Welcome to: Archive May - June 2004 Quito 29/6 2004:
*** Tuesd ay evening edition: *** Mail from DXer Carlos Maldonado, Santiago(Chile) *** Article about radio pirates in Peru *** Recording of Radio Santa Mónica, Cusco(Perú)
I have received an very interesting article in spanish from the DXer Carlos Maldonado, Santiago(Chile) about radio pirates in Peru. Tanks Carlos for very nice mail and article. Now I know why it is
much harder today finding new Peruvian radiostations on the tropical bands!
I do not know if Radio Santa Mónica is a Peruvian pirate but it sure sounds like one: bad sound quality etc. A "good" illustration to the article. 73s Bjorn
Carlos Maldonado: "Estimado Bjorn, saludos y felicitaciones por tu excelente página llena de sonidos tan conocidos para mí.
Yo también soy DX-ista, aunque practico este hobby apasionante solamente los fines de semana cuando voy a una parcela que tengo en las afueras de Santiago, en la costa, a unos 100 kms. de
distancia. Como vivo en un edificio aquí en la capital, la escucha de la onda corta es imposible. En lo que ayudarte desde acá, estoy a tu disposición. Saludos".
Carlos Maldonado Santiago, CHILE. Teléfono: (56-2) 630-5000 Celular: (56-9) 818-1282 E-mail: cmaldonadop@tie.cl Página Internet: http://www.maldonado.de.vu
...............con multas hasta de 350 UIT (cada UIT es de 3.200 soles). Dichas radioemisoras clandestinas causan interferencias y sus dueños evaden las obligaciones con el Estado, asegura el
director de Infracciones y Sanciones de Telecomunicaciones, ingeniero Edgard Alvarado Barreto. Añadió que el objetivo del Plan Informalidad Cero es eliminar la operación de las
estaciones ilegales de radiodifusión sonora detectadas en Lima. Estamos ejerciendo el principio de autoridad del MTC en relación a la operación de las estaciones
radioeléctricas de radiodifusión sin autorización, subrayó el funcionario. Se han cancelado 93 emisoras en Puno, San Martín, Ancash, Arequipa, Lambayeque,
Cajamarca, Pasco, Ayacucho, Junín, Tacna, Moquegua, Cusco e Ica..............."
Read the complete article in spanish here!
4964.98 Radio Santa Mónica, Cusco (Perú) 102kb 06/2004. Is this a Peruvian pirate?

Quito 29/6 2004:
*** Tuesday edition: *** Recording of Radio Bethel
My unID Peruvian on 5949.78 kHz turned out to be Radio Bethel. The station is sometimes relaying "CPN Radio". It´s very difficult to get an ID, hours with nonstop religious music or preaching
without ID not even on half/full hour. ID this tuesday morning at 1130 UTC: "Radio Bethel - La Voz de Dios".
Correction: Radio Melodía, Arequipa is transmitting on the new frequency 5939.27 kHz(my recording see 26/6) and is also reported by the Peruvian DXer Alfredo Cañote, Chaclacayo. 73s Bjorn
5949.78 Radio Bethel, Arequipa(Peru) 93kb 1130 UTC Short recording just 20 sec. with clear ID.

Quito 28/6 2004:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of Radio Santa Fé
Henrik Klemetz has spent many years in Bogotá together with his Colombian wife, now they are living in Northern Sweden. I´m sure Henrik has been listening many hours to HJCG R. Santa
Fé, SF de Bogotá so I hope he and others will enjoy my recording.
1070.00 HJCG R. Santa Fé, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 105kb 2220 UTC
06/2004. Short recording and short ID. Normally I´m hearing 3 Colombian stations on this frequency: Santa Fé, Bogotá - Em. Atlántico, Barranquilla and R. Super, Popayán.
73s Bjorn

Quito 27/6 2004:
*** Sunday edition:
*** Recording of WHDH /Radio Martí 1620 kHz *** Comments from Alfredo Canote "SpaceMaster"
All evening saturday last night WHDH with spanish and relay of Radio Martí. 0059 UTC ID both for Radio Martí and WHDH. 73s Bjorn
1620.00 WDHP "Radio Martí" Frederiksted(US Virgin Islands) 138kb 0058 UTC 27/6
Alfredo Canote, Chaclacayo(Periu) has listend to my recording of CPN Radio, unknown QTH, Peru on 5949.78 kHz(see below 26/6) and here is his comment in spanish and english. Thanks Alfredo for your
comments. 73s Bjorn
Alfredo Canote "SpaceMaster": "Hi Bjorn! ORIGINAL "...Nuestra
direccion en internet es : www.cpn.com.pe CPN RADIO...Señal Satelital...!"
TRANSLATION "...Our internet address is: www.cpn.com.pe CPN RADIO...Satellite Signal!"
I enter that page, and checked frequencies at: ttp://www.cpn.com.pe/frecuencia/index.htm they still announce a SW frequency via Arequipa departament:6150 Khz... I can say that I heard it...but in
6140 Khz, years ago... 73s Alfredo Canote".

Quito 26/6 2004:
*** Saturday evening edition:
*** Comments from Rogildo Aragão(Bolivia)
Amigos DXistas! Also Rogildo Aragão in Bolivia has heard the 2 LA stations on 5930.27 and 5949.78 kHz. He agrees with me that it is Radio Melodia, Arequipa and CPN Radio, unknown QTH. Thanks
Rogildo for your comments. 73s Bjorn
Rogildo Aragão: "Estimado Malm, Ayer y esta mañana tentei estas frecuencias, escuchei tus grabaciones ahora, realmente
5930.27 es Radio Melodia por la voz del locutor y la ID grabado por YL. La otra 5949.78, aqui tambien tengo una mala recepcion, muy similar a tu escucha, pero realmente hay una ID de CPN Radio.
Estare atento hasta conseguir una ID real y te mando la grabacion. 73s Rogildo".

Quito 26/6 2004;
*** Saturday edition: *** Recording of R. Melodia *** Recording of CPN Radio
I have had for some days two unidentified LA/SS stations on the 49 meter band: 5949.78 and 5939.27 kHz. Listen to the 2 recordings made last night friday and this saturday morning. 73s Bjorn
5939.27 Radio Melodia, Arequipa(Peru) 53kb. 0030 UTC 25/6 2004. Talking a lot about Arequipa and short IDs by female: "Melodia es Melodia", "Melodia la original" and "Melodia en la noticia".
5949.78 CPN Radio, unknown QTH(Peru) 101kb. 1130 UTC 26/6 2004. Could be listed CPN Radio, Arequipa on 6141 kHz on new frequency.

