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Archive March - April 2005
Quito 28/4 2005
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 4498.12 Radio Estambul, Depto Beni (Bolivia)
Must be a new Bolivian station but you are welcome to correct me if I´m wrong. Some weeks ago I reported to the mailing lists an unID station on 4498.12 kHz with 100% méxican music and
I presumed it was some harmonic from 1500 kHz. But I was totally wrong. This friday night I first made a recording of Radio Ecos (Bolivia) on 4409.79 kHz, I have never heard them stronger. Some
minutes later I was listening to the station on 4498.12 kHz and was very lucky to get an ID: Radio Estambul. I´m not 100% sure of the stations QTH. "Estambul" is a city but what I´m
asking is if "Estambul" also could be a part of the city "Guayaramerín"? The DJ says they are transmitting on 4496 kHz.
73s Bjorn Malm
4498.12 Radio Estambul, Dpto Beni (Bolivia). 0035 UTC. 04/2005.
Frequency second "3" and ID at second "17".
Quito 26/4 2004
*** Wednesday evening edition:
*** Recording of Bolivian station, Escoma, Provincia Camacho, La Paz (Bolivia)
After listening to this unID Bolivian station on 1540.19 kHz at least 10-15 hours, both mornings and evenings, I now have the stations QTH: Escoma, Provincia de Camacho, Departamento de La Paz
(Bolivia). "Camacho" is divided in four districts: Escoma, Umanata, Chinaya and Parajachi. Still I do not know the name of the station but on this web-site 2 stations are listed on 1540 kHz:
Radio Sariri, 1540 Escoma (LPB)
Radio Wiñaj Kalpachaj, 1540 Tarata (CBB)
This is the first time I have logged a Bolivian station on mediumwave here in Quito so I´m really happy! 73s Bjorn Malm
Escoma Town Square:
1540.19 (Radio Sariri?), Escoma, Camacho, La Paz (Bolivia). 0102 UTC. 04/2005.
QTH and frequency at second "8".
Quito 26/4 2005:
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of HCKD2 1080.13 Sistema 2, Guayaquil
2-3 days ago I had very good signals from two Guayaquil stations around 0130 UTC: "Radio Z-Uno" 1399.94 kHz, a station quite regular in the Scandinavian countries. Here in Quito for the first time
with good signal and I have a fine recording, will be presented later. The other station is for me a first time logging of "Sistema Dos" 1080.13 kHz. Is listed (WRTH 2004) as "Sistema 2 Radio Tigre"
but I just heard "Sistema Dos" ID´s.
73s Bjorn Malm
Guayaquil "Malecon":
1080.13 HCKD2 Sistema 2, Guayaquil (Ecuador). 0130 UTC. 04/2005.
With a little bit distorted sound.
Quito 23/4 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of "LVS" LV de la Selva, Iquitos
One of the best going Peruvians on the tropical bands. The ID "LVS Digital" you hear more often than "La Voz de la Selva". This time "LVS Noticias".
73s Bjorn Malm
Iquitos :
4824.49 "LVS" LV de la Selva, Iquitos (Perú). 1120 UTC. 04/2005.
"Located in the Loreto region, Iquitos is the largest city in the jungle of Peru, with a population of about 400,000. Located on the Amazon River, it is just 100 meters above sea level even though
it is more than 3,000 kilometers from the mouth of the Amazon on the Atlantic Ocean. Iquitos has long been a major port in the Amazon basin. It is surrounded by three rivers: the Nanay, the Itaya,
and the Amazon. The city is generally considered the largest in the world that cannot be reached by road, only by airplane or boat. Most travel within the city itself is via motorcycle or mototaxi
(auto rickshaw). Transportation to nearby towns often requires a river trip via llevo-llevo, a small public boat. The climate is hot and humid, with an average relative humidity of 85%. The wet
season lasts from around November to May, with the river reaching its highest point in May. The river is at its lowest in October".
Quito 18/4 2005:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of 4762.00 kHz OCX4W Radio Inca del Peru (Daniel Camporini)
I have presented before 1517.08 OCX2Q Radio Inca, Baños del Inca (see "Archive" 29/3 2005). Daniel Camporini, Buenos Aires has kindly sent me a recording of another "Radio Inca" but with QTH
Lima. This station was active on shortwave many years ago, the recording is from 1987. Thank you very much Daniel for this golden recording! You can enjoy two photos: one from the home town of Daniel
and of course one photo from the QTH of Radio Inca.
