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Archive July - August 2005
Quito 30/8 2005
*** Tuesday "second" edition:
........some minutes later feedback from Christer Brunstrom (Sweden), thanks Christer!
Christer Brunstrom:
After the frequencies there is song-ID with "Record.....". (My translation from Swedish. /Bjorn)
..........comments from Jan-Erik Osterholm (Finland) arrived just seconds after I presented my unID Brasil on 6149.94 kHz, thanks!
Jan-Erik Osterholm:
What the DJ says at second "6" is: ".....da sua rádio". Then ZYK522 and mentioning of 49 meter band. To me it sounds like the jingel at the end of your clip beginns with "Radio Record.......".
(My translation from Swedish /Bjorn)
73s Bjorn Malm
Quito 30/8 2005
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Recording of 6149.94 unID Brasil
Second 8: Call letters K522
Second 11: frequency 1000 kHz
second 13: 31 and 49 meter bands
............but, I can not hear any "Record" at ID second "6", but perhaps you can! What is he saying?
(1000 K522 SP 200 R. Record São Paulo 24hs, IURD, // 6150 e 9505)
73s Bjorn Malm
6149.94 unID Brasil. 0955 UTC. 08/2005.
The name of the station is Radio Record? (".tmp" recording, will be removed)
Quito 29/8 2005
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of 1510 kHz Radio Net, Ambato (Ecuador) (Jan-Erik Osterholm, Finland)
A very warm welcome to Jan-Erik Osterholm, Borgå (Finland), one of Europe´s most active mediumwave DXer´s, and his first recording on this ID-site: 1510 kHz Radio Net, Ambato
(Ecuador). A real "DX" recording made in the finnish town of "Borgå" a municipality of about 47,000 inhabitants, situated on the southern coast of Finland approximately 50 kilometres east of
the capital Helsinki.
Radio Net, Ambato is very difficult to hear here in Quito, I have had the station tent. talking about "Ambato" some Hz below nom. frequency.
73s Bjorn Malm
Jan-Erik Osterholm at his listening post:
Borgå, Jan-Erik Osterholm´s QTH:
Ambato "The Cathedral":
1510.xx Radio Net, Ambato (Ecuador). 08/2005.
Recording made by Jan-Erik Osterholm, Borgå (Finland). "DX" aignal = weak signal, interference etc. 40 seconds of a recording 1:59 long.
QTH Info:
"San Juan de Ambato is a city in the centre of Ecuador near the Ambato River. It is the capital of Tungurahua Province, at an elevation of 2,600 meters above sea level. The population is
154,095. The city is a leading commercial and transportation centre on a fertile region near the northern foot of the volcano Chimborazo. It hosts the largest animal market of the country.
An earthquake on August 5, 1949 destroyed most of the city so that only few buildings of the colonial era remain. As a way to recover from the tragic earthquake, Ambato began its tradition of the
Fruits and Flowers Festival. It is now a major tourist attraction held during carnival season.
Quito 28/8 2005
*** Sunday late evening edition:
..........thanks to Jan-Erik Osterholm (Finland) and Henrik Klemetz (Sweden) for this feedback regarding my unID 1600.43 kHz. If I´m lucky I have the ID monday morning.
73s Bjorn Malm
Henrik Klemetz:
from your recording: "Para que no te equivoques, no te tropieces, visita hoy día a Pablo Guarnizo, el santero mayor, que arregla la suerte". Guarnizo is a common name in Loja,
Southern Ecuador and Northern Perú. (my translation swedish to english /Bjorn).
Jan-Erik Osterholm:
I hear the frase "La Reina del Norte" at second "17" on your clip, so perhaps San Pablo, Cajamarca? (my translation from swedish /Bjorn)
Quito 28/8 2005
*** Sunday edition:
*** Recording of 1600.43 unID probably Perú
This sunday morning around 1000 UTC I noted an unID LA on 1600.43 kHz and I think it´s a Peruvian station. Sonya Morales "La Internacional" is singing. This split is something for the
Scandinavian DXers to hunt!
73s Bjorn Malm
1600.43 unID probably Perú
".tmp" recording, will be removed.
Quito 27/8 2005
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 1510.39 Radio Monumental, Quito (Ecuador)
I reported this station the first time around 1998, the sound was a little bit distorted and has been over the years. But, something has happened the last months, much better sound quality and the
frequency now is 1510.00 kHz. For some reason the audio quality is very good in AM/AM Sync but impossible(sometimes) to listen in SSB. The recording is from christmas last year.
73s Bjorn Malm
1510.39 Radio Monumental, Quito (Ecuador). 08/2005.
Quito 24/8 2005
*** Wednesday late evening edition:
..........some more feedback regarding the National Anthem of Argentina:
Daniel Camporini Argentina:
"Una ligera correccion a lo aseverado por Henrik Klemetz en su libro Latin America by Radio Pag. 162.
Primero dejenme decirles que afortunadamente hace mas de dos decadas que no sufrimos golpes de estado. Cuando estas cosas sucedian en la Argentina, era muy raro que un levantamiento militar o un
golpe de estado se iniciara con la emision del Himno Nacional en la radio, usualmente se empleaba una marcha militar previo a algun comunicado, incluso las filiales de Radio Nacional no empleaban el
himno para abrir o cerrar sus transmisiones, tambien lo hacian con marchas militares y tengo muchas grabaciones de aquellos años para corroborarlo. Un abrazo a todos".