Quito 24/6 2004:
*** Thursday edition: *** Recording of R. Furatena, Chiquinquirá *** Recording of Nueva Colón FM, Quito
Amigos DXistas! I earlier reported that "La Cariñosa", Quito on 1280 kHz will move to 920 kHz, that´s what the DJ said once. On 920 has "Radio Colón", Quito been inactive for a
long time but this Thursday mporning "Nueva Colón FM", Quito started on 780 kHz.
A little bit "complicated" - license for 780 had before "Radio Noticias", Quito a station that never has been on air as far as I know. I have talked to Radio Filadelfia, Guayaquil on phone and they
said they were going to start transmissions on 780 kHz from Quito - something that never happend.
You can also listen this time to the Colombian station Radio Furatena. 73s Bjorn
780.00 HC__ Nueva Colón FM, Quito(Ecuador) 161kb. 1055 UTC 24/6 2004. New on this frequency, was before on 920 kHz.
1060.27 HJMV R. Furatena, Chiquinquirá(Colombia) 166kb. 1010 UTC 06/2004. La ciudad de Chiquinquirá está localizada en la zona central de Colombia, al occidente del Departamento de Boyacá sobre la cordillera oriental, a 2.5 horas por carretera al
norte de la capital de la República.

Quito 22/6 2004:
*** Tuesday edition: *** Recording of HCSP1 R. Carrousel, Quito *** Recording of R. El Buen Pastor, Saraguro
Back to work after 7 days without any update of this ID-page. I have been visiting, together with my ecudorian wife, mother in law and a friend from Sweden, "Atacames" on the Ecuadorian Pacific
Coast near the town of Esmeraldas. I hope you will enjoy listening to these 2 Ecuadorian stations - both are a little bit "irregular" , I would say active 65%. 73s Bjorn
589.96 HCSP1 R. Carrousel, Quito(Ecuador) 123kb. 0610 UTC 06/2004. Very irregular, when active mostly Ecuadorian music.
4815.00 R. El Buen Pastor, Saraguro(Ecuador) 110kb. 06/2004. Often IDs just with their FM frequency.

Quito 15/6 2004:
*** Tuesday evening edition: *** Recording of "La Caucana 10-40"
Amigas DXistas! One year ago I logged "Caucana 10-40", Popayan on it´s 2nd harmonic but the old name "La Básica 10-40" is still in WRTH 2004. As I have reported before the other station
HJLJ "La Basica 1500", Cali on 1500 kHz also has a new name: "Sonora 1500 AM" - the old name is still in WRTH 2004. Both stations belongs to "Red Sonora". 73s Bjorn ,
1040.12 HJSY Caucana 10-40, Popayam(Colombia) 141kb. 1000 UTC 15/6 2004.

Quito 14/6 2004:
*** Monday edition: *** Recording of L.T.C. Radio
Amigos DXistas! L.T.C. Radio has been active quite a long time on this frequency but I have not been able to do a good recording because of the weak signal. ID: "La Transmision Correcta - L.T.C.
Radio". I have some times heard the station changing the letters in a news program: "L.C.T - La Comunicación Total". 73s Bjorn
5005.72 L.T.C. Radio, Juliaca(Peru) 128kb. 1010 UTC 06/2004.

Quito 13/6 2004:
*** Sunday edition *** Recording from Rogildo Aragão of R.Virgen de Remedios with QTH
Amigos DXistas! The mew Bolivian station on 5500 kHz found by Rogildo Aragão(Bolivia) is transmitting from Tupiza. Read Rogildos comments and listen to his recording with QTH. 73s Bjorn
Rogildo Aragão: "Hola Malm, Hoy finalmente consegui identificar la localidad de transmision de R.Virgen de Remedios, esta en la
ciudad de Tupiza en el departamento de Potosi, queda bien al sul, cerca de la frontera con Argentina, hay alla un gran Santuario a la Virgen de Remedios. Sigue la grabacion adjunto(387kb)".
Tupiza is the capital of Potosi's Sud Chichas province. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the biggest mining companies operating in southern Bolivia (such as the Compañía Aramayo)
built their headquarters in this beautiful town. Around 1906, Butch Cassidy's gang arrived to Tupiza. After weeks of careful planning, the gang robbed a minerals trading house and escaped in the
direction of San Vicente.
5500.00 R. Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, Dpto de Potosi(Bolivia). 2140UTC 12/6 2004. 2200 relay Radio Católica Mundial, ID OM "Radio Virgen de Remedios, frecuencia modulada y onda corta, la voz católica en su casa, con la cadena Radio Católica Mundial" 2230 ID
OM "Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, frecuencia modulada y onda corta, la voz católica en su casa, con la cadena Radio Católica Mundial" 2233 s.off
Rogildo Fontenelle Aragão Quillacollo- Bolivia Rx Lowe HF-225E/Sony 2001D Ant. LW 20m / 50m

Quito 12/6 2004:
*** Saturday evening edition: *** Mail from José Bueno, Asociación Española de adioescucha (AER)(Spain) *** Recording from José Bueno of Huantas 2000
Amigos DXistas! You are very welcome with your own recordings and a little "story" about yourself. Thanks José for very nice letter and recording of Huanta 2000. 10-15 years ago I listened in
Sweden during 12 months just to Spanish mediumwave stations. I identified 44 local spanish stations during that period. 1-2 minutes local gates when all stations on the frequency were giving IDs at
the same time..... 73s Bjorn
José Bueno: "Amigo Malm, agradezco tu contestación y
comprendo perfectamente, que con el gran trabajo que realizas tienes que estar muy ocupado. Tengo 55 años de edad y vivo en Córdoba, España. Es una ciudad muy bonita, con mucha
historia y vestigios de la dominación romana y musulmana.
Mi trabajo ha sido en la empresa de electricidad Endesa y llevo tres años prejubilado. La prejubilación se da en las empresas que reducen sus plantillas y les interesa estar
pagándote pero sin trabajar. Una parte lo pone el estado. O sea, que estoy cobrando igual que si trabajara y tengo los mismos derechos que los que están trabajando pero en mi casa.
Estoy casado y tengo dos hijos varones, con 23 y 26 años de edad.
Ahora le dedico mucho tiempo a la radio. Soy miembro de la Asociación Española de adioescucha (AER) y redacto las secciones de Onda Media y +Noticias del boletín EL DIAL, que
edita la asociación. Además me gusta hacer deporte, sobre todo ciclismo. También le dedico algún tiempo. No te canso más. Te adjunto la parte de la
identificación de "Huantas 2000". Cuando tengas tiempo me cuentas algo sobre ti. Recibe un fuerte abrazo de tu amigo Pepe Bueno". http://www.aer-dx.org/bienvenida.htm
José Bueno Córdoba - España jbueno.j@telefonica.net
4748.00 Huantas 2000, Huanta(Peru) 0007 UTC 25/4 2004. Recording from josé Bueno, Córdoba(Spain). A short recording but a clear ID.