73s Bjorn Malm
Buenos Aires, Daniels birth-town, "Caminita" street:
((Daniel is now living 2.5 kms outside BA in Munro)
Lima "Silencio Beach":
4762.00 kHz OCX4W Radio Inca del Peru, Lima (Perú). 04/2005.
Recording from 1987 made by Daniel Camporini.
Daniel Camporini, Argentina: "Hola Bjorn!! Aqui me ves de nuevo. En esta ocación te envío una grabación de Radio Inca
de Lima. Esta emisora operaba en las frecuencias OBX4E 540 Khz. de la onda media y OCX4W 4762 Khz. de la onda corta. La grabación es de 1987, un poco mas en el tiempo. Actualmente esta
inactiva en la onda corta y nada tiene que ver con Radio Inca de Baños del Inca, por aquellos años muchos diexistas solían confundirlas. La última vez que la escuche fue
allá por 1992, pero era ya bastante irregular en sus salidas al aire. Hasta la próxima y saludos a todos los colegas que colaboran y disfrutan de esta página web".
Bjorn Malm: Daniel is very interesed in the radio histoty of Latín América and if you have some nice material for Daniel to
use on his personal web-site he will be very glad to use it.
Daniel Camporini email and web-site (still under construction):
When I today visited his nice web-page Daniel is telling the story about radio, and other things, from the Bolivian town "Oruro". If you need to translate from spanish to another language: visit
"Babel Fish" and just write down the adress of Daniels web-site:
Quito 15/4 2005:
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of 1100.00 BBN Radio, SF de Bogotá
Listed name for this station is "Emisora Musical" but our Colombian friend Rafael Rodríguez, Bogotá has reported, one year ago I think, that RRB is leasing this Caracol frequency. RBB
= "Red de Radiodifusión Bíblica". BBN = the same but in english "Bible Broadcasting Network".
The ID I have been hearing before is "Radio Mil-Cien AM" with religious programming. This last time I heard the station with ID "BBN Radio Mil Cien", I have not noted this "BBN" ID before. The same
name appear if you visit this page(afiliated to RRB stations):
Afiliated stations in Colombia:
La Voz de Honda, Honda 1440 AM BBN, Bogota 1100 AM
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Bogotá here!
1100.00 HJ__ BBN Radio, SF de Bogotá (Colombia). 04/2005.
Quito 13/4 2005:
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of new 4909.27 Radio Chaskis, Otavalo, Imbabura (Ecuador)
I have now talked to the owner of Radio Chaskis Señor Chaquiguango Cotacachi Luis. We had a very nice conversation and this is what he told me:
He has been working in the radio buisness for 12 years and is also owner of the mediumwave station Chaskis del Norte, Ibarra on 950 kHz. Note that the name of the two stations is "Chaskis" and not
"Chasquis" (both WRTH and the official Ecuadorian list have this name). The station has nothing to do with Radio Bahái, Otavalo(active on MW but inactive on SW).
Radio Chaskis now has a period of test transmissions and is very interesed in receiving reception reports to:
Radio Chaskis
Jiron Roldos Aguilera y Panamericana Norte
email: radiochaskis@hotmail.com
Telephone Chaskis Otavalo shortwave: (062) 920 922
Telephone Chaskis Ibarra mediumwave: (O62) 908 124
Thank you very much Señor Chaquiguango for this information!
73s Bjorn Malm
4909.27 Radio Chaskis, Otavalo, Imbabura (Ecuador). 0100 UTC. 04/2005.
I have received a nice mail from the Italian DXer Dario Monferini. Thanks Dario!
Dario Monferini: "Hola Muy Estimado amigo Bjorn, Visitando una pagina WEB formato pdf:
Pude encuentrar en el listado unos dados de esta nueva emisora, 4910 CHASQUI DEL NORTE ONDA CORTA Responsable Sr. Chaquiguango Cotacachi Luis Enrique Direccion : Jiron Roldos Aguilera y Panamericana
Norte, Imbabura Telefono : 907429. Espero estas noticias te sean utiles. 4910 kHz fues la frequencha de Emisora Gran Colombia de Quito, inolvidada emisora de los anos 70's que tenia lindos
banderines.... Gracias por tus noticias y monitoreos. Muchos 73's extensibles a tu Senora Susana. saludos desde Italia".
