Caracol and Radionet is a "child" of Caracol".
0980.00 HJES RCN, Cali(Colombia) 138kb/65sec. 03/2004.
RCN goes from Cadena Básica to local programs from Cali. The other colombian station HJJV "La Vallenata" is on 979.98 kHz with very weak signal. ID "La Vallenata - con sentimiento". I will try to get a recording of La Vallenata - is a station with 95% music. On the other hand RCN is talking 95% of the time.
1510.39 Radio Monumental, Quito(Ecuador) 137kb/65sec. 03/2004.
A station with very bad sound quality. Hasse Mattisson, Sweden has asked if the station is active. Hasse heard the station some years ago with good strength.
6188.03 R Oriente, Yurimaguas(Peru) 157kb/75sec. 03/2004.
One of the strongest peruvians on SW here in Quito.

Quito 14/3 2004:

1199.93 HJNF Radio Super, Cali(Colombia) 138kb/65sec. 03/2004.
Also "giving away" 2-3 harmonics on shortwave..
1450.03 HJNL RCN "La Cariñosa", Manizales(Colombia) 102kb/48sec. 03/2004.
I listened to this station for several hours saturday night without ID, just "La Cariñosa" between every song. Close down 0500 UTC with "RCN, Manizales"-ID.
1550.00 HCAD5 LV de Chaguarurco, Santa Isabel(Ecuador) 106kb/50sec. 03/2004.
The first time for me to hear this one. Ecuadorian music.

Quito 13/3 2004:

0970.00 HJCI R. Super, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 114kb/54sec. 03/2004.
1180.00 HCR1 Nueva Emisora Central, Quito(Ecuador) 139kb/66sec. 03/2004. Listen to their nice song-ID.
1520.00 HJLI Ecos del Palmar, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 132kb/63sec. 03/2004. "Estación Latina".
1529.93 HKI81 Alcaraván Radio Puerto Lleras, Puerto Lleras(Colombia) 123kb/58sec. 03/2004. A very great surprise! The first time ´I have heard this station on mediumwave, on SW Alcaraván is very regular.
1590.00 HCRZ1 Radio Mensaje, Tabacundo(Ecuador) 167kb/79sec. 03/2004. A nice station with 100% ecuadorian music.

Quito 12/3 2004:

1069.96 Radio Libertad, Quito(Ecuador) 104kb/48sec. 03/2004.
1419.99 Radio Bahá'í, Otavalo(Ecuador) 128kb/60sec. 03/2004.
A little bit distorted sound is normal for both Libertad and Bahá'í.

Quito 11/3 2004:

2020.10 unID LA HJZD R. Panzenú, Montería?? 119kb/56sec. 03/2004.

Quito 10/3 2004:

5014.38 Radio Altura, o de Pasco(Peru) 134kb/63sec.Cerr 03/2004. 5-6 days ago Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco moved from 5009.70v kHz to this frequency. I get the name after some days but with unknown QTH. This evening I get an ID and ads from Cerro de Pasco.
0780.00 La Voz del Valle, Cali(Colombia) 150kb/71sec. 03/2004.
1379.86 Radio Cristal, Quito(Ecuador) 163kb/77sec. 03/2004. This is the station from my "barrio", just 5 minutes walking from our house en venida "La Prensa". A very friendly station wirh good sound-quality and ecuadorian music, mostly "rocolera". Every sunday between 15-1900 local time Radio Cristal has live music with public, ecuadorianingers and groups. I will later on put more recordings of Radio Cristal" on this age.

Quito 9/3 2004:

610.00 Radio Caravana, Quito(Ecuador) 96kb/45sec. 03/2004. This is former "Emisora Gran Colombia" that also was on shortwave many years ago.
830.00 La Voz de Antioquia, Medellín(Colombia) 97kb/45sec. 03/2004.
880.00 Radio Católica Nacional, Quito(Ecuador) 85kb/40sec. 03/2004.
1100.09 Radio Mil-Cien AM, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 114kb/54sec. 03/2004. Has listed HJCN Em. Musical, SF de Bogotá changed their name? "Somos la Red de Radiodifusión Biblica".
Tore Larsson/ARC via Rafael Rodriguez: "Emisora Musical has changed their name to Red de Radiodifusion Biblica".
Henrik Klemetz: “Rafael Rodríguez has reported that RRB is leasing this Caracol frequency”.
Bjorn Malm: "My question is, the name of the station still is "Emisora Musical" or is it R.B.B or could it perhaps be the name/ID you can hear on my recordinhg = Radio Mil Cien AM?".
4890.28 Radio Chota, Chota(Perú) 116kb/55sec. 03/2004.

Quito 7/3 2004:

0760.00 Radio Quito, Quito(Ecuador) 184kb/69sec. 03/2004.
0840.00 Radio Vigía, Quito(Ecuador) 137kb/50sec. 03/2004.
0920.02 HJJN Ondas del Mayo, Pasto(Colombia) 138kb/50sec. 03/2004. (This audioclip is replaced by a new recording, see 14/5 2004)
3234.90 Radio Luz y Sonido, Huánuco(Peru) 172kb/64sec. 03/2004.

Quito 5/3 2004

5209.80 UNIDENTIFIED LA station 1100 UTC 246kb/93sec. 03/2004.

Quito 4/3 2004:

0529.93 Radio Iris, Quito(Ecuador) 158kb/59sec. 03/2004. In the mornings my wife and I always are listening to the news from Radio Quito or Radio Iris. A very good station "La Voz de la Comunidad".
0540.18 Radio Corporación, Managua(Nicaragua) 192kb/73sec. 03/2004. This is a better recording than the one I had some days ago.
0570.00 Radio El Sol, Quito(Ecuador) 190kb/72sec. 03/2004. A station that almost every evening has sportsprogram, mostly socker.
0640.04 R. Nacional de Ecuador, Quito(Ecuador) 166kb/62sec. 03/2004.
0669.98 R. Jesús del Gran Poder, Quito(Ecuador) 213kb/80sec. 03/2004. Some times relay of the FM station "Francisco Estereo". The stations SW outlet has been inactive for many years.
4485.94 R. Frecuencia VH, Celendín(Peru) 353kb/96sec. 03/2004:.
4903,73 Radio San Mihuel, Riberalta(Bolivia) 118kb/42sec. 03/2004.
4959.97 Radio Federación Shuar, Sucúa(Ecuador) 228kb/86sec. 03/2004.
5952.48 R. Pio Doce, Siglo Veinte (Bolivia) 188kb/71sec. 03/2004.
6079.98 Radio San Gabriel, La Paz (Bolivia) 160kb/59sec. 03/2004. Sometimes here and some times on 6085 kHz.

Quito 2/3 2004:

539.91 Radio 540 AM, Panamá City(Panamá) 178kb/66sec. 03/2004. Always sportsprogram in the evenings.
540.00 Radio Auténtica, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 198kb/74sec. 032004. Is dominating the frequency with rel. programs.