Quito 10/6 2004:
*** Thursday evening edition: *** Recording of LV de la Resistencia with ID
Amigos DXistas! On 1th of June(see below) I had a recording of FARCs radiostation but without ID. I now have a new recording with FARCs "nationalanthem" + "La Voz de la Resistencia"-IDs.
The station is on 2 frequencys, 6239.83 and 6120 kHz(distorted), and there is also a jammer-station that changes beetween these 2 frequencys. Has been on air almost daily. At the end of the
recording you can hear the jammer starting.
A swedish DXer has asked if the station hs any adress or email. Anyone know?
6239.83 LV de la Resistencia, unknown QTH(probably Colombia)
6120 (no audioclip) LV de la Resistencia, unknown QTH(probably Colombia)

Quito 9/6 2004:
*** Wednesday editiom: *** Recording of Radio Vigia, Quito
Amigos DXistas! I should like to say thankyou very much to all of you that are helping me with this ID/audioclip-web-site. Sometimes "I have a little problem" and I apreciate your help with
information. Later on you can listen to nice recordings from Daniel Camporoni(Argentina), Rogildo Aragão(Bolivia) and José Bueno(Spain).
This time a recording of Radio Vigia "La Voz de la Policia Nacionaal" with ID and the best, my opinion, fermale ecuadorian singer: Paulina Tamayo from Quito.
This is a good opportunity to compare the sound quality beetween my earlier recording with analog taperecorder and my new recording with Sharp MiniDisc Digital recorder.
New digital recording: 840.00 HCPN1 R. Vigía , Quito(Ecuador) 127kb. 0200 UTC 3/6 2004.
Old analog recording: 840.00 Radio Vigía, Quito(Ecuador) 137kb/50sec. 03/2004.

Quito 7/6 2004:
*** Monday evening edition *** Comments from Rafael Rodriguez(Colombia)
Amigos DXistas! Rafael says in his mail that my recording of 1210.03 Radio Reloj(see below 7/6) probably is the Neiva station listed on 1210(Radio Recuerdos) relaying programs fromBogotá.
Rafael Rodriguez: "Hola Colega Malm. Unas cortas lineas acerca de tus
ultimas grabaciones. Sobre Radio Reloj la señal que escuchaste es generada en Bogota para todas las estaciones Radio Reloj durante toda la noche, a veces se puede escuchar algo local hacia las
1000 - 1100, y aunque no tengo a mano una actualizacion que hice de las estaciones Radio Reloj por su 50 aniversario, creo efectivamente se trata de Neiva. Marco Antonio Solis es tambien conocido
como el "buki" debido a que hace años tenia un grupo llamado "Los Bukis". Una pregunta: en que horario escucho LV de la Resistencia??".
Bjorn: Gracias Rafael. No recuerdo el horario de la emisora de "FARC"(no capté el nombre "LV de la Resistencia") pero probablemente bastante temprano 0000 UTC por allí. A noche estuvo
en la misma frecuencia 6239.83 kHz. Tambien estuvo com señal fuerte pero de mala calidad en apróximadamente 6120 kHz - seguramente una señal falsa.
Estoy esperando la oportunidad de hacer una grabación de HJEW R. Reloj, Cali en 1110 kHz - parece que tenga ID local siempre en la noche.
Si, cuando estuve en Guatemala 1993 mis maestros Alvaro y Mercedes me acompñaron más que una vez a Guatemala City para comprar TODOS los CDs con Marco Antonio Solís y Los
73s Bjorn

Quito 7/6 2004:
*** Monday edition: *** Recording of Radio Ilucan *** Recording of La Existosa *** Recording of Radio Reloj
Amigos DXistas! Everyone has his own favorite singer. My great favorite is the Mexican singer Marco Antonio Solis. You can often listen to him on Centralamerican- and Mexican radio stations and
sometimes also on Southamerican stations. I hope you will enjoy listening to these 3 stations with IDs and Marco Antonio Solis!
73s Bjorn
5677.97 Radio Ilucan, Cutervo(Peru) 190kb. 06/2004. Has been active for years with strong signal but the sound quality is not the same as some years ago. Listen to "Tu carcel" with Marco Antonio Solis and a very nice ID.
930.00 HOR46 La
Exitosa, Panamá(Panama) 136kb. 0310 UTC 06/2004. On sunday evenings has "La Existosa" a program called "Domingo Romántico" with one singer/group. This time MarcoAntonio Solis. In the background a clear ID from HJCS LV de Bogotá, SF
de Bogotá(Colombia).
1210.03 HJ--
Radio Reloj, unknown QTH(Colombia) 180kb. 0410 UTC 06/2004. "Radio Reloj" not listed in WRTH but I have never heard any other ID from this station. It could be HJFR R. Recuerdos, Neiva, listed as Caracol-station, with new name or relay of "Radio Reloj".
"Más que tu amigo" with Solís.

Quito5/6 2004:
*** Saturday edition: *** Recording of HCHA2 Ondas Quevedeñas, Quevedo(Ecuador) *** Comments and recording from Rogildo Aragão of the new Bolivian R.Virgen del Remedios *** Comments from Henrik Klemetz regarding "W FM" *** Recording of "Caracol W FM", Medellin
I have now identified my unID "R.O.Q 89.1" on 630.00 kHz(see 2/6). I was "dreaming" a little bit that it was my first Mexican logged here in Quito but turned out to be the Ecuadorian station "HCHA2
Ondas Quevedeñas", a station I have not noted before. 10 years ago R.O.Q. was active on shortwave, on the 90 meter band.
Quevedo is located some 190 kilometers from Guayaquil and 240 km from Quito. It has around 110,000 inhabitants and most of them belong to the large Ecuadorian Chinese colony that live here.
Rogildo Aragão, from Brazil but lives together with his Bolivian wife in Quillacollo cerca Cochabamba(Bolivia), found
some days ago the new Bolivian station "Virgen del Remedios" on 5500.00 kHz, still with unknown QTH. I have tried to hear the station but nothing here in Quito. Thanks Rogildo for your recording of
Rogildo Aragão: "Hola Malm, Sin estos dias la propagacion esta variada, en 49m es tambien interesante, las emisoras bolivianas que
estan cerca solo tengo bien despues de las 07:30hlocal, en 6105(R.Panamericana) entra bien R.Filadelfia y 6135(R.Santa Cruz) la R.Aparecida-Brasil, en 6120 R.Singapura Int. y algunas vezes
R.Tailandia cubre R.Marti en 6030. Estoy mandando la grabacion(315kb) de R.Virgen del Remedios en 5500kHz en .wav, talvez pueda pasar a .wma y hacer la compression. Te mando en otro e-mail una
grabacion de R.Integracion para que tenga idea de la pesima calidad de audio, en el sony2001D en wide. En esta mando una grabacion en mp3(211kb) de R.Integracion.
Soy brasilero, tengo 53 años, vivo en la ciudad de Quillacollo, 12km al oeste de Cochabamba, Bolivia, soy casado con boliviana, pero retornaremos a mi patria, creo, dentro de unos 2
años. Um forte abraço 73s".
Bjorn: Gracias Rogildo por mail y grabación. "R.Integracion" voy a usar más tarde.
5500.00 R.Virgen del Remedios, unknown QTH(Bolivia) 29kb. 06/2004. A very short recording, just the ID.
630.00 HCHA2 Ondas Quevedeñas, Quevedo(Ecuador) 138kb. 0145 2/6 2004. The dominating station on 630 is HJFD R. Manizales, Manizales(Colombia).
Henrik Klemetz: "Bjorn, La ”W” FM on your clip originates
in Bogotá, not Miami. WNMA 1210 is owned by the MultiCultural Broadcasting Corp and they hook up with Bogotá for a couple of hours in the early morning. What they are doing the rest of
the day I do not know. The male voice on your clip is that of top-rated Colombian anchorman Julio Sánchez Cristo. Interestingly, there are similarly named operations in Mexico and in Chile
(also on the web). While the Colombian and Mexican operations announce as ”dobleú”, the Chilean says ”doblevé”.
Bjorn: You are right. Thanks for comments. Some days ago I heard the station with "Caracol W FM" IDs with the frequencys for 3 colombian "Caracol W FM" stations: 99.9 Bogota, 90.9 Medellin and 98.0
Cali. Listen to my recording:
590.00 Caracol W FM, Medellin(Colombia) 139kb. 1000 UTC 06/2004.
73s Bjorn