Late tuesday edition:
4909.29 Radio Chasqui, Imbabura (Ecuador) 0010 UTC.
New Ecuadorian station with test transmissions, started yesterday. I have a very good recording with telephone number. Tomorrow II will, hopefully, talk to the station and of course present the
recording on my ID-site."Imbabura" is a province and I will check exactly from where they are transmitting
R. Bahá’í, Otavalo on 4950 kHz has been inactive for many years, perhaps they have sold transmitter/licence to Radio Chasqui? Also Otavalo is located in the province of
73s Bjorn Malm, Quito, Ecuador Quito 12/4 2005
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Comments from Henrik Klemetz, Alfredo Cañote and Christer Brunstrom
No recording this edition but some comments from Henrik, Alfredo and Christer. Thanks to all of you for helping me with this ID site. 73s Bjorn Malm
Bjorn Malm: First a correction: 10/4 2005 I presented a recording of 1500.11 Radio Reloj, Moniquirá (Colombia). I said "Radio Reloj"
is a new name for listed(WRTH 2004) Ecos del Ricaurte, Moniquirá. this is not correct. 1995, the last year Henrik Klemetz was WRTH South American editor, this "new" name Radio Reloj already
was there.
Henrik Klemetz, Sweden: "New name? No, not quite. Was listed as R Reloj in WRTH 1995, which was the last edition where a large chunk of the Colombian info was double-checked and
triple-checked as a result of actual listening and visits. Ecos del Ricaurte seems to be their old company name. And as such, the station surfaced in 1987; entry changed into R Reloj in 1991. I do
not know when the entry was changed again. See this for more info:
Bjorn Malm: 11/4 2005, yesterday, I presented a recording of unID LA on 4909.27 kHz. Christer Brunstrom, Sweden says in a mail that the ID
in "Quechua" on my recording sounds like "Radio Chasqui". My Ecuadorian wife has been studying Quechua 3 years during her university studies but it´s a long time ago and today she does not
remember much! Alfredo Cañote has asked a friend to listen to my recording and he agree with Christer Brunstrom and myself that the name of the station is "Radio Chasqui". But there is no QTH
on my recording.
Alfredo Cañote, Perú: "Hola Bjorn! saludos desde Chaclacayo! te cuento lo siguiente...: le hice escuchar a una persona la cual domina el quechua al 100 % y me dijo que el
locutor dice RADIO CHASQUI..., lo que faltaria es determinar es el QTH... Conon respecto a como se dice CUZCO en quechua...: CUZCO es la palabra castellanizada de Q´osqo foneticamente seria
algo como... COSCO. Estare atento a ubicar el QTH... 73s Alfredo".
> Quito 11/4 2005:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of unID LA 4909.27 kHz.
I should apreciate very much your help with this strong, unID LA on 4909.27 kHz where I never have noted a LA station before. I started listening to a strong signal 0030 UTC this monday evening, S9
+15dB, to a male preacher tlking both spanish and a indian lnguage. I´m not sure but this is what I heard: OM preacher talking spanish/quechua, UTC -5 and ID followed by close down 0048 UTC.
The ID sounds like "Radio Chasqui". How do you say "Cusco" in Quechua? Listen to ID at second 27. Perú?
73s Bjorn Malm
4909.27 unID LA "Radio Chasqui"(??). 0030 UTC. 04/2005.
Preaching, UTC -5 and ID.
Quito 10/4 2005:
*** Sunday edition:
*** Recording of 1500.11 HJ__ Radio Reloj, Moniquirá
Listed on 1500 kHz is HJSH Ecos del Ricaurte, Moniquirá so "Radio Reloj" must be a new name. Is deifting some Hz, I have noted them also around 1500.05 kHz. Moniquirá is located in the department of Boyacá within the mountains of Eastern Cordillera. The capital of Boyacá is Tunja.
73s Bjorn Malm
1500.11 HJ__ Radio Reloj, Moniquirá (Colombia). 04/2005.
New name for Ecos del Ricaurte
Quito 9/4 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 1249.94 HJFV R. Viva, Pasto
There are 4 stations belonging to this "red": 1220 R. Viva Cultural Bolívar, Ipiales, 1250 Radio Viva Pasto, 1290 Radio iva Cali + a FM station in Ipiales. I have also a recording in stock of
Radio Viva, Cali - will be presented later on.