Quito 24/8 2005
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of 4990.93 Radio Ancash, Huaraz (Peru)
I have not presented any shortwave station after 31/7 and 4819.14 HRVC LV Evangélica, Tegucigalpa (Honduras) and the reason is of course: nothing of interest is happening. But I have "in
stock" a station never presented before on this ID site: 4990.93 Radio Ancash, Huaraz (Peru). Is very irregular and has been off air a long time.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Huaraz here!
4990.93 Radio Ancash, Huaraz (Peru). 08/2005.
Listen to the song-ID.
QTH Info:
"Huaraz is a city in central Peru. It has a population of approximately 100,000 and is the capital of the Ancash
region. Huaraz is situated at an altitude of 3100 m in the Andes mountains, some 450 km north of Lima.
Huaraz sits in the agriculturally important Callejón de Huaylas valley, at the foot of the Cordillera Blanca mountain range, which includes Huascarán, the highest mountain in Peru at
6768 m. Huascarán National Park is a popular destination for tourism and trekking, and Huaraz is a frequent base for expeditions to the Cordilleras Blanca and Huayhuash. Tourists often come
from Argentina, Italy, Switzerland, Israel, Germany, the UK and the United States.
On 31 May 1970 the Ancash earthquake destroyed much of Huaraz, killing 10,000 people. Nearby Yungay was completely buried by material from Huascarán, with the loss of 30,000 lives".
Quito 23/8 2005
*** Tuesday evening edition:
I have received a very interesting mail from Daniel Camporini, Argentina regarding when the Ntional Athem is transmitted over stations in Buenos Aires. Thank you Danny!
73s Bjorn Malm
Daniel Camporini (Argentina):
"Hola Bjorn, como estas. Un saludo a todos tus lectores. Como simple dato informativo te comento que actualmente varias de las emisoras de Buenos Aires estan emitiendo el Himno Nacional a las 03:00
UTC, otras lo hacen a las 05:00 UTC y tambien suelen hacerlo a las 09:00 UTC. Obligatoriamente debian hacerlo al iniciar o cerrar las transmisiones, pero como ahora todas emiten las 24 horas del dia
cada emisora dispone el momento de hacerlo.
El unico momento en que todos los hacen a la medianoche (03:00 UTC) es cuando se inicia un dia de feriado nacional, como el 25 de mayo (independencia del virreinato español), 9 de julio (dia
de la independencia), 17 de agosto (muerte del General San Martín) o 20 de junio (dia de la bandera), y esto se debe a que se conectan obligatoriamente en la cadena nacional con LRA1 Radio
nacional Buenos Aires. Un abrazo".
Quito 21/8 2005
*** Sunday late evening edition:
Thanks to Arnaldo Slaen, Henrik Klemetz, Jan-Erik Osterholm and Tore Larsson for feedback regarding some of my ?-marks:
1520.005 Vida AM, Bogotá (Colombia) (See 19/8 2005):
Tore Larsson, Sweden: "Arctic Radio Club "South American News Desk" had information (Rafael Rodriguez) about the new name "Vida AM" already 14/3 2005". (My
translation from swedish. Also Henrik Klemetz says in a mail that the name has been around for a while /Bjorn).
870.00 unID Argentina??? 1000 UTC. (see 17/8 2005):
Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina: "No Bjorn!!! Acabo de escucharlo. Definitivamente no es Himno Nacional de Argentina. Lo que no te puedo ayudar es a qué
país Latinoamericanoudiese corresponder. Un abrazo".
Jan-Erik Osterholm, Finland: "Hi Bjorn! Your unID under Radio Cristal is Radio Libre, Panamá starting up with the national anthem of Panamá. What you
have on the clip is some lines from the last part (My translation from swedish /Bjorn):
En tu suelo cubierto de flores
A los besos del tibio terral,
Terminaron guerreros fragores,
Sólo reina el amor fraternal
Adelante la pica y la pala
Al trabajao sin más dilación".
Henrik Klemetz, Sweden: "Hearing his national anthem on radio, an Argentinian would not think of a sign-on or a sign-off of a station; rather he would think of a
coup d´état or a military takeover". (Henrik Klemetz, Latin America by Radio, page 162).
960.00 R. San Sebastián, San Cristóbal (Venezuela) (see 14/8 2005):
Both Jan-Erik Osterholm and Henrik Klemetz says that the stations jingle is "La auténtica emisora del tachirense" not "La auténtica emisora El Fascinante" as I wrote. /Bjorn
Quito 19/8 2005
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 1520.005 HJ__ Vida AM, Bogotá (Colombia)
If this is something new or something I have missed I do not know. It seems that "Vida AM" is the stations new name. What I do know is that HJLI Ecos del Palmar, Bogotá changed
the name to HJLI Estación Latina, Bogotá and that Estación Latina had religious program late evenings and nights. 1520 kHz Vida AM,
Bogotá afiliated to "Sistema Vida AM Colombia" together with: 870 Vida AM, Medellín and 1130 Vida AM, Bogotá + a FM station.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Bogotá here!