Quito 2/6 2004:
*** Recording of unID "ROQ 89.1" on 630.00 kHz *** Recording of reactivated Radio Illimani on 6025.02 kHz *** "W Radio" now on Radio Nets frequencys
ID on 630.00 kHz: "Alegre, caliente y tropical 89.1 R.O.Q La Primerísima". Most of the time I´m hearing on 629.95 kHz HJFD R. Manizales, Manizales(Colombia). Anyone knows?
Some days ago Radio Illimani was reported reactivated on one of the mailinglists(I do not remember the DXers name). This wednesday morning the station was there with fair signal. IDs: "Red Illimani
- La Voz de Bolivia" and "Red satelital Illimani - LV de Bolivia".
630.00 unID LA/SS "ROQ 89.1 "La Primerisima" 85kb. 1030 UTC 06/2004.
6025.02 R. Illimani "LV de Bolivia", La Paz(Bolivia) 98kb. 1030 UTC 2/6 2004.
590.00/700.00/850.00 W Radio 113kb. 1/6 2004. "W Radio"(Florida) is the ID now on all Radio Nets frequencys. American/English pop-music or news program.

Quito 1/6 2004 "tuesday evening ediion":
*** Recording of FARCs radio station *** Comments from Daniel Camporini(Radio Nacional)
This tuesday evening one hour ago I made a recording of FARC and their radio station on 6239.83 kHz celebrating the 40th aniversary of FARC. I have not heard them for a very long time.
Daniel Camporini: "Nacional del Paraguay se escucha bien en Munro en
los 9734v Khz., especialmente en los fines de semana. La frecuencia ha sido reactivada recientemente y aparentemente han incrementaod su potencia".
Thamks Daniel for your comment. He says that Paraguay is coming in very strong on 9734v kHz at his listening post in the Buenos Aires area and that the station probably has more power than
before. 73s Bjorn
6239.83 FARC, unknown QTH(Colombia) 127kb. 0030 UTC 1/6 2004:

Quito 1/6 2004:
*** Mail from Stephen Waldee *** Comments from Horacio Nigro *** Comments from Arnaldo Slaen *** Audioclip with Radio Nacional, Asuncion(Paraguay
I have received a nice email from Stephen Waldee(USA), retired broadcast station engineer, asking for my opinion about SODRE(Uruguay). This is a very late answer but the truth is: I have never
during 40 years logged SODRE. Instead you can read information Horacio Nigro has sent me and a comment from Arnaldo Slaen.
They both says SODRE is active on 9620.8 kHz relaying SODRE 650 kHz 24h with classical music. But first the mail from Stephen.
Stephen Waldee: "Bjorn, Thanks for your excellent webpage. I have enjoyed reading your many reports over the years. I live about 50 miles
south of San Francisco, on the California coast in San Jose, and late Sunday night, after 0600 UT, I believe I picked up CXA6 SODRE, Montevideo, at 9620.93 as closely as I could tell. The signal was
faint but quite steady for a while, and I heard what sounded like a piece of music with guitar and orchestra; then about 0626 or a bit later, a very faint voice and then perhaps some piano. I see
that the very latest A04 ILG database has this station frequency included. Do you know for certain if they fixed their shortwave transmitter at 9620 for CXA6 and are back on the air? I'd be
interested in your opinion".
Horacio Nigro(Uruguay): "Hola Bjorn, Estoy en un cybercafe, ya que se
me rompió el monitor. No tengo el esquema horario exacto del SODRE a mano, pero te puedo decir que estan activas 9620.-- retrasmitiendo CX 6 con musica clasica 24 horas, y 6125 CX 26,
retrasmite CX38/CX26, no la he escuchado en horas de la noche tarde, como 0200 UT, por ejemplo. Las CX26/CX38 (1050, 1290 KHz) trasmiten hasta las 0300 UT en OM, pero hace tiempo no la escucho con su
s/off en la OC, asi que aparentemente no se queda en frecuencia tan tarde, o por propagacion (skip) yo no la escucho aca. 9620 se escucha de dia local, y luego del cierre de REE, Madrid, creo 0500 o
0600 UT no recuredo bien ahora, pues de noche España domina. Desde ya adelanto que tienen poca potencia, no llegan al kW. 73s".
Arnaldo Slaen(Argentina): "En la otra orilla del Rio de la Plata
tampoco esta llegando SODRE en su QRG habitual de 9620,8 Voy a chequear el fin de semana. 73's".
Bjorn: Thanks Stephen, Horacio and Arnaldo for your mails. As I said, I have never logged SODRE. It is also very difficult for me here in Quito to hear Paraguay on 9736 kHz, is there sometimes but
with very weak signal and heavy interference. A few days ago I at last had Radio Nacional on 9736.87 kHz with very good signal. Listen to my recording. 73s Bjorn
9736.87 Radio Nacional, Asuncion(Paraguay) 95kb. 2345 UTC 05/2004. My first audioclip with Paraguay on SW. Mediumwave is impossible!