Pasto is a city of about 450.000 people and the capital of the department "Nariño", located in southwest Colombia. The city is located in the "Valle de
Artiz", in the Andes cordillera, near the volcano "Galeras", at a hight of about 2427 metres.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Pasto here!
1249.94 HJFV R. Viva, Pasto (Colombia). 1000 UTC. 04/2005.
Quito 7/4 2005:
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of 4746.78 R.Huanta 2000, Huanta
Huanta 2000 has been around many years with good sugnal but I always have some kind of interference. Better late than never so here is my first recording of: Radio Huanta 2000!
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Huanta hrtr"
4746.78 Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta (Perú). 1020 UTC. 04/2005.
"Huanta, the province and city in Ayacucho region, occupies an area of 3,880 sq km. It is located about fifty km from Ayacucho city, and at 2,600 meters above sea level. The city of Huanta, also
known as the "Emerald of the Andes", possesses a temperate and agreeable climate, because it is in the "brow of the Amazonian forest." Its temperature varies between 20 and 26 º Celsius. The
capital of the province is Huanta, founded in June 1825. The province's seven districts, Ayahuanco, Huamanguilla, Huanta, Iguain, Luricocha, Santillana and Sivia include 101 population centers".
Quito 6/4 2005:
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of new Radio Alegre 14-90, Quito (Ecuador)
This is the first time a real, 100% new station has started transmissions from my home town Quito for many many years. Some stations have changed owner or name so it´s very nice to present
this new station. The recording is from their very first transmission that started today 2310 UTC.
Some months ago I talked to the station, they said they were going to start transmiting the first week in march with name "MegaSonido Nuevo Milenio". But as I understand from this transmission the
name is "Radio Alegre" with ID´s "Radio Alegre 14-90" or just "Alegre 14-90". Jingle: "La radio de la gente felíz". Mixed music with Ecuadorian music and "música tropical".
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Quito here!
1490.00 HC__ Radio Alegre, Quito (Ecuador). 2310 UTC. 04/2005.
From the stations very first transmission!
Quito 4/4 2005:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of unID Radio Julcán (Tulcán? Ilucán?), Perú
Excellent signal from a Peruvian on 1570.25 kHz this monday morning 0950UTC. I think the name is Radio Julcán transmitiendo from departamento "La Libertad", but I´m not sure. Perhaps it
is "Tulcán" or "Ilucán"? I apreciate help on this one.
73s Bjorn Malm
1570.25 Radio Julcán(Tulcán? Ilucán?) (Perú). 0950 UTC. 04/2005.
Sonya Morales with "Perdóname" in a program called "Amanecer en Los Andes"..
Quito 3/4 2005:
*** Sunday edition:
*** Recording of Radio Presidente, Quito
Pewsidente is a station 100% dedicated to Ecuadorian popular music. Distorted sound from the DJ´s microphone but the sound quality of the music is OK.
You have to decide the price first to avoid paying too much - the normal price for cleaning shoes is for the moment 30 Centavos(1 dollar = 100 Centavos). See the very thypical photo from the center
of Quito.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Quito "Shoe Cleaning" here!
1160.09 HCCP1 Radio Presidente, Quito (Ecuador). 2330 UTC. 04/2005.
"Quito is the capital city of Ecuador. Located in a valley on the western slopes of Pichincha, an active volcano in the Andes mountains, its elevation of around 2850 meters (9300 feet) above sea
level makes it the second highest capital city in the world after La Paz, Bolivia. Its population, according to the most recent census (2001), was 1,839,853".
Quito 2/4 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 3375.14 Radio Municipal, São Gabriel da Cachoeira
Municipal always has a little bit distorted sound and has often difficulties with QRM from R. Educadora, Guajará Mirim on 3375.08 and sometimes from R. San Antonio on 3375.12 kHz. Enjoy this
"big" ID with QTH and frequencys!
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from São Gabriel da Cachoeira here!
3375.14 Radio Municipal, São Gabriel da Cachoeira(Brazil). 0955 UTC. 04/2005.
"São Gabriel da Cachoeira is situated on the Rio Negro, 1600 km (via water) to the north east of Manaus, the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira possesses tremendous natural
attractions. In the region, the Rio Negro contains many rapids with rocks on the riverbed and islands that emerge during the low water period.
In this region there is Pico da Neblina (Fog Peak) National Park, the second largest in the country. Other Parks also dot the region faous for its unique flora and untapped resources for flora and
soil research.