1520.005 HJ__ Vida AM, Bogotá (Colombia) 0330 UTC. 08/2005.
Quito 17/8 2005
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of unID 870.00 kHz
"I have a dream": I have never logged Argentina (or Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile) on mediumwave here in Quito and these days I´m trying hard to get a positive ID on 870 kHz, perhaps the best
frequency for logging Argentina in Quito. 870-LRA1 Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires has 100 kW and has been logged in Colombia. Greyline DX is the best way I think so I´m listening beetween 1000 -
1050 UTC.
On 870 kHz I have 3 stations: Radio Cristal, Guayaquil(old recording) (Ecuador), LV del Tolima, Ibagué (Colombia) and the unID station on my
1000 UTC a national anthem(?) I do not recognize (Argentina?) followed by female DJ and sounds very much as "La Plata" to me.
73s Bjorn Malm
870.00 unID La Plata (???) 1000 UTC.
The female DJ is talking under Radio Cristal. (.tmp recording, will be removed).
Quito 15/8 2005
Monday edition:
DX just can not be more difficult. I have been listening to an unID Bolivia on 1590.43 kHz the last month, mornings and evenings. Very weak signal and very difficult to get a local ID. I think,
without being 100% sure, that my recording this morning has an ID.
73s Bjorn Malm
1590.43 unID Bolivia. 08/2005.
Short recording with dynamic compressor set to "hard compression". (.tmp recording, will be removed)
Quito 14/8 2005
*** Sunday edition:
*** Recording of 960.00 HCSA5 Radio Sononda Internacional, Cuenca (Ecuador)
After more than 2 hours of listening saturday morning the ID was there again, this time a little bit clearer. Serena, Corona and Serrano (our guesses) was in fact "Radio Sononda" a station
transmitting from Cuenca in southern Ecuador.
I have been listening on 960 kHz 2-3 days and was lucky to hear 4 stations I never have logged before. All 4 clips are ".tmp" files and will be removed. "Click" on the blue links to listen to these
"DX" recordings.
HCSA5 Radio Sononda Internacional, Cuenca (Ecuador). Is my unID station (see 12/8 2005). This is the listed name but I just heard "Radio
Sononda"-ID´s. Ads from Cuenca, Ecuadorian music and all the time talking about the "fiesta" = "El Día de la Indepencencia (Patria)". ID second "25"
Henrik Klemetz: "Time check formats: Ecuador 24h + 12h, often doubled (Klemetz, Latin America by Radio, p. 132). Additional comment: Nothing has changed very much
since the book was written: the 12 h system is nowhere "translated" into the 24 h system as often as in Ecuador". (many Ecuadorian stations are giving the time from two time-zones: Ecuadorian
mainland and Galápagos /Bjorn).
OAX4D Radio Panamericana AM, Lima (Perú) is on split-frequency 959.92 kHz and I heard them just once.
YVSS Radio San Sebastián, San Cristóbal (Venezuela) was in fact the dominating station on 960 kHz but was never strong. Easy to
recognize with "música tropical" (salsa, merengue etc), ".....dando la hora" beetween the tunes and with jingel "La auténtica emisora El Fascinante".
YV__ Radio Venezuela, Acarigua(Venezuela) was there just once with transmission in // with other stations (ended 0114 UTC) "Red Nacional de Radio....."
- a relay of Radio Venezuela, Caracas 790 kHz.
HCNC1 Radio Cosmopolita, Quito (Ecuador) is of course blocking the frequency but is often off air.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Cuenca here!
QTH Info:
"Cuenca is the third largest city in Ecuador, capital of the Azuay province. It is located in the Sierra, the highlands of Ecuador at 2800m above sea level. Its full name is Santa Ana de los Cuatro
Ríos de Cuenca. Its foundation is dated in 1557 by the Spanish historian Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, and its independence has been declared in 1820. However, the history of the site remounts
further to the native Cañari village of Guapondeleg ("land as big as heaven", 500AD), later conquered by the Inca and called Tomebamba. It has recently been declared a UNESCO World Heritage
Site. It is on the route of the Pan-American Highway". (Wikpedia)
..........some opinions about my unID LA on 960 kHz, thrilling both Henrik and Ignacio Sotomayor can be right:
Henrik Klemetz, Sweden:
"Isn´t the music sounding as it´s coming from HC(Ecuador)? Time checks has the same format Ecuador is using. The DJ sounds as costeño or sureño, not serrano. Radio
Corona???". (My translation from swedish /Bjorn).
Bjorn Malm: you can be right, Ecuador is celebrating "El Dia de la Patria" these days and the tune on my recording sounds familiar.
Ignacio Sotomayor, España:
"Hola Bjorn: He estado escuchando la grabación atentamente. Creo que la ID que dice es Radio Serena. A los 33" dice: "...que recordar a los amigos residentes en los Estados Unidos...", por lo
que bien se pudiera tratar de una emisora fronteriza de Méjico. Espero que esto te pueda ayudar. Paz y Dx".
Bjorn Malm: You can be right, (Ignacio thinks the ID is "Radio Serena" and that the station perhaps is transmitting close to the Mexican border). I have found all
geographical names you can hear on my recording in the USA state of "New Mexico" on the border to Mexico. See:
Thanks both of you! 73s Bjorn Malm
Quito 12/8 2005
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 960.00 unID spanish speaking
This is a problem! I was listening this friday morning around 1000 UTC on 960 kHz, the signal is weak and in the background music style "Banda del Pueblo". I´m not excluding Andean countries
but sounds more like spanish from some northern country. Mexico? Nicaragua? But of course I´m just guessing.