Quito 29/5 2004:
All R@dionet stations in Colombia will end their transmissions from 1th of June and all this weekend american/english pop music with same type of message beetween every tune in spanish: "from 1th of
June all news, the whole country, all information, the whole world you will find at:
Radio Caracol 100.9 Bogota 810 Bogota 820 Cali 750 Medellin .
These stations will disappear:
590.00 HJCR R@dionet, Medellín 700.00 HJCX R@dionet, Cali 850.00 HJKC R@dionet, SF de Bogotá
The listeners can from 1th of June tune in to:
750.00 HJDK Caracol Colombia, Medellín 810.00 HJCY Caracol Colombia, SF de Bogotá 820.00 HJED Caracol Colombia, Cali
I´m going to listen to all 6 frequencys during this weekend and of course on Monday. Listen to R@dionet, SF de Bogotá from this Saturday evening:
850.00 HJKC R@dionet, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 152kb. 29/5 2004. High-sound-quality station.

Quito 28/5 2004:
Rogildo Aragão has identified my unID Brasilian station(see 27/5) at his listening post this friday morning. He writes in spanish thaat it is Radio Rio Mar, Manaus with relay of the news
program "Primera Hora" from Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo. So it seems to be a spur from 6160 kHz.
Rogildo Aragão: "Ola Malm, Esta mañana pude escuchar tu UnID del Brasil en la frecuencia de 6945.11, bastante
distorcionada el audio. No es R.Caiari como pense y si RADIO RIO MAR, Manaus, estado de Amazonas-Brasil, pude comprobar escuchando la misma en las frecuencias de 6160 y 9695kHz con relay del programa
de noticias Primeira Hora de R.Bandeirantes-S.Paulo, ID las 1030UTC, advs locales. 73, QRV".
Bjorn: Thank you very much for your information Rogildo. I did a new recording of 6945.11 kHz this friday morning with a clear QTH: Manaus, Amazonas without understanding the name of the station but
after reading the information from Rogildo it became easier.
6945.11 Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, Amazonas(Brasil) 72kb 0958 UTC 05/2004. Low-quality-recording but with clear QTH.
Daniel Camporini, Buenos Aires(Argentina) has many recordings of radio stations, not just from Buenos Aires, but also many
"old ladys", stations on the tropical bands you can not find these days, they are gone forever. Thanks Daniel for your recordings - I´m looking forward to receive more of your nice audioclips.
His web site: http://www.nexo2000.com.ar/radio/
This time 2 recordings from Daniel Camporoni:
710.00 LRL202 R. Diez, Buenos Aires(Argentina) 52kb. Still active on mediumwave. Compressed from 545kb down to 52kb.
4815.00 Radio Nacional, La Paz(Bolivia) 70kb. This is an "old lady", not active on 60 meters. Compressed from 1.42 megabyte down to 70kb.

Quito 27/5 2004:
This is exciting! This thursday morning I heard a Brasilian station on 6945.11 kHz with strong signal. I´m not sure but a guess is that it is a station from the Sao Paulo area (it is not Radio
Senado 5990). Up to 1100 UTC news and weather, I heard the name "Sao Paulo" many times. 1100 UTC started a religious program.
I have 2 recordings, ads with adress on the first audioclip, on the 2nd perhaps an ID(?). 73s Bjorn
6945.11 audioclip "A" unID LA, QTH: Sao Paulo area?(Brazil) 168kb 1015 UTC 05/2004.
6945.11 audioclip "B" 97kb.

Quito 26/5 2004:
Amigos DXistas! Two stations on the 49 meter band off the air: Radio Unión, Lima(Perú) has been off for some month/months but the last week I have noted a quite strong carrier without
audio on 6114.89 kHz where Unión was the last time I logged them. Radio Victoria, Lima(Perú) on 6020.xx kHz has also been off air for a while. Anyone has information about these 2
This time I have recordings of 2 Mexico City stations:
Radio Educación has a very nice program called "Sintonia Libre" with DXing, internet, listening to airplanes etc. You can find transmitting hours for "Sintonía Libre" and other
DX-programs in spanish on this web site: http://arieldx.tripod.com/programas.htm
RAdio Transcontinental for the first time with good signal strenght here in Quito and without that "noise" I´m always hearing on the upper frequency side. The station has a web-site, still
under construction: http://www.misionradio.com/
If you are interested in listening "live" to Mexican radio stations you ill enoy visiting Fred Cantu's "mexicoradiotv.com Live/En Vivo": http://www.fredcantu.com/live.htm
4810.00 XERTA Radio Transcontinental, Mexico City(Mexico) 103kb. 1055 UTC 05/2004.
6184.96 Radio Educación, Mexico City(Mexico) 132kb. 0120 UTC 05/2004.
Bjorn: This "ID-page" is a web-site for DXers all around the world written in english but I also often receive letters in spanish and portugues. Adalberto Marques de Azevedo(Brazil) has a comment in
portugues about my recording of Radio Transcontinental, Mexico City - a station Adalberto never has heard and he asks me what type of antenna I´m using. Well, I just have 2 longwire antennas 18
and 36 meters but I´m spending many hours with my radio!.
Adalberto: "Amigo Malm, Estive no teu site e ouvi a gravação da XERTA R. Transcontinental do México. A gravação está excelente, provando que você
realizou uma ótima escuta. Gostaria que você me informasse qual o tipo de antena utilizapara estas captações em Ondas Tropicais.Saiba que esta foi a primeira vez, em todos
os meus anos de escuta, que consegui ouvir uma emissora mexicana. Infelizmente não foi através do Rádio. Espero um dia ouvir alguma emissora deste país. Muito grato pela
informação e um abraço",
Adalberto Marques de Azevedo py4wth@bol.com.br Barbacena - MG - Brasil Sócio do DX Clube do Brasil http://www.ondascurtas.com Faça parte desta família !