There are at least 13 large indigenous groups in the region among them are the Tukano, Baniwa, Yanomami, and Tariano, all having excellent culture and handicrafts".
Quito 31/3 2005:
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of 5030.00 Radio Continente, Caracas (Samuel Cássio)
I´m checking the tropical bands all the time but nothing new to present. So I´m very glad to receive a recording from the Brasilian DXer Samuel Cássio, Sao Paulo of Radio
Continente, Caracas 5030.00 kHz - has of course left shortwave a long time ago.
Thank you very much for your recording Samuel! 73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Caracas here!
5030.00 Radio Continente, Caracas (Venezuela). 03/2005.
Recording from 1981 made by Samuel Cássio, Brasil.
Samuel Cássio: "Hola Bjorn, Sigue mas un audio: Radio Continente, Caracas, > Venezuela, transmitindo em 5030 kHz en una grabacion
de 1981, y su noticero radial Radio Reloj Continente. Gran saludo, Samuel".
I have find a nice web-site where you can read both about he history of Radio Continente and Venezuelan radio in general:
"......Radio Reloj Continente, se inicia el tono popular de narrar noticias, con el uso de la campanita, el cual se utilizaba entre noticias y noticias y se compartían dos locutores las
informaciones. Luego se incorporan las manchetas y otros materiales de opinión. En la época inicial de Radio Reloj Continente de los años 1958 y 1959, hubo una gran actividad
internacional en sus contactos con Radio Rebelde de la Sierra Maestra de Cuba, cuando los insurgentes del Movimiento 26 de Julio se disponían a derrocar a Fulgencio Batista. Estas
transmisiones duraron hasta los comienzos del gobierno de Fidel Castro.......".
Quito 29/3 2005:
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Recording of 1517.08 OCX2Q Radio Inca, Baños del Inca
Very good propagation against Perú on mediumwave the last two mornings. This is a first time logging for me of Radio Inca, Baños del Inca on 1517.08 kHz. Listed name is "R. LV del
Inca" but I just heard "Radio Inca del Perú"-ID´s. Womderful music and ID´s on this recording!
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Baños del Inca here!
1517.08 OCX2Q Radio Inca, Baños del Inca (Perú). 1100 UTC. 03/2005.
"The village of Baños del Inca is located six kilometers east of the city of Cajamarca. Situated at an altitude of 2,667m, it is surrounded by a beautiful mountain scenery. Its climate is
mild, dry, and sunny. The vapors and humidity rising from the thermal springs give the visitor a wonderful sense of well being.
Baños del Inca is famous for its myths and legends and for the mineral and medicinal properties of its waters. Their therapeutic qualities are well known. The thermal waters of Baños
del Inca are rich in sodium, potassium, lithium, calcium, and strontium. They also contain iron, magnesium and silica".
Quito 26/3 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 1509.89 HJZA Radio Cristal, Armenia
*** REcording of unID LA 1509.80 kHz
1510 kHz is normally dominated 100% of R. Monumental, Quito but last night and this saturday morning the station had transmitter problem and I made a recording of HJZA Radio Cristal, Armenia , must
be new name for HJZA Radio Estrella.
I also had a very weak signal on 1509.80 kHz where finnish DXers have an unID LA station. I have before noted a Ambato-station close to this split, perhaps Radio Net. You can listen to a short
recording of this unID but the signal is very weak. I also had a unID LA on 1509.93 kHz.
73s Bjorn Malm
1509.89 HJZA Radio Cristal, Armenia (Colombia). 0130 UTC. 03/2005.
New name for Radio Estrella.
1509.80 unID LA. 1035 UTC. 03/2005.
Short recording, perhaps is there an ID.
(.TMP recording, will be removed).
Quito 25/3 2005:
*** Friday edition:
*** Recording of HCPA1 1240.00 Radio Metropolitana, Yaruquí
Now I know the reason why this "local Quito station"(listed as QTH Quito) has weaker signal strength than other stations here in Quito: QTH is not Quito but "Yaruquí"! Yesterday evening I
heard for the first time ID with QTH "Yaruquí". Yaruquí is a small village located 32 km from Quito with a population of 14.175 inhabitants. Radio Metropolitana has 100% Ecuadorian
popular music together with some ads, but ads always from Quito.
Metropolitana is a very irregular station and is transmitting only daytime and early evening. Yesterday wednesday close down 0058 UTC without any close down ceremony.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Quito: (impossible to find a photo from Yruquí) here!