0 - 29 seconds: Presentation of coming programs
38: "Parroquia....."
40: ID ID that sounds like Radio Gerrona /Radio Serrona
57: Comunidad de Sierra Blanca en la Parroquia de El Valle....."
1:03: "San Felipe"
960.00 unID spanish speaking. 1015 UTC. 08/2005.
(.tmp file, will be removed)
73s Bjorn Malm
Quito 11/8 2005
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of 640.00 YVQO Unión Radio, Puerto La Cruz (José Elías Gomez)
Thanks to José Elías Gomez, Barcelona (Venezuela) for sending me this recording of Unión Radio 640.00 kHz. His DX program "Sintonia DX" is transmitted over Unión Radio
every saturday 0000 - 0200 UTC. You can also listen to the program over internet. 73s Bjorn Malm.
Sintonia DX:
Unión Radio:
José Elías DX web-site:
José Elías Gomez:
"Espero te encuentres muy bien junto a tu esposa y demas componente familiar. Estimado amigo Malm, en esta oportunidad me hago presente para hacerte llegar el archivo que contiene la
identificación de las emisoras que conforman el Circuito Unión Radio a nivel nacional. Espero sea de tu agrado y del agrado de los amigos que visitan tu pagina web".
See photo from Puerto La Cruz here!
640.00 YVQO Unión Radio, Puerto La Cruz. 08/2005. In the ID all stations
belonging to "Circuito Unión Radio". Recording made by José Elías Gomez year 2005.
QTH Info:
"Puerto la Cruz is one of Venezuela's top tourist destination. The beaches that surround Puerto La Cruz, such as Isla de Plata, Conoma and Arapito are beautiful. Puerto La Cruz is also the entry
point of Mochima National Park, one of the most spectacular in the country. From its port, you can take a ferry to Margarita Island. You can (and should) also hire a boat that will take you to the
neighboring islands, such as Las Chimanas, Cachicamo and Borracha".
Quito 9/8 2005
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Recording of 1310.15 HCGB R. Nacional. Espejo, Quito (Ecuador)
I have not presented recordings of all MW stations here in Quito, there are some stations with very bad sound quality. R. Nacional Espejo and Radio Reloj both have same owner and the same low sound
quality. Both also have close down early in the evening. As you know Espejo was active on shortwave many years ago. 95% Ecuadorian music- and 5% sports program.
It has nothing to do with DXing but exactly where the photo of "The Cathedral" is taken I dated Susanita, my Ecuadorian wife, 6 months every day before I asked "Will you m..........".
73s Bjorn Malm
Quito "The Cathedral":
1310.15 HCGB R. Nacional. Espejo, Quito (Ecuador). 08/2005.
ID the first seconds and always close down with ads for "Banco del Pichincha" + national anthem.
Quito 7/8 2005
*** Sunday "second edition"
** Recording of unID Perú 1590.000 kHz
1590 is a very interesting frequency but I have to listen when Radio Mensaje (Ecuador) is off air. An unID Bolivia on 1590.43 with weak signal and 1-2 months ago I logged an unID Peruvian station on
1590.000 kHz. On exacrly the same split I have logged Radio Agricultura, Lima (Perú). If this unID is transmirring from Juliaca I do not know but at least the program is from the Peruvian town
of "Juliaca".
73s Bjorn Malm
1590.000 unID Perú "Juliaca"
"".tmp" recording, will be removed. A "Naturista" program.
Quito 7/8 2005
*** Sunday edition:
*** Recording of 1209.986 HJ__ Radio Reloj, QTH? (Colombia))
One week without updating this ID site. My wife, I and my mother in law "Lolita" made up our minds quickly and spent 6 days in the Ecuadorian jungle, in the small town "Puyo" located in the province
of " Pastaza".
I´m back in Quito and this sunday morning I logged Radio Reloj on 1209.986 kHz. I hear the sttion quite often but always with the same central produced music program and the same DJ. 1000 UTC
the program was interrupted by local ads from Medellin followed by Radio Reloj-ID´s.
Anyone knows the QTH? 73s Bjorn Malm
1209.986 HJ__ Radio Reloj, QTH? (Colombia)). 1000 UTC. 08/2005.
".tmp" recording, will be removed.
Quito 31/7 2005
*** Sunday edition:
*** Recording of 4819.14 HRVC LV Evangélica, Tegucigalpa (Honduras)
This new recording, from this sunday morning, will replace the recording I mde the same day as HRVC was reactivated (see 23/7 2005). I wrote: ".........I´m not sure but the name sounds like
"Volante 10-40" and then HRVC La Voz Evangélica de Honduras.........".
Elmer Escoto, San Pedro Sula (Honduras) pointed out that the ID was "Olancho 10-40" and of course he was right. On this recording you can hear this ID very clearly.
73s Bjorn Malm
4819.14 HRVC LV Evangélica, Tegucigalpa (Honduras). 1030 UTC. 07/2005.
Quito 30/7 2005
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 6140.00 Radio Concordia, Arequipa (Daniel Camporini)
Daniel Camporini (Argentina) has sent me a fine recording of Radio Concordia on 6140 kHz, has been gone for some years and today CPN Radio, Arequipa is on the frequency. I logged CPN some years ago
and Daniel says they still are transmitting some kHz off frequency. Thank you very much Daniel for a good quality recording!