Quito 23/5 2004:
A little adventure on 3375 kHz this sunday morning 23th of May: (all 3 stations on the same audioclip 140kb)
1024 UTC: 3375.12 R. San Antonio, Callalli (Peru) Radio San Antonio is normally weak with heavy interference from 2 brasilian stations but this sunday morning alone and quite strong. When waiting for a nice ID to put on my homepage started the
first Brasilian their transmissions..........
1025 UTC: 3375.15 Radio Municipal, São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Brazil) ..........with a fine ID. You can hear Radio San Antonio in the background. Radio Municipal has been off air some month/months but was reactivated around one week ago. Here I was with a fine "Radio
Municipal"-ID waiting for some good brasilian music when..........
1030 UTC: 3375.06 R. Educadora, Guajará Mirim (Brazil) ..........Radio Educadora started their transmissions at 1030 UTC. Impossible! San Antonio and Municipal are very stable on their splits(.12 and .15) but Educadora I have heard on different splits
beetween 3375.00 - 3375.08 kHz.
On this audioclip 20 seconds San Antonoio, 20 seconds Municipal/San Antonio and 20 seconds with Educadora/Municipal/San Antonio.
3375 Educadora/Municipal/San Antonio 140kb 1024 - 1031 UTC 23/5 2004.
I have received comments regarding my unID station on 4750 kHz(see 22/5) from Christer Brunstrom(Sweden) and Jari Savolainen(Finland) both with the same opinion: RRI Makassar(Indonesia). Thanks for
your contribution Christer and Jan.
Jari Savolainen: "Hi. The 4750 recording sounds like Indonesian station. I recall RRI Makassar has recently been logged on 4750
instead of it's former 4753V frequency. I don't know if this fits with Indonesia-Ecuador propagation path at that hour".
Christer Brunstrom: "Hi! I did not hear any IDs but 4750 kHz is probably RRI Makasar and your unID on 5030 kHz is probably Radio

Quito 22/5 2004:
This is not LA-DX but it is interesting, so why not? I asked the members of 3 mailinglists: HCDX, Cumbre and Conexión Digital about an unID station on 5030.00 kHz with frenchspeaking DJ,
music and close down 0000 UTC, a station I never have logged here in Quito. I have comments from Manuel Méndez(Spain), Jose Hernandez Madrid(Spain) and Max van Arnhem(The Netherlands) all
saying it is probably RTV Burkina, Ouagadougou (Burkina Fasso). Thank you very much for your comments Manuel, José and Max.
Jose Hernandez Madrid: "Amigo Bjorn, posiblemente y por los datos que nos has dado tu escuchaste la emisora africana RADIO
BURKINA, esta emisora emite en frances y en ese horario los fines de semana tiene un formato de FM o radio formula.Saludos desde el Sureste de España".
Max van Arnhem: "hello Bjorn, I think you heard RTV Burkina, Ouagadougou, Burkina Fasso. Daily, last week, here on 5030 and
s/off at 0000. 73".
Manuel Méndez: "Hola Bjorn, la emisora que escuchaste en 5030 KHz, casi con toda seguridad es Radiodiffusion National du
Burkina en Burkina Faso que transmite por esa frecuencia en francés y vernáculo desde las 0530 hasta las 0800 y desde las 1700 hasta las 2400. Aquí en España se suele
escuchar bastante bién a primeras horas de la noche y al amanecer.Un saludo desde España".
That´s not all! This saturday morning I heard another "strange" station on 4750.00 kHz, I have not heard the station before. Anyone knows?
Of course you can also listen to a station from América Latina: Radio Peru on 5637.323 kHz. It is almost impossible to get an "Radio Peru"-ID but if you hear the jingel/name of program-ID
"Estudio 97" you can be sure it is Radio Peru.
4750.00 unID 122kb. 1115 UTC 22/5 2004.
5030.00 unID french speaking(Burkina Fasso?) 102kb. 2350 UTC 21/5 2004.
5637.23 Radio Perú, San Ignacio(Peru) 89kb. 05/2004.

Quito 20/5 2004:
unID 1: My unID station on 4170.44 kHz(see 19/5) is Radio Ilucán, Cutervo(Perú). I heard the station this morning in // with 5677.98 kHz. I also noted a weak carrier on 1390.14 kHz so
the station has moved from 1420.xx to 1390.14 kHz. Horacio Nigro has listened to my recording and confirm that it is Radio Ilucán. Harmonic from 1390 kHz.
Horacio Nigro: "Bjorn, despues de escuchar tu clip en tu sitio web (excelente) varias veces, si puedo decirte que dice "6 con 26,alta frecuencia, Ilucán, la radio en su hogar..." and playing
a theme from "Los Cinco de Cúcuta. No sabia que a R. Ilucán se la tenia por armonico en la OC. Pense que era una no oficial pero efectivamente trasmitiendo en OC. 73s".
Bjorn Malm: Thanks Horacio for your comments. Radio Ilicán has been on 4260.xx kHz quite a long time and logged by DXers from other continents. Strong and stable signal here in Quito, the new
harmonic on 4170.44 is much weaker.
unID 2: Ny unID station on 6009.98(see 14/5) is Radio Parinacota, Putre (Chile). On exactly the same split 6009.98 kHz I heard Radio Mil(México) and Radio Parinacota(Chile).
I listened last night around 02-03 UTC to WMR World Music Radio on 5815.00 kHz. This is not LA-station but is transmitting from near my homeland Sweden: Denmark. Electrical noise, thunder, , a fine
mix of music, but just S-9 on my NRD 535. 73s Bjorn
5677.98 R Ilucán, Cutervo(Peru) 126kb 05/2004.
6009.98 Radio Parinacota, Putre (Chile) 64kb 0020 UTC 05/2004. Narrow bandwith and weak signal.
5815.00 WMR World Music Radio(Denmark) 68kb 0350 UTC 05/2004. Weak signal and electrical/thunder noise.

Quito 19/5 2004:
My unID peruvian on 4170.44 kHz has been there the last 3 days with weak signal. I´m not 100% sure of the ID but sounds like "....Ilucan la radio en su hogar". Nothing on Radio Llucans
frequencys 5678 and 4260.xx kHz(harmonic from 1420.xx kHz). I need help with this ID but if it is OBX2U R. Ilucán, Cutervo it means that they have changed from 1420 to 1390 kHz(if the station
is an harmonic, that I do not know).
I have received some very nice mails from the Brasilian DXer Adalberto Marques de Azevedo so I want to dedicate 2 recordings of Brasilian radio stations to him and all others from DX Clube do
Brasil. 73s Bjorn
4170.44 unID, unknown QTH(Peru) 97kb. 1130 UTC 19/5 2004.
4874.90 R. Difusora de Roraima, Boa Vista(Brazil) 116Kb. 1000 UTC 05/2004.
6180.00 R. Nacional da Amazônia, Brasília (Brazil) 133kb. 0000 UTC 05/2004.

Quito 17/5 2004:
Amigos DXistas! Ecos de Pedasí, Pedasí(Panamá) is a new Panamanian station on 1160 kHz logged by 2 finnish DXers some months ago , Jari Ruohomäki and Pertti
Äyräs, as unID and later identified by Henrik Klemetz.
Yesterday sunday night Radio Presidente here in Quito had transmitter problems and I got the oportunity to hear this new Panamanian station. The recording is made in narrow bandwith, heavy
interference from Radio Unica, Cali(Colombia) on 1160.00(no audioclip) and others.
You can also listen to Radio Presidente, Quito(Ecuador) - a station with good ecuadorian popular music, always in phone-in programs.
One shortwave station this time: Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires(Argentina) is back on air. Has been off for some week/weeks and returned to my radio on saturday. 73s Bjorn
1159.94 Ecos de Pedasí, Pedasí(Panamá) 109kb 0045 UTC 05/2004.
1160.10 HCCP1 R. Presidente, Quito(Ecuador) 129kb 05/2004.
6059.95 Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires(Argentina) 80kb 1025 UTC 05/2004.