1240.00 HCPA1 Radio Metropolitana, Yaruquí. 0050 UTC. 03/2005.
The first time I´m presenting this station.
Wednesday evening edition:
Thanks to Henrik Klemetz and Andrea Lawendel for info regarding my recording of Reloj, Calarcá on 1549.97 kHz. 73s Bjorn Malm
Henrik Klemetz: "Björn, this is not a new station but the info is hard to come by unless you are on the spot. Even Caracol´s own info is confusing. Not to mention the Minicom info.
But if you refer to the WRTH 1995 edition you will find Radio Reloj, Calarcá, listed on 1550 kHz. Do keep in mind that Armenia, where Caracol Armenia is located, is just a couple of miles
further down the main road leading to Cali".
Andrea Lawendel: "lHi Bjorn, Henrik! I'm answering directly, given slow reaction times of HCDX. Bjorn, you might want to alert the others too. This station is indeed mentioned in this
official document by the Communications Ministry in Colombia:
(Andrea, the link uou sent me does not work)
Sociedad Radio Reloj del Quindio is listed as the owner, while the call, HJQD, is listed in the WRTH 2005 for Caracol Armenia. The Ministerio says this station is indeed included en el circuito de
Caracol Armenia. 73s to you all".
Quito 23/3 2005:
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of 1549.97 Radio Reloj, Calarcá (Colombia).
Is this a new station? At least not listed in WRTH 2004 on this frequency. I have been listening many hours on 1550 waiting for a good moment to make a recording of Radio El Sol "La
Cariñosa", Barranquilla. This wednesday morning I heard a "Radio Reloj" station with a music program called "Mañanitas de Radio Reloj" and ID "Radio Reloj 1550". At half and full hour
ID with QTH "Calarcá". Anyone has information about this station?
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo fro CALARCA here!
1549.97 HJ__ Radio Reloj, Calarcá (Colombia). 1000 UTC. 03/2005.
"The municipality of Calarcá is located in the Andean zone, flank of the Central Mountain range of the Andes, the center-West of the country and to the east of the Department of "El Quindío", in the denominated "Coffee Axis". Its capital is Armenia. The city is to a height average of 1536 ms on the level of the sea.
Calarcá has an approximated population of 73,500 inhabitants".
Quito 21/3 2005:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of 840.00 HJKK H J Doble K, Neiva
I already have a recording of this station I made one year ago but this is a better one.
Neiva is a city in the Magdalena Valley of Colombia with a population of about 330,817 people. Founded by Diego de Ospina y Medinilla, it is the capital of the
Colombian department of Huila. It is about five hours drive from the Colombian capital, Bogotá. Main universities include Universidad Surcolombiana, Antonio Narino, Cooperativa de
Colombia. The Río Magdalena, Colombia's largest river, rises in Hulia department.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Neiva here!
840.00 HJKK "H J Doble K", Neiva (Colombia).0130 UTC. 03/2005.
Quito 19/3 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of Radio Municipal, Panao
Radio Municipal is quite regular on their split frequency 3172.69 +- 1 Hz but electrical noise and not very strong signal is the reason why it´s difficult to make a good recording. 2-3 days
ago the signal was very good, there is no ID but some ads from the stations QTH "Panao". Panao is the capital of the province of Pachitea in the department of Huánuco.
I have received some very nice mails from Señor Pablo Albornoz rojas. He is working as DJ at Radio Municipal and has sent me some photos. Thank you very much Pablo!
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo of Pablo Albornoz rojas here!
See photo from Panau here! (by Pablo)
3172.69 Radio Municipal, Panao (Perú). 1030 UTC. 03/2005.
Ads from a "Ferreteria" in Panau and music.
Quito 16/3 2005:
*** Wednesday evening:
Thanks Samuel for your information, we have to be 100% aure with ID´s, Radio Gaucha or Sao Paulo-relay from Radio Victoria. 73s Bjorn Malm.
See photo of Samuel Cássio, Brazil here!
DX Club of Brazil:
"DX Club of Brazil, is club DX with bigger tradition in the scene of the national dexismo. It was established in 17 of October of 1981, under the name of DX São Paulo Club, by Samuel
Cássio Martins Santos and Márcio Roberto Ferreira Bertoldi. The DXCB does not aim at profits, but yes the spreading of hobby of radio-listening".