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Arequipa here!
6140.00 Radio Concordia, Arequipa (Perú).
Recording made by Daniel Camporini. Unknown year.
Daniel working with his own DX web-site:
Daniel Camporini; "Amigo Bjorn, recuerdo que por aquellos años esta emisora verificaba los reportes con una amable carta. No era la única emisora en la
ciudad de Arequipa, tambien se podían sintonizar Radio Melodía en 5995 Khz. y Radio Arequipa en los 5950 Khz. Ya son tantas las desaparecidas. Espero que este sonido sea del agrado de
tus lectores. Reciban todos un fuerte abrazo desde Munro en la Argentina!!! Danny".
QTH Info:
"Arequipa is a city in southern Peru and the nation's second-largest city. It is also the capital of the Arequipa Region and the Arequipa Province. The city stands at the foot of the snow-capped
volcano El Misti, in the highlands. Arequipa has many fine colonial-era Spanish buildings built of sillar, a pearly white volcanic rock used extensively in the construction of the city, from which it
gets its nickname La Ciudad Blanca ("the white city"). The city is located at an altitude of 2,380 meters (7740 feet) above sea level, in the Peruvian Andes". (Wikpedia)
Quito 28/7 2005
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of 1220.00 Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
This is a great moment for me, I have logged Brazil on mediumwave a very few times here in Quito, always weak signals deep under other stations on the channels: 1180, 1220, 1280 and 1400 kHz. This
time a very good signal at least for a moment or so. Congratulations Bjorn!
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Rio de Janeiro "Ipanema Beach" here!
1220.00 Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). 0235 UTC. 07/2005.
QTH Info:
"Rio de Janeiro (meaning River of January in Portuguese) is the name of both a state and a city in southeastern Brazil. The city is famous for the hotel-lined tourist beaches Copacabana and Ipanema,
for the giant statue of Jesus, known as Christ the Redeemer ("Cristo Redentor") on the Corcovado mountain, and for its yearly Carnival celebration. It also has the biggest forest inside an urban
region, called "Floresta da Tijuca". The current mayor is Cesar Maia.
Rio de Janeiro is located at 22 degrees, 54 minutes south latitude, 43 degrees 14 minutes west longitude (22°54' S 43°14' W). The population of the city proper of Rio de Janeiro is about
6,150,000 (as of 2004), occupying an area of 1256 km² (485 sq. miles). The larger metropolitan area population is estimated at 10-13 million. It's Brazil's second-largest city after São
Paulo and used to be the country's capital until 1960, when Brasília took its place". (Wikpedia)
Quito 27/7 2005
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of 720.03 HCUE3 Radio Unica, Machala (Ecuador)
The station has, as you can hear on tha recording, a news program called Cadena Radial "Única Líder Superior" together with Radio Superior, Machala 890 kHz and a station called Radio
Líder - perhaps with QTH Ambato (HCTSB R. Lider, Ambato 1010 kHz). The timecheck is from "Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada, Guayaquil" transmitting on 1510 and 3810 kHz.
73s Bjorn Malm
720.03 HCUE3 Radio Unica, Machala (Ecuador). 1030 UTC. 07/2005.
QTH Info:
"Machala is a city in south-west Ecuador, capital of the El Oro Province. It is located near the Gulf of Guayaquil on fertile lowlands. It has a population of 216,901 (2000 estimate). Machala is a
commercial centre for the surrounding agriculture industries. There is a large local trade in bananas, coffee and cocoa. It houses a university and serves as a stopping-off point on the way to nearby
port Puerto Bolívar and the Jambelí Islands. Machala has a small airport. (Wikpedia)
Quito 23/7 2005
*** Saturday late evening edition:
*** Recording of 4819.14 HRVC La Voz Evangélica, Tegucigalpa (Honduras)
Reactivated this saturday evening! I have not logged this station for many years, a real surprise! Is giving ID for a station on 1040 kHz - I´m not sure but the name sounds like "Volante
10-40" and then HRVC La Voz Evangélica de Honduras.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Tegucigalpa here!
4819.14 HRVC La Voz Evangélica, Tegucigalpa (Honduras). 0200 UTC. 07/2005.
QTH Info:
"Tegucigalpa, population 897,000 (1997), is the capital of Honduras and the republic's largest city. The city is located in a valley of the same name at 14°5' N 87°13' W, and an elevation of
3,250 feet. The name is derived from the amerindian "Tekut Xiuatl Pan" meaning 'Silver Mountain'. Tegucigalpa is also the capital of Honduras' Francisco Morazán Department.
The city's industries include textiles, sugar, and cigarettes. Tegucigalpa was founded in the 16th century, and was a center of silver and gold mining. The capital of the independent Republic of
Honduras switched back and forth between Tegucigalpa and Comayagua until it was permanently settled at Tegucigalpa in 1880. It is said that the society of Comayagua, the long time colonial capital of
Honduras, publicly disliked the wife of President Marco Aurelio Soto, who took revenge by moving the capital of the republic to Tegucigalpa. Going beyond the public saying, it is most likely that the
change of the seat of the capital took place due to the fact that President Marco Aurelio Soto was an important partner of the Rosario Mining Company, whose operations where based in San Juancito,
located about 40 km. outside of Tegucigalpa, and he needed to be closer to his personal interests". (Wikpedia)
........and some more about my unID Bolivia on 1590.43 kHz:
Daniel Camporini points out in his mail here below that perhaps the ID is just before the station-list by YL. Here is the 12 seconds extra to complere the recording. Daniels guess is
"Potosí". My own guess is: "....manta Pusisuyu...." at second "5". Is in WRTH the only station with information about Aymara so it fits. Tell me your opinión!