Quito 16/5 2004:
I now have a quite good recording of my unID religious station on 5950.28 kHz. Their transmissions starts at 1100 UTC, this sunday morning with religious music and IDs: "A cada día, a cada
hora, a cada minuto, a cada instante Bethel(Bethél) te acompaña". Slowly drifting from 5950.44 down to 5950.28 kHz. Was before on 5940.12 kHz.
I also have a very fine ID of CRE, Guayaquil. The station is member of "Cadena CORTEL". This audioclip replace my earlier recording of CRE, Guayaquil.
I found very interesting information about CRE "CORTEL" on this page: http://www.guiatelefonica.com.ec/dos.php?a_cod=000425 This info says that CRE is transmitting from Galápagos on mediumwave 1320 kHz! I do not know of any MW/SW transmitter on the Galápagos islands.
5950.28 Radio Bethel, Arequipa(Peru) 141kb 1100 UTC 05/2004.
560.00 HCRN2 C. R. E. Satelital, Guayaquil(Ecuador) 119kb 1105 UTC 05/2004.
Thanks to Chris Knight for comments regarding my 2 LA stations on 6009.98 kHz(see 14/5 ):
Chris: "Mil AM on 6009.98 is from Mexico City, DF. The // on 1000 AM can sometimes be heard here under XEFV. They have (or used to have) a distinctive 4 note whistle and "Es Radio Mil" jingle by
kid. 73 Chris Knight, Fort Lupton, Colorado, USA".

Quito 15/5 2004:
On the HCDX mailinglist someone had information about a logging of Ondas del Meta(Colombia) 4885 kHz. Arnaldo Slaen,
Buenos Aires on the excellent mailinglist "Conexion Digital", has heard a spanishspeaking station under the brasilian station. I have listened both on 4885 and 1170 kHz. This saturday evening I did
not hear anything more than Difusora Acreana, Rio Branco (Brazil) on 4885.03. Not a trace of R. Clube do Pará, Belém (Brazil)). I do not remember, but one of them has program in spanish
every week. On 1170.03 kHz Ondas del Meta with a clear ID with both MW frequency and SW 4885 kHz. 73s Bjorn
4885.03 R. Difusora Acreana, Rio Branco (Brazil) 103kb 0100 UTC 05/2004.
1170.03 HJBX Ondas del Meta, Villavicencio(Colombia) 80kb 0400 UTC 05/2004.

Quito 14/5 2004:
This friday morning I had 2 unidentified LA stations on the 49 meter band. Both very weak so your help is needed!
5950.28 (no audioclip) 1145 UTC. Very, very weak signal friday morning on 5950.28 kHz but it is a religious station with modern rel. music and rel. talk. This friday evening at 0100 UTC stll very weak, this time on 5950.19 kHz.
Radio Bethel, Arequipa 5940.xx kHz has been off air for a while so perhaps them?
Around 1100 UTC 2 LA stations on exactly the same split: 6009.98 kHz. One talking station and the other, stronger, with
music and " Mil AM"-ID. Listen to this short audioclip. 73s Bjorn
0920.05 HJJN Ondas del Mayo, Pasto(Colombia) 147kb 1000 UTC 05/2004. A fine ID and a program called "Amanecer Campesino". "La Voz de la integración Andina". This audioclip replace my earlier recording(see 7/3) of Ondas del Mayo, Pasto.

Quito 13/5 2004:
My unID LA/SS on 4763.16 kHz was there also this thursday morning around 1030 UTC. Better and better signal, I think the stations ID is "Radio Chicha" not the full name "Radio Television Chicha".
Soon I have them in my box!
Last night I listened to "La Cariñosa", Quito and they had interesting news: soon they will be transmitting on 920 kHz. So what has happened with Radio Colón, Quito on 920 kHz?
Colón has been off air for some time. Format: 24 hours with "Cumbia"-music! This audioclip replace my earlier recording of La Cariñosa, Quito. 73s Bjorn
1280.00 La Cariñosa, Quito(Ecuador) 148kb 2300 UTC 05/2004.

Quito 12/5 2004:
Around 20th of February this year 2 DXers from Argentina reported a new bolivian station: Radio Television Chicha, Tocla, Nor-Chichas on 4763.3 kHz. Marcelo Cornachion and Arnaldo Slaen heard the
station on a DX-camp in southern Buenos Aires. The station has not been reported outside Argentina.
Arnaldo Slaen: "Gracias Bjorn!!! Al fin reaparece esta emisora y la escucha otro colega!Con Marcelo Cornachioni, con quien la descubrimos en un DX Camp en Chascomus en febrero, siempre nos
sorprendio que nunca esta estacion fuese reportada por otro colega. Es mas, periodicamente pongo su nombre en buscadores y nada encuentro, mas alla de los dos logs que hicimos nosotros mismos"
Bjorn Malm: "Thanks Arnaldo! I heard the station yesterday tuesday morning and also this wednesday morning. Very weak sugnal and of course I do not have any identification but very good conditions
against Boliva in the mornings the last 2 days and the frequency fits. Radio Guanay, Guanay(Bolivia) I always have on 4761.xx kHz. On the recording you can hear music and perhaps(?) an ID. 73s
4763.16 unID LA/SS, could be Radio Television Chicha, Tocla, Nor-Chichas(Bolivia)
86kb 1100 UTC 5/2004.
4799.79 R. Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastián(Guatemala) 118kb 1100 UTC 5/2004. Religious station with good signal strength. Has been on this split for years.
1360.35 HCMT Oyambaro AM, Tumbaco(Ecuador) 146kb 05/2004. A station with good ecuadorian popular music. Signal strenght almost like a local station.

Quito 10/5 2004:
Radio Frecuencia, San Ignacio has been reactivated this monday evening, has been off air 2 years waiting for a licence, that´s what the DJ said. The DJ(=owner?) says they now will transmit on
a regular basis on shortwave and mediumwave. The station also needs a DJ/locutor. One hour with nonstop peruvian music, the DJ talked just 2 times.
5699.76 Radio Frecuencia, San Ignacio(Peru) 145kb 0140 UTC 05/2004.
Provincia de San Ignacio, cuya capital es San Ignacio. Sus distritos son: Chirinos, Huarango, La Coipa, Namballe, San Ignacio, San José de Lourdes, Tabaconas; con una población total
de 111,070 hab.