Samuel Cássio, Brazil:
"Hello Bjorn! For some time Radio Victory, Lima, Peru, transmits the programs of the Church "Deus é Amor" that has its seat in São Paulo, Brazil. This Church has like their first radio
station Radio Tupi, Curitiba, also known as "Sistema Universo de Radio", but many transmitters relay their programs, it is the case also of R. Victoria. Greetings!".
Same mail in spanish:
"Hola Bjorn, Hace alguno tiempo que Radio Victoria, Lima, Peru, transmite los programas de la Iglesia "Deus é Amor" que tiene su sede en São Paulo, Brasil . Esta Iglesia tiene como su
primera estacion Radio Tupi, Curitiba, tambien conocida como Sistema Universo de Radio, pero muchas emisoras retransmiten sus programas, és el caso tambiem de R. Victoria. gran saludo".
*** Wednesday edition:
*** Recording of 6020.29 Brasilian station, Sao Paulo(Radio Victoria, Lima)
I have seen some reports of an unID Brasilian station on 6020 kHz but here in Quito without any trace. First I thought it could be some confusion with Radio Victoria and their Brasilian preachers
with spanish/brasilian accent.
I now have exactly what I was looking for: recording of Radio Victoria with relay transmission of a Brasilian station in the Sao Paulo area. This is brasilian portugues and there is an ID for a
station in the Sao Paulo area - perhaps not a local ID but ID for some "red".
What I heard was a program from the church "Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor", Sao Paulo. Anyone knows the name of this Brasilian station?
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Lima here!
6020.29 Radio Victoria, Lima (Perú). 1035 UTC. 03/2005.
Relay of Brasilian station in Sao Paulo area.ID at second "11".
6020.29 Radio Victoria, Lima (Perú). 03/2005.
Victoria with ID in spanish.
Quito 15/3 2005:
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Recording of 1409.96 HJEI R. Guadalajara, Buga
I have before logged one station from "Buga": HJFP Voces de Occidente on 860.00 kHz . Sometimes also on their 2nd harmonic 1720 kHz. Now it´s time to present my second "Buga" logging: 1409.96
HJEI Radio Guadalajara, came in with very good signal strength two days ago around 0430 UTC. The real name of the city is "Guadalajara de Buga" and there is also a river "Guadalajara".
Buga, with 114,000 Inhabitants, is located in the department of "Valle del Cauca" in the west of the country, facing the Pacific Ocean.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Guadalajara de Buga "Casa Molina" here!
1409.96 HJEI R. Guadalajara, Buga (Colombia). 0430 UTC. 03/2005.
Quito 14/3 2005:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of 4949.96 R. Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado
I first thought it was a new station with name "I.D.L. Radio" but after listening a while I heard the recorded ID "Radio Madre de Dios". This station has been for several years on the same split
4950.16 +- 1 Hz so I ws not at first thinking of them.
The swedish DXer Gert Nilsson was listening to "I.D.L. Radio" the same evening as I did. He, and Glenn Hauser, was close but Henrik Klemetz was closer! Thanks all for replies.
So listen to Radio Madre de Dios with a program called "I.D.L. Radio" from El Instituto de Defensa Legal.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Puerto Maldonado "Plaza Mayor" here!
Henrik Klemetz, Sweden:
Country: Peru
Name of program: Ideeleradio, or Ideele Radio. see:
The program is produced in Lima. Under "Red Nacional" a lot of relaying stations are mentioned. Puerto Maldonado on the move?".
Glenn Hauser, U.S.A.:
"Bjoern, I`m not so sure the third letter is L, but the reference to the 15 February Ley seems to refer to Peru, as this item was in Con Dig for Feb 19:
So likely R. Madre de Dios relaying something or with a new name. 73".
Gert Nilsson, Sweden:
"It was heard with very good strength also by myself here in Sweden when they started some religious program at 2300 UTC. However I did not realize this was a new station. I just wrote Madre de
Dios? in my log....... Quite a mistake!".
4949.96 R. Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado (Perú). 0100 UTC. 03/2005.
On new split-frequency with program "I.D.L. Radio".
Quito 13/3 2005:
*** Sunday edition:
*** Recording of 4949.96 I.D.L. Radio
Last night 0100 UTC I heard a station on 4949.96 kHz where I never have logged a LA station before. The ID was "I.D.L. Radio". The ID on my recording is very clear.