128) CP- 1590 0.5 R. Producciones Pusisuyu, Oruro
128) Cas. 812, Oruro. Prgr. In Aymara Quecua.
1590.43 kHz "....manta Pusisuyu...." at second "5" (??)
This morning the Bolivian very weak on 1590.43 and also another very weak station on 1590.39 kHz with religious program. Two Bolivians? (.tmp recording, will be removed)
73s Bjorn Malm
Some more about my unID on 1590.43 kHz:
Henrik Klemetz has sent me a translation of his earlier mail in swedish, thanks. Thanks also to Daniel Camporini for listening to my recording. /Bjorn
Daniel Camporini, Argentina:
"Concuerdo con el colega italiano. He trabajado la grabacion reduciendole el ruido. No es Ondas del Titicaca, lo que se escucha es una locutora que anuncia una lista de emisoras que evidentemente
retransmiten ese programa. El idioma es Aymara sin duda alguna, pero en ningun momento se escucha la ID de la emisora en cuestion. Al inicio me da la sensacion de que puede estar la ID cuando se
escucha a la locutora anunciar la ciudad de Potosí, pero esta cortada. 73's".
Henrik Klemetz, Sweden:
"Hi Bjorn, Nice going. From what I am hearing this is the same Aymara network as the one Sariri in Escoma was running /Qamasa/. Mentions of Don Bosco, Ondas del Titicaca etc. All these stations are
in the list you included on your web site in connection with the Escoma logging. This frequency [1590] is missing though, so you´d better try and get the local ID prior to the program or just
at the end of it.".
Quito 23/7 2005
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 1258.392 Radio Centinela, Huancabamba (Perú)
Friday evening around 0200 UTC I started listening to a Peruvian station on 1258.392 kHz with "transmisiónes de prueba" = test-transmissions. The station is not listed on SW or MW but I found
a shortwave logging in "Dateline Bogotá 1994" by Henrik Klemetz:
"6544.7 PERU. R Centinela, Huancabamba, new stn with slogans such as "la voz de los éxitos", and also "la voz de las Guarinjas", July 22, 2256 with Ecuadorian pasillos.".
Dateline Bogotá 1994:
I have to check out if something is going on at 6819 kHz R. LV de Las Huarinjas and the other Huancabamba stations on shortwave. Centinela had a program with both Peruvian and Ecuadorian music. At
second "37" ID´s x2 + "...transmision de prueba...".
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Huancabamba here!
1258.392 Radio Centinela, Huancabamba (Perú). 0200 UTC. 07/2005.
Opinións about my unID LA on 1590.43 kHz:
Both Valter Comuzzi, Italy and Henrik Klemetz, Sweden says it must be Bolivia. "Red Aymara" - news program, started 0945 UTC on my unID clip, has no listed station on 1590 kHz so a new station is
possible, or one of the listed stations in WRTH is new member of the Red. Thank you very much for mails Valter and Henrik (in swedish). "Red Aymara" see:
Valter Comuzzi, Italy: "Hi Bjorn, I listened to the recording, it looks like the speaker is mentioning a list of radio stations, maybe they broadcast the same program,
from second six I hear " Pio XII Oruro, Don Bosco.. Pio XII Siglo Veinte, Potosì... santa Clara.. Ondas de Titicaca.. all Bolivian Radios or locations, so Bolivia is for sure the country. At
the beginning, I would tentatively say, that the woman mentions "la Católica" does that mean something to you? Best regards, Valter".
Quito 22/7 2005
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of unID 1590.43 "Ondas de Titicaca" (Bolivia or Perú)
This friday morning I logged two very interesting stations but both as unID´s. One Andean station, probably Perú, on 1590.00 kHz, I will present this station in the next edition.
On 1590.43 kHz something very thrilling. Some days ago I heard them talking about "Santa Cruz de la Sierra"(Bolivia) and this friday morning they mentioned "Santa Clara" and "Ondas de Titicaca", a
station not listed - at least I can not find any information. Many years ago a station with this name was active on the 60mb transmitting from Puno(Perú) but Bolivia is my first guess.
This is a real "DX" recording but there is clear "Santa Clara" and "Ondas de Titicaca" at second "12", followed by a news program and a "Ciudad de......" at second "41".
73s Bjorn Malm
See map from Lake Titicaca" here!
1590.43 "Ondas de Titicaca" (Bolivia or Perú)0945 UTC.
Quito 21/7 2005
*** Thursday evening edition:
*** Recording of 6139.77 Radio Líder, Bogotá (Colombia)
Radio Líder has been off air for a while but I hope they soon will return to the 49mb.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Bogotá "Barrio Santa Bárbara" here!