Quito 9/5 2004:
I have a new recording from this sunday morning, of my unID station on 1050 kHz, where the ID gives both name and QTH: "Radio Campesina de Cajamarca".
1050.00 Radio Campesina, Cajamarca(Peru) 191kb 0710 UTC 05/2004.
Henrik Klemetz always comes with fine information and this is a mail in spanish where Henrik says, among other things, that the name of the station is Radio Campesina, telephonenumber is 827973 and
adress "Avenida Los Héroes 630".
Henrik Klemetz: "lTal como sugiere Björn, la emisora se llamaría Radio Campesina. A la supuesta razón legal
le han puesto un lema identificativo ingenioso de esos que tanto gustan en algunos países de América Latina. Su teléfono (al parecer en Cajamarca) es el 827973 y la
ubicación, Avenida Los Héroes 630. Al inicio de esta linda grabación se oye unos compases del ya tradicional tributo que "El Jilguero del Huascarán" rindiera a la madre
peruana. Gracias Björn por descubrir la emisora y por dejarnos escucharla".
Bjorn Malm: "Thanks Henrik for your information about this unknown peruvian station. Enjoy my new recording of Radio Campesina!".
I had a question about Ecos del Torbes, if they still are using the frequency 5990 kHz, is in an english ID on my recording here below. The info is in spanish but Henrik says it is an old ID, the
station is not using 5990 kHz.
Henrik Klemetz: "La identificación de Ecos del Torbes es de vieja data. Desde luego ya se abandonó la frecuencia
hace lustros. En 1998, desde mi "balcón sabanero" en Bogotá, escuchaba esta misma identificación en inglés de Ecos del Torbes como también la frecuencia de 3225 kHz
en la identificación de Radio Occidente, de Tovar, y Radio Ideal, del literal, suele mencionar su frecuencia de 5060 kHz junto con la de la onda media de los 1130. Rastreando las huellas de
esas emisoras en anteriores ediciones del WRTH, encuentro que esas frecuencias de onda corta son de la década de los 70. [¡Vaya, cómo me he vuelto viejo..!]".

Quito 8/5 2004;
The unID station I had on 5954.98 kHz(see 4/5) is Radio Cultural, Guatemala City(Guatemala)(No audioclip).
Anyone knows if YVOD Ecos del Torbes, San Cristóbal(Venezuela) is using the frequency 5990 kHz? I have a recording from 780.00 kHz with english(!) ID but just prefix and frequencys, 60mb, 780
and 5990 kHz. Listen to this recording.
The most exiting this time is an unID station on mediumwave 1050.00 kHz. Take your "Minerva Café" and listen! 73s Bjorn.
1050.00 unID Campesina "la radio Agroecológica", QTH Cajamarca?(probably
Peru) 148kb 0500 UTC 05/2004. This station is not listed in WRTH, at least not on 1050 kHz. I found a document on internet with this: "......Porcón Alto fue privilegiado con dos cupos más, incluyendo a un reportero
de la radio Agroecológica Campesina de Cajamarca; nos referimos a Cecilio......". A few seconds at the beginning of my recording you can hear peruvian music. ID: "Campesina la radio
Agroecológica". Telephone number and adress: 72 72 73(?) and "Avenida Locero(?) 630".

Quito 6/5 2004:
On the HCDX mailinglist has Andree Bollin from Denmark(I think) an unID LA station on 5014.67 kHz.
Andree Bollin: "JHi, nearly all mornings till 3.15utc close down I listen to a station from LA. I never get an ID from this station. Frequency is 5014.67 var. Any help would be nice. 73 abo".
Bjorn: The station is Radio Altura and has a fantastic program in the mornings beetween 1000 - 1100 UTC with peruvian music, every morning from a special part of Peru. The recording is from this
thursday morning with music from the "Puno"-area, It is difficult to get an ID, I listened one hour without any ID.
5014.64 Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco(Peru) 136kb 1055 UTC 05/2004.
Henrik Klemetz: "The program is called Matices del Ande. Please note that they are already plugging for Mother's Day, "every
year on the second Sunday in May". So watch out for special extended programing on May 9". (Here in Quito you can buy almost anything much cheaper around that date, the shops are buying more airtime
for ads and the stations are transmitting more hours........../Bjon).

Quito 5/5 2004:
This station is still on air when I´m writing down this information. Up to 0000 UTC news. From 0000 UTC modern pop/disco music and ads from Tenas with "98.9 Ideal"-IDs. Strong signal but low
sound-quality. One year ago I heard La oz del Upano, Tenas(Ecuador) on.5966.59 kHz. A station with own programs and not in // with LV del Upano in Macas. The Tenas-station relaying
5966.51 "Ideal 98.9", unknown QTH, perhaps Temas(Ecuador) 117kb 05/2004.
PS I found this information on the internet: "DEAL TENA Napo Tena 98.9 Ecología, deporte, salud, cultura, noticias, música. salud, cultura, noticias, música" so it is a FM
station in Tenas /Bjorn. DS

Quito 4/5 2004:
Last night between 0120 - 0200 UTC I listened to a religious station with good signal on 5954.98 kHz. The program was called "Impacto" with talk and religious music. My guess is Radio Cultural,
Guatemala City(Guatemala). but I´m not sure. Is it a reactivation of Cultural on this frequency or another station? From 0200 UTC heavy interference from nearby channel. 73s Bjorn.
5954.98 unID religous station 0120 UTC 121kb 05/2004.

Quito 2/5 2004:
Rogildo Aragão has a comment regarding my logging(audioclips here below) of Radio Senado, Brasília(Brazil) on 6366.80 in // with Radio Senado on 5990.30 kHz. Thanks Rogildo!
Rogildo Aragão: "Olá Malm, Realmente es R.Senado. Algo raro es la buena calidad de audio de tu escucha en la
grabacion, i"gual a tu grabacion en 5990.3. Retornando a la primera grabacion, el estilo de musica MPB tocado, es estilo de R.Senado y al final de la grabacion ahora comparando hay la voz del locutor
de R.Senado de las otras grabaciones. Pero queda para los amigos mas tecnicos, esta escucha de buena calidad en esta frecuencia de 6366,80. Estoy hacendo consultas a Brasil. Saludos".

Quito 1/5 2004
First 2 stations from SF de Bogotá, two good-sound-quality-stations:
1310.00 HJJZ Colorín ColorRadio, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 135kb 0100 UTC 04/2004. A station dedicated to programs for young people
1340.00 HJFB Radio Uno, SF de Bogotá(Colombia) 132kb 0115 UTC 04/2004. All evening Vallenato-music and short IDs.
2 peruvian stations, both from Cusco and both normally with heavy interference from nearby channels. This time almost without interference:
6173.33 Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco(Peru) 152kb 04/2004.
6193.45 Radio Cusco, Cusco(Peru) 137kb 04/2004.