Now, "what is this"? I want you to tell me and if you have the answer please send me a mail.The answer will be published on next edition of "Voces de América Latina" together with another
recording from the same occasion.
73s Bjorn Malm
4949.96 I.D.L. Radio, QTH? . 0100 UTC. 03/2005. What is this?
Quito 12/3 2005:
*** Saturday edition:
*** Recording of 6054.28 Radio Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velasco
One of the most difficult Bolivian stations to hear here in Quito is 6054.28 Radio Juan XXIII. Is there sometimes but with very weak signal and heavy QRM from nearby channels. Some days ago I at
last had the station with a little bit stronger signal and of course I made a recording. My favorite singer Marco Antonio Solís and a "Radio Juan XXIII," ID, a great early morning 1040
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from San Ignacio de Velasco here!
6054.28 Radio Juan XXIII, San Ignacio de Velasco (Bolivia). 1040 UTC. 03/2005.
Not very strong but enough to make a recording
Quito 10/3 2005:
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of Radio Sallique, Cajamarca, Jaén, Sallique (Perú)
With this short audioclip I want to close down this long time problem "6329.11 kHz unID Peruvian". The name of the station is Radio Sallique transmitting from Deparamento Cajamarca, Provincia
Jaén, Distrito Sallique. The station is transmitting very irregular and the sound quality is not very good but has been active the last 4-5 days with close down around 0130 UTC. The recording
is from this evening thursday. Note: this is my personal opinion, if you do not agree - tell me!
Thanks to Alfredo Cañote, Henrik Klemetz and Rafael Rodriguez for help.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from JAEN here!
6329.11 Radio Sallique, Sallique, Jaén, Cajamarca (Perú). 0125 UTC.
Quito 8/3 2005:
*** Tuesday edition:
*** Recording of 1469.98 Nueva Ondas de Ibagué
Something has happened in Ibagué, Ondas de Ibagué has always had the ID "Ondas de Ibagué" but when I listened to the station last night the name was "Nueva Ondas de
Ibagué". QRM from the Colombian station "HJF33 R. Restauración, Cali" on new split 1470.09 kHz - has been on 1470.02 kHz.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from IBAGUÉ here!
1469.98 HJTB Ondas de Ibagué, Ibagué (Colombia). 0000 UTC.
"Ibagué (1985 pop. 288,575) is the capital of the department of Tolima in Colombia. It is situated 1,285 m (4,216 ft) above sea level, on the eastern slopes of the Cordillera Central between
the Chipalo and Combeima rivers, tributaries of the Cuello River. It is on the road from Armenia to Bogota, near the pass that connects to the Cauca Valley, and as a result is a commercial
It was founded in 1550 as "San Bonifacio de Ibagué", and in 1854 was briefly the capital of the republic. Tolima University was founded in 1945, and raised to university status in 1954".
Quito 7/3 2005:
*** Monday edition:
*** Recording of 6134.80 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra
This is a recording from the stations indian language programming with music and ID. A very regular station, has been on this split many years.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from Santa Cruz de la Sierra here!
6134.80 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia). 03/2005.
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, commonly known as simply Santa Cruz, is the second largest city in the Republic of Bolivia with a population of roughly one million residents. It is also the capital city of
the Department of Santa Cruz. Located in the eastern part of the country at 416m above sea level, the city, though usually warm, experiences chill winds that blow from the Argentine pampas called
Santa Cruz is connected by railway to Argentina and Brazil, and connected by a road built in the 1950s to Trinidad, Cochabamba and the Chaco badlands. It is also the home of Viru Viru International
Airport, one of the largest airports in Bolivia.
As the city was fairly isolated until the early 20th century, Santa Cruz has much colonial architecture, including a 16th century cathedral and numerous Jesuit missions, and a World Heritage listed
Inca fortress called El Fuerte de Samaipata.
Quito 3/3 2005:
*** Thursday edition:
*** Recording of 1279.92 HJKN R. Unica, SF de Bogotá
I have not presented a recording of R. Unica before because of heavy interference from other stations on the channel. This time strong enough. All evenings this format, music with jingels and
Pasto is a city of about 450.000 people and the capital of the department "Nariño", located in southwest Colombia. The city is located in the "Valle de Artiz", in the Andes cordillera, near
the volcano "Galeras", at a hight of about 2427 metres.
73s Bjorn Malm
See photo from BOGOTA here!
1279.92 HJKN R. Unica, SF de Bogotá (Colombia). 03/2005.