6139.77 Radio Líder, Bogotá (Colombia). 2120 UTC. 07/2005.
Quito 20/7 2005
*** Late wednesday evening edition:
*** Recording of unID 6612.010 kHz - Zimbabwe??(harmonic 2x3306??)
All evening with OM talk and music. Very weak signal. 0302 UTC national anthem(?) followed by drums so I thougth it was close down but the music program went on with better signal strength after
0300 UTC. French? Is there a "Zimbabwe" at "1:03"??
Logged as unID by finnish DXer and also audiable in U.S.A. I checked the frequency after reading a mail from the finnish DXer Jari Savolainen
73s Bjorn Malm
6612.010 unID 0310 UTC. 07/2005
1:42 min./416 kb. (.tmp-file, will be removed)
Quito 20/7 2005
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of 5990.00 Radio Senado, Brasilia (Brazil).
The strongest station on 49mb from Brazil is Radio Nacional da Amazônia, Brasília. There is another station on 49 meter from the town of Brasilia, also with quite good signal strength:
Radio Senado. A station with high sound quality.
73s Bjorn Malm.
See photo from Brasilia "Juscelino Kubitschec Bridge" here!
5990.00 Radio Senado, Brasilia (Brazil). 1100 UTC. 07/2005.
QTH Info:
"Brasília is the capital city of Brazil. It is famous for its urban planning, daring architecture, and overpopulation. It is located in the Distrito Federal.
The city was originally planned for 500,000, but satellite towns and the Federal District has pushed the population to about 2.2 million inhabitants by 2004. Central Brasília, known as Plano
Piloto, has a population of around 200,000. Most people live in satellite towns. The population of the most important of these towns: Taguatinga 243,000; Gama 131,000; Sobradinho 130,000; Planaltina
150,000; and Ceilândia 350,000.
Brasília is just one of the 26 Administrative Regions within a Federal District that is 5,822 square km large. Officially, only "Asa Sul" (South Wing), "Asa Norte" (North Wing), and the
downtown area of "Plano Piloto" (Pilot Plan) are parts of Brasília. Unofficially, Brasília can mean both the "Plano Piloto" area and all of the satellite cities; all the Administrative
Regions of the Federal District and the satellite towns, are included in the term.
Brasília has dry winters and a wet summers. During the dry season, the relative humidity of the air reaches critical levels during the hottest times of the day. Maximum temperatures average
28°C. During the dry season, the temperature decreases and can reach daily highs of 13°C in July. Maximum averages of 25°C are still the norm".
Quito 19/7 2005
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Recording of 1559.78 Estéreo Vida, Panamá City
"Estéreo Vida 105.1 FM" is bying(?) airtime from Radio Adventista, Panamá City. This is a recording with very weak signal and will be removed but the ID is 100%: "Esta es
Estéreo Vida 105.1 MHz" at second "24".
"Estéreo Vida 105.1 FM es una radioemisora cristiana de la ciudad de Panamá con programas variados en español e inglés que transmite 24 horas al día".
73s Bjorn Malm
1559.78 Estéreo Vida, Panamá City (Panamá). 07/2005.
(.tmp recording, will be removed).
Quito 18/7 2005
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of 1469.991 CPN Radio, Lima (Perú)
Be careful if you think you are listening to OAX7G Radio Cusco, Cusco on 1470 kHz. CPN Radio, Lima 1469.991 kHz is giving ID´s for other CPN stations, for example CPN Radio, Cusco transmitting
on 1430 kHz - you can hear this ID at the end of my recording. There is also a short ID for CPN Celendín.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Lima "Plaza de Armas" here!
1469.991 CPN Radio, Lima (Perú). 0900 UTC. 07/2005.
QTH Info:
"Lima is the capital and largest city in Peru. It is the cultural, industrial, financial, and transport hub of the country. The city is located in a valley fed by
the Rímac River, on the country's desert coast and adjacent to the Pacific port of Callao. Founded by Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro, Lima is also known as the City of Kings. For more
than three centuries, Lima was the most important city and the greatest metropolis in South America. More than four centuries have passed since its founding as a Spanish city, and Lima has become a
symbol of Peru's mestizo heritage, with nearly one-third of the nation's population living in it. The city covers most of the Lima and Callao Metropolitan Area".
Quito 14/7 2005
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of 1153.5 Ayabaca Radio, Ayabaca, Piura region (Perú)
Yesterday I reported a station not listed on 1155.686 kHz with, probably, QTH "Lajas". The same morning I logged another Prtuvian not listed on 1153.5 kHz: Ayabaca Radio, Ayabaca in the Piura region
- as the DJ is saying: "...Ayabaca, norte peruano parte sur del Ecuador....". ID "Ayabaca Radio" at second "49".
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Ayabacahere!
1153.5 Ayabaca Radio, Ayabaca, Piura region (Perú)
Good signal strength but difficult to listen in SSB so I can not give the exact frequency.
QTH Info:
"Located in the north of Peru, 213 km from Piura (5 ½ hours away by bus), Ayabaca is a province of the Piura Region, at the far western tip of the Andes Cordillera. It shares borders with
Ecuador in the north, the provinces of Morropon and Huancabamba in the south, and the province of Sullana in the west. Its surface is 5,360 km2 and its capital is the City of Ayabaca; the varied
topography of this province provides it with a number of different micro-climates ranging from hot and dry to humid and very cold. The access route is along a paved road to the district of Sullana,
where one takes another paved road up to the city of La Palma at the mid-point of the trip, from which a cart track leads to Ayabaca.
It is estimated that the area was populated some 10,000 years ago by hunter-gatherers, and later was settled by different groups from the jungle and the "sierras". As from the 400-200 BC period,
clear influences of Cupisnique, Chavin and Amazonica Cultures may be seen, this being the period when the Samango petroglyphs were carved".
Quito 13/7 2005
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of 1155.686 unID Perú, QTH probably Lajas, department of "Cajamarca"
After listening to this Peruvian station on 1155.686 kHz 20-30 minutes I got the impression that the stations QTH is the town "Lajas" located some 10 kilometers west of the town "Chota" in the
province of "Chota". I noted ads just from Lajas and the DJ with greetings just to people living in Lajas.
In the next edition I will present another Peruvian station, not listed, I the same morning logged on 1153.5 kHz.
73s Bjorn Malm
1155.686 unID Perú, QTH probably Lajas, department of "Cajamarca". 0245
UTC. 07/2005.
"DX" recording meaning weak signal. (".tmp" recording, will be removed).
Quito 10/7 2005
*** Sunday edition:
*** Recording of 5054.60 TICTR Faro del Caribe, San José (Costa Rica)
As I have said before I still have recordings made with my old receiver NRD 535 and Faro del Caribe is one of them. Has been inactive for a very long time and perhaps for ever. Has always, as I
remember, had distorted signal so the sound on this recording is "normal" for Faro del Caribe. Beleive me or not but this is the first time I have a station from Costa Rica on this ID-site.
Stations web-site:
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from San José here!
5054.60 TICTR Faro del Caribe, San José (Costa Rica). 0200 UTC. 07/2005.
Recording from June 2004(with NRD 535).
QTH Info:
"San José is the capital and largest city of the nation of Costa Rica. It is also the capital of San José Province. San José is located in the center of the country at 9°56'
N 84°5' W; it is on a mountain plateau at an elevation of about 1,170 meters (some 4,000 feet) above sea level. In 1997 the city had an estimated population of 329,154 people: the latter half of
the 20th century was a period of rapid growth for the city, considering that in 1950 its population was a mere 86,900" (Wikpedia).
Quito 6/7 2005
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of 940.016 HJGB Radio Calima, Cali (Colombia)
Cali stations often have a very fast "fade-in" / "fade-ot", from 0-signal up to QSA 3-4. That´s what happened with Radio Calima this wednesday morning. A program called "Buenos días
Colombia". 1100 UTC a program called "Cartas sobre la mesa" with Sami Jalil.
You can also listen to my first recording of Radio Calima from march 2004.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Cali here!
940.016 HJGB Radio Calima, Cali (Colombia). 1015 UTC. 07/2005.
Quito 4/7 2005
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of "Colón FM" HCJC1 Ecos de Cayambe, Cayambe (Ecuador)
Some months ago Rafael Rodriguez, Bogotá (Colombia) had an unID not listed "Colóm FM" on 1470 kHz. I myself also heard this unknown station but just once. We have both been trying to
hear the station again but without any luck.
This monday morning I once again logged Colón FM on 1470.08v kHz. HCJC1 Ecos de Cayambe, Cayambe (Ecuador) is relaying Colón FM 92.9, Guayaquil. Nueva Radio Colón, Quito 780 and
Nueva Radio Colón, Guayaquil 910 kHz both had the same music program but not in // with Colón FM 92.9, Guayaquil.
This relay transmission ended 0950 UTC and after national anthem ads and ID for Ecos de Cayambe followed by Ecuadorian music.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Cayambe here!
1470.08v "Colón FM" HCJC1 Ecos de Cayambe, Cayambe (Ecuador)
It´s not easy to hear but the "Ecos de Cayambe"-ID is there at second "34" + an "Radio Ecos"-ID.
QTH Info:
"Cayambe, in the province of "Pichincha", is an agricultural service town (pop. approx. 120,000) nearest the Cayambe volcano. While the town is mainly peopled by mestizos, the surrounding rural
population is primarily comprised of descendants of the pre-Incan Kayambi indigenous people who are mainly involved in subsistence agriculture, dairying and lumber procurement. The Kayambi were
resistant to Inca expansion and were only definitively conquered by Huayna Capac after a bloody 20-year war, shortly before the first Spanish conquerors arrived in the region in the 16th century. The
Quichua indigenous language, sometimes also spelled Kichwa, a dialect of Quechua, survives in some of the hamlets today, while in others Quichua has given way to Spanish".
Quito 1/7 2005
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 1090.00 HCVI1 R. Irfeyal , Quito (Ecuador)
The last two months are now to be found in "Archive". I have said that I´m always trying to replace a recording with a better one. One of the first recordings I presented was in march 2004: HCVI1 R. Irfeyal , Quito (Ecuador). Now it´s time to present the same station with a better sound quality recording. The station is transmitting
educational programs from "Instituto Radiofónico Fé y Alegria ".
I should lke to show once again a wonderful photo of an old indian woman walking on the streets of Quito. One of my favorite photos!
73s bjorn Malm
See photo from Quito here!
1090.00 HCVI1 Radio Irfeyal , Quito (Ecuador). 07/2005.
One of few stations in Quito that is using call